Set In The Street

In Photography class this week we made a set in the street which is a miniature replica of a house used for pictures although the house is split in half so my class and I made a living room. In order to have everything we needed we had to take couches and bookshelves from the teachers lounge. Also, we needed to have some wood for the walls and the wood was exactly “4’8”. Than we had to paint the walls [wood] with gray paint my teacher provided us with. Lastly,once we finished it was time to decorate!!!!!!!! Although, decorating was quite challenging we were able to communicate and the house ended up looking awesome.


Set In The Street

Our Set in the street photography project was very fun to create.  Over the past two weeks my photography class has been assigned to build a set.  Everyone was working hard to make our set look great.  It was a long and difficult process, but along the way we had fun and in the end had a excellent result.  


First we had to build the background.  A makeshift wall would have to do for our background.  Our class was split up into three groups each being responsible for  a section of the wall.  After cutting wood into planks using an electric saw we assembled the outline of the wall. Then added a board going through the middle.  The next day we screwed pieces of drywall onto the boards.  We then painted the drywall grey. To set up for arts night, we connected the walls together.  After school students built a stand for the wall. They then decorated with couches, a picture, coffee tables and a bookshelf.  


Overall, this process was very efficient.  As a class we were able to complete the scene in a very short amount of time.  Students got to show their skill at carpentry and using building tools.  I learned a lot about building and got to use a drill correctly.  I was able to collaborate with my peers to create something we could all enjoy.  In order to make the process even more efficient we could have created roles for each member of the group.


Our final product was very satisfactory.  The scene we created looked like it belong in an actual living room.  Many people who attended arts night were able to lounge in the couches and have their pictures taken.  I truly enjoyed creating our Set In The Street project and learned a lot.

Set in the Street

This past week in class we were doing a project called Set in the Street. This project was very fun to do but required tons of work. Set in the Street is basically a project where you build a wall and decorate in front of the wall to make it look like the inside of a house. You are supposed to do this in a random area and take a picture with a normal background still in it. Then, you are supposed to crop out the background so it looks like the picture was taken in an actual house. The first step was to build a wall. This required a lot of work because we had to get pieces of wood and hammer then together to create a 4×8 base. We then took drywall and placed it onto the base. We drilled it into the base so that it would stay in place and then we were done. We then painted the wall so it looked like an actual house. Finally, the last step was to drill and hammer nails and screws into all three wall that we made in order to make one big 12×8 wall.After we built the wall, we had to get furniture to put inside our “house.” So, we went up to the teacher’s lounge and got couches, chairs, tables, and bookcases. They were very heavy but, we brought them downstairs and put them in place. We then put the wall up by making wooden supports to hold up the wall. The last step was to put a few pictures up on the wall which me made by getting a picture frame and putting a picture of our school inside it and add a deck of cards and we were done! During this project I struggled with drilling the screws into the wood because I’ve never done it before. But, I found painting it very easy because that is something that I have done before.                  


Set in the Street


For this project we did something called “Set in the Street”. This was started by a photographer in New York that built sets in different populated places. Except these sets were out of place. Our set was of a living room that we built in the atrium of our school. The purpose of this was to take pictures of subjects and have them act like they were in there own living room. This presented some challenges. Challenges like creating three walls from scratch and fitting an 8 foot tall wall through a 7 foot tall door. This project however was a lot less stressful and a lot more fun than the typical projects we do.

Set In The Street

Our project was called “Set in the Street”. This project was based on a photograph, Justin Bettman, who used old furniture to create an elaborate interior designs and then left the sets on the streets for people to capture and share their own photos. For our project, we decided to replicate an old living room. It took multiple days to build the wall. The wall had three parts and then became one in the end. We had to assemble and cut the wood to fit perfectly. It also took some manual labor the nail and screw everything in and carry the walls around. Then we painted the wall a light gray to match our coach. Once everything was complete, we still had to connect the three pieces into one wall. It took after school time and work from a couple students to finish the project for Arts Night. We used the couches and chairs from the teachers lounge and the bookcase to make the living be more realistic. We also used two tables and put them together to make a coffee table and we placed books and a deck of cards to make it looked like someone lived there. Finally, we placed a lamp, from Mr. Leech, on the side and a picture of our school on the wall to make the room come more to life. During Arts Night we had fellow students and parents come and take photos in our set. This project was very fun to do but it definitely took time and work to complete. Below are some of my favorite photos and a video of us building it. 

Set in the Street Project

Our project was called “Set in the Street”. This means that we build a set and put it in a place where many people walk by even though what we make might not correspond with what’s there. We decided the easiest thing to do was build a living room and use things from the teachers lounge. We would then place it in the middle of our school hallway and during Arts Night. In order to build this we built 3 panels out of wood (8ft tall by 4ft long)and drywall. We used many tools like a hammer, nails, drills and screws to connect everything and create a wall. Then we had to paint it all and connect them together. In order for it to stand up we had a bar on the floor and three pieces of wood connecting one to each panel. When the wall was all built we dragged and lifted it into our spot in the hallway. Bringing the couches and bookshelf down from the teachers lounge was very hard, but we managed to succeed. First we placed the couch in the middle and the chair to the side. We created a long coffee table using two small ones and put a lamp behind the chair. We placed the bookshelf on the other side and filled it with the books. We created a more natural like place and had decorations in the bookshelf. We also laid a deck of cards on the table along with a few books. Our last and final touch was placing a picture of our school on the wall. We nailed a nail in and hung it up in the center. Finally, we all signed our names on the back to show all of our hard work. We then took photos while people were walking by and all throughout arts night. Below is some of the photos we took and a time lapse of creating the set.


Set in the Street

These past few weeks in class, we did a project call “Set in the Street”. This project was based off of an artist, who builds sets, and puts them on the streets of New York. This project required my class, and I, to build an actual set. Once this set was built, we put it in the atrium, and took pictures of us in it. To build the set, we had to make walls, get furniture, and anything else we needed to make a living room. Building the walls was a two to three day process. We had to build the frames, drywall, and paint. After the wall was built, and put together, we got furniture, and other decorations, from the teacher’s lounge. The difficult part about this project was building the walls. It was a very new experience to me, using tools, and doing construction. We used nails, hammers, drills, screws, saws, and a few other tools, to put together this wall. Once we were finished, we put it to public use at “Art’s Night”, where people could take pictures with it. The picture below shows my friends, and I, using the “living room” to create a scene, acting like it was a normal day. Throughout this project, I learned that building is fun!!