Light Graffiti

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Lego Stories



Rule of Thirds


Light Graffiti

For this project, we used digital cameras to capture light drawings. To make your drawings, you have to use a bright light that will show up on a dark background and a light that your camera can process. My group used our phones and downloaded an app that had neon colors to add a pop to our photos. To actually capture this moving light, the person taking the photo has to leave the camera shutter open as long as possible, allowing the light to hit the sensor of the camera. On my camera, we used a setting called Bulb that allowed us to hold the shutter open as long as we want. While one person was holding down the button, it gave the other group members time to "paint" a scene or drawing. It worked to have 2-3 group members drawing, while one person took the photo. It was more challenging to have one person drawing because it took longer. It was frustrating at times because when you were trying to change color, you would have to leave the view of the camera and then if you messed ...

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    • For this project, we used digital cameras to capture light drawings. To make your drawings, you have to use a bright light that will show up on a dark background and a light that your camera can process. My group used our phones and downloaded ...

      Light Graffiti

      June 4, 2019
    • This project was one of my favorites this quarter. I used my Nikon camera to get up close to different plants and objects to capture the small details that you usually wouldn't notice. The main idea of this project was to get up close and find ...

      Up Close

      May 24, 2019
    • In this project, we took photos of legos up close. Similar to the Macro project, you had to move your camera extremely close to capture the "small" world. This was challenging because you couldn't use objects that were human size, they had to ...

      Lego Stories

      May 16, 2019
    • In this project, we took photos of moving objects or things to capture photos of them in motion. To capture a good quality photo, we used a burst mode to take a bunch of photos at the same time. I would love to take action shots of people ...


      April 26, 2019
    • In this project, we had to find objects that could make a natural frame of something. This assignment was similar to the rule of thirds, because when you look at a photo that uses the framing technique, your eye goes straight to whats inside ...


      April 2, 2019
    • For this assignment, we had to take photos inside and outside using the rule of thirds technique. To take a successful photo using this technique, you have to align an object or a person using an imaginary grid. The grid is split into thirds, ...

      Rule of Thirds

      April 2, 2019
    • To take photos for this assignment, it was very similar to the process of taking the black background photos. We had to change the IOS, so a shadow wouldn't show up on the white background. In photoshop, we also changed the brightness to help ...

      Portraits (white background)

      April 1, 2019
    • In this project, my group took photos of each other against a black background. In Photoshop, we used curves to adjust the color levels of our photo. We had to change the ISO lower because of light sensitivity against a dark background. This ...


      March 15, 2019
    • click here to find my photos. In class, my peers and I were asked to find 3 objects and take 5 photos of each object. The twist on this project was we had to take the 5 photos all from different angles. It was a challenge to find ...

      5 Shots

      March 6, 2019
    • For this assignment, my classmates and I had to take 24 pictures of crayons blended in with objects of the same color. This project was very difficult to find colors exactly like the crayons. Especially in our school, a very non colorful place, ...


      February 27, 2019

Light Graffiti

For this project, we used digital cameras to capture light drawings. To make your drawings, you have to use a bright light that will show up on a dark background and a light that your camera can process. My group used our phones and downloaded an app that had neon colors to add a pop to our photos. To actually capture this moving light, the person taking the photo has to leave the camera shutter open as long as possible, allowing the light to hit the sensor of the camera. On my camera, we ...

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