Pulitzer Prize

Image result for no leg pulitzer prize

This is a picture of a boyfriend who was going to watch his girlfriend run the race and got affected by the Boston bombing, token by Josh Haner.  He was in physical therapy and he was so exhausted so he is just  laying there.  This photo makes me feel overwhelmed and said for his family because anyone could of been affected.  This man now has to live his whole life suffering from this bombing.

Image result for kenya mall massacre pulitzer prize

This is a picture of a mom and her kids getting affected by the Kenyan mall massacre, taken by Tyler Hicks.  Tyler got a call to go to  the mall to take photos and got to take this quick photo before being ushered into safety.  This photo makes me upset cause when I look at this I imagine my own family in this situation and it makes me very upset.  The part of the photo that made me the most upset was the bullets around the family. 


Plane entering south tower

Image result for pulitzer prize 911

This is the photo of the second plane hitting the world trade center. Fire explosions erupted. The photos was taken the second it went into the tower. This photo drew me because 911 was a very terrible day and I to see photos of that day. If  I was a photographer I would be speechless and sad. I couldn’t do anything to help them all I could do is watch the terror happen. Some rewards are getting the perfect photo and maybe even winning.


Image result for pulitzer prize philippines

This is a picture of a Filipino family grieving after the death of their dad. His daughter was crying. The president killed him because he thought he was a criminal but he was innocent. If I was that photographer I would be very sad. It is very depressing and I would remember it forever. I don’t think there are any rewards other than getting attention and maybe money.

This is the JFK exhibit. I really liked this because he was a very cool president and person. My favorite pieces were all of his photos. It fit in very well because they were in the media a lot.


This photo is a picture of the World Trade Center Attack. This photo was added ion 2002 and was taken by Stave Ludlum.  This photo is a very emotional photo because it’s the day that thousands of people died. This picture shows when the first trade center was hit. This photo makes me sad and angry at the same time because thousands of people died and were taken away from their family’s. I’m angry because people purposely did this and took these people away from their family’s. What drew me to this photo was the fact that someone stood there long enough to actually get that photo.

This photo is titled Boston bombing Survivor. It was awarded and added to the Pulitzer prize gallery in 2014 and was taken by Josh Haner. This photo holds a lot of emotion because thousands of people were killed and if they were not killed but injured they were traumatized for life and had to live with the scars this event caused. This photo drew my attention because someone captured the pain, frustration, and tiredness that they are going through to recover from this event. 

Honestly I don’t think I would be able to do this and separate myself from whats happening to take this photo.  There are many struggles of begin a photojournalist because you have to separate yourself from the event to capture the moment and I don’t think I would be able to do.

The second Exhibit I did was The 9/11 gallery and film. This attack was fetal to hundreds of millions op people and the survivors were servile traumatized.  The comments were flooding is as soon as the attack happened because of how scurvier it was. The building after the attack was crumbled and unrecognizable and servile damaged the surrounding area too.  My favorite part of the exhibit was the  wall with all of the quotes ts on it. This exhibit fit into the museum because the museum showed both fetal and happy events and aloud people to understand the past better. 


What drew me to the Iwo Jima flag raising was the fact was that my grandfather was part of it. However due to further research I found out that this photo is the 2nd flag raising, and that my grandfather was in the first flag raising. The 2nd one became more popular in America, but the first one the more important one during the battle. I don’t feel anything overwhelming, but I feel like I get a glimpse of what my grandfather went through. 


What drew me to the photo was the weakened state of the child. I didn’t understand why that vulture was there until I read the description and I realized that it was stalking the child for food. I was overcame with pity for the child because she was trying to get to a food center, but was being hunted at the same time. I can understand the grief the photographer went through as he saw this happening. 2 months after his photo won the Pulitzer prize he took his life. This really shows what is wrong with the world.

In the 2nd photo I would’ve without a thought carried the child but also keeping some distance and sprint him/her to the food center. Even if I received a disease of it, it would have been different.

2nd Exhibit: 911

The Timeline of 911. Even though I wasn’t alive to witness it (thank god), it gives me a feel or “taste” of what happened that day.  I learned a lot of information about 9/11 including the jumpers which were very sad. It fits into the newseum because reporters and journalist were all over to record the event which is why we  can re witness it in such detail.


This photo made me feel sad and depressed because I see a little girl crying looking at her dead innocent dad.  It is also sad because I know that the dad died from criminal and it wasn’t his fault.  What drove me to look at this photo was the fact that it is very colorful and that there are many different things going on.  

This photo also made me feel heart broken because I know that I am looking at an event that killed tons of people.  What drove me to this photo was the fact that it is the exact moment right when the first tower started to fall.


If I were taking these photos I would separate being human verse my job because in the first photo I would have sympathy and not be able to take the photo when I am in so much shock.  If I were taking the 9/11 photo there is no chance that I would be thinking about my job because I would be running for my life and I would be so sad thinking about how many people just died.  I can identify the struggles of a photojournalist because it is a very emotional job.


My favorite exhibit was the 9/11 exhibit.  What made me like it was that they showed first hand accounts of people that were there and they showed film of the event happening.  My favorite artifact was that they had a piece of the building in the middle of the exhibit.  This fit into the Newseum because all news channels had this event on TV the whole day because it was a catastrophic event.


This is a photo of a Boston bombing survivor lying in his hospital bed. He lost his legs in the bombing. This picture was taken by Josh Haner in 2017 and it’s a Pulitzer prize photo. I was drawn to this picture because it stood out to me because he was missing his legs. This picture makes me realize how lucky I am and it makes me fell sad that he lost his legs for no good reason.

This photo is called Hurricane Katrina and it was taken in 2005 by Smiley N. Pool. This is a picture of people on a street trying to get people to notice them, so they can get help. They needed people to help them because the water from the hurricane was rising and if they didn’t get help soon, they may die. I was drawn to this photo because I saw the words, “help” and “the water is rising.” After seeing these words I wanted to know what it was about and it made me feel very sad that no one was helping them and no one is bringing them to safety. 

If I were taking these photos, I don’t think I would be able to separate my job from being human. I think this because if I saw someone in need I would want to help them otherwise I would regret it later, even if it meant losing my job. I think some struggles of being a photojournalist would be that you have to just stand by and take pictures instead of going to help the person in need. The only benefit might be that you have a good picture.


This is a picture from the 9/11 exhibit. This exhibit fit in with the rest of the Newsuem because it is something that happened in the past and it was a tragedy. The picture below is a picture of just a fraction of all the newspaper on the wall. The newspapers were all about 9/11 but from different cities perspectives. This was one of my favorite things in the exhibit but, my other favorite was a photographers possessions that died while taking pictures of the attack. I liked it because it taught me more about 9/11 so, now I know more about what happened.



At the Newseum there were many interesting things but on thing there was, was the Pulitzer prize photos. One of them was,

The Philippine drug war by Daniel Berehalak, This photo is about the president of the Philippines promised to kill 100,000 criminals that were related to the drug war but, most were innocent. This picture shows an  innocent father that was killed being surrounded by a crying family and his very sad daughter. This photo made me feel very sad that there are corrupt country’s like this that have real problems and innocent people are being slaughtered.

The next photo i choose is called Historic campaign by Damon winter. This photo shows Barack Obama in his first campaign for president on a rainy day looking out into the crowd of people waiting for him to address them. This picture made me feel lots of pride because it was the beginning of something historic and a great 8 year run as president of the untied states of america .


One exhibit i really liked was the FBI exhibit. In the FBI exhibit they had lots of cool artifacts. They had the SUV from the times square bomber in 2010. Also, they had the Unabombers cabin from Montana. They had the shoe from the shoe bomber. They also had the explaining of how media can effect FBI searches. They also had a copy of the Magazine that was falsely accusing people of the Boston Bombing. I thought it was cool but kind of creepy to know that they still have all of the artifacts intact from the events. 

Set in the street

“Set in the street” took a lot of hard work and time. The first step was building the walls. We used wood and thick sheets of paper in order to be able to drill and hammer the piece together. After that we used a purple-gray color and painted the walls. Once all 3 sets of wood were finished we put them all together. Then we used a sofa and a chair from the teachers lounge to make it look more like a living room. After that we used a black framed photo of the school in it and hung it up. We also used a bookshelf from the teachers lounge with different varieties of books in it. After we used an older looking lamp to have some light. The 2 end coffee tables were put together to make it look like 1 table. MAGIC! We then took our places as someone took our photo. Down below is a sample photo of my friends in the set.





In photography class we got assigned a field trip to the Newseum in Washington DC. In the museum our teacher assigned us to find three pictures and write about them I chose the ones that really stood out to me. Next, after the photography section of the museum I went to the FBI section and that was one of my favorites because they had actual clothing that belonged to one of the very first FBI agent they also had the very first FBI car. Lastly, in the  Image result for newseum photosnewseum they had a 9/11 exhibit which was amazing because they had a piece of the actual thing that was used during the time to hang the American flag on.

Image result for newseum photography exhibitImage result for newseum 911 exhibit

Set in the Street

In class this week we created a set. It was made of three 4×8 panels with dry wall on top of the frame. This project was a recreation of Justin Bettman’s famous project but instead of putting the set in a middle school it was outside in random places.  We started off by cutting 2×4’s to make the frame. Once we had all of the pieces cut out we made a rectangle and drilled the pieces together so we had a complete frame. We then laid drywall on top of it and had the three frames. After that we painted the dry wall grey to make it look like a real living room. Then we drilled the walls together to make it one stable wall. We then brought chairs, couches and a bookshelf from the teachers lounge. It worked when we used the props like the books in a good way and it didn’t work when we just sat there and looked at the camera.

construction photos