Light Graffiti

In this project I had to put my group mates and I in different positions and flash light around them. The light around them then turned into streaks of light in different shapes and patterns. The skills I needed to complete this project was not showing the light when we were done highlighting. What didn’t work was showing the light to the camera after the person was done flashing the light.

Click here to see my photo.

Close Up Photos

In this project I had to go outside and take a picture of an object close up with obvious details. The picture I chose to do a close up of some bricks on the hill. I chose this photo because it unfocused twice like a sand. The picture I chose to do was a close up picture of the bricks on the hill. I did this because the hill had cool close up details and they are full of detail.

Click Here To See My Photos.

Rule Of Thirds

In this project I had to take a picture of a person or an object then have a background behind them that makes the persons eye travel when they look at it. The easy thing about this project was finding an object or a person to take a picture for but the difficult task was finding a good background that displays the rule of thirds. I think this project would have been more important to a photographer but to a middle school student it was absolutely pointless.

White Background

In this project I had to put my group mates against a white colored background and take a photo trying to make the white background unnoticeable. What worked was placing there person in the photo a few steps away from the background. What didn’t work was standing too close or too far to the white background.

Infinite Black Background

In this project we had to take pictures of other people in our group in front of a black background. The hard thing about this project was finding the correct lighting to get the person in the background to stay unseen. The easy thing about this project was finding the background to make the photo. What worked was standing 3 feet from the background so the light could hit the person and the camera wouldn’t see the black background.

5 Shots Pd.7

In this project we took 15 pictures. 5 pictures of different angles of one object. And 3 objects in total. I did this by moving an object and taking pictures all around it. One of the pictures had to be a person and we also had to take 5 different angled pictures of them. One of the hardest things to do in this project was finding all the angles to take the pictures.

Click here to see my photos