Light graffiti!

This is the picture that I decided to post, order to get this picture you have to have a camera and have the ISO to 100 the shutter speed has to have 8 to 15 sec. Something that really worked in this project was seeing the light in the camera and no other light showing. Something that was not so easy about this project was making the perfect drawing to show. We did have some frustrations of someone in our group kept walking in the background while one person was making there art. One thing that is important to have is keeping the ISO high like 100 or 200. Click here to see the rest of the whole group photos!

Lego Portraits!

This project was so fun it’s basically about that you take mini action figures like Legos and take photos of them like if it was there point of view. some skills I used for this project from previous projects was angles and blur from the background. Something challenge for this project was building some things for the scene. If I would have to take more pictures then what I did I would probably take photos of the Lego people doing in camping. To see rest of my photos click here!

Close up!

This project was fun all you had to do was take photos of something up close! Something that worked well in this project was finding something to take a picture. But something difficult about this project was focusing on the thing for it can not come out blurry. I would like to take a picture of a big leaf with rain drops on it,if I had the time to do it.Overall this project was fun to take photos up close! Click Here to see the rest of my photos!

Action Photos!

This project is about you taking a picture of something moving like the photo i have on ,which is a stack photo. I took multiple of pictures of one bee and made it like this. I went to Photoshop to edit it. I had to bee still for this project . I burst the photos to take the picture. Something i need to tell you is be still and take the right time to take the photo/s. A sport that i would love to take photo for this project would be soccer, like someone kicking the ball and also basket ball ,like someone about to shoot it in the basket. click here to see the rest of my photos!

Framing your subject!

Framing the subject is a project that we did recent. Its where you are taking a photo which something is framing the subject. Framing the subject and The rule of thirds are completely opposite, Rule of thirds is talking a photo of someone or something like looking it first then the background. Framing the subject is something framing something or someone. Something that was challenging in this project was looking for a place to frame something. Overall it was a fun project And I liked that we went outside for it. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Rule of thirds!

The rule of thirds is basically taking a photo like looking at something and then looking the background of it. Something that worked well in this project would be taking the photo. Something that was hard to do was looking the right spot to take the photos. Honestly this project was kinda fun but kinda difficult at the same time. I think it was more fun at the beginning but then it got kinda boring. While I was taking the photos I used the lines to help it make rule of thirds. And then I just placed something or someone in the line. Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Infinite portrait (Black)

Infinite black background was a project that we did in class. It’s about where you get a black background and take a light bulb and then just start to pose for the camera. Something that worked well in the project was editing the photos. And something that was hard was finding a right pose for it. Overall this was a fun project to experience how to make a simple photo with black background so good and mysterious. Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Infinite Portrait (white)

Infinite white background was a project that we did in class. It’s about where you get a plain white background and take a light bulb and then you just start to pose and take photos. Something that worked well in this project was putting the light for the photos. And something that was hard was adjusting the light bulb because of the shadows. Overall this was a fun project, my favorite part of the project was taking a picture of someone. Click here to see the rest of the photos!

5 shots!

5 Shots!, 5 shots is a project that we just did we are supposed to take photos of two objects and one person but not just one ordinary picture. We are supposed to take 5 photos in 5 different angles! One easy part of this project was to find the object/person (I worked with Nicole). One challenging part of this project was to take five angles of the object/person. I kept trying to find how I could take it but luckily at last I did. Overall this was a fun project, we could see how many angles we can take for an object! To see the rest of my photos click here!

24 colors!

This is the 24 crayon project, basically is getting a box of 24 crayons and finding something that would match each color. One challenging part was taking the great pictures I tried so many times to take the right photo. Something that was easy in this project was going around to find something that would match the colors! Overall I think That the 24 color project was fun because you go around places and find the right colors. Click Here to view the rest of the photos.