Lit Graffiti

This project was very fun but very challenging. To make sure the light was drawn we had to make sure that the light was facing the camera and make sure to not drag the light around.  If we did then there would be light streaks in the photo. We had to change the shutter speed to be very long so it could take in all of the light. For the picture above I light steel wool on fire and spun it. All the sparks would be taken into the camera which made it look very cool. I also edited some of these pictures in Adobe photo shop. I changed the exposure, curves and many other things.

Light Graffiti

 in this project we where supposed to make a design with light in a dark area so make it visible in the picture, we needed to highlight the character with a flashlight then point the light towards the camera to draw. We messed with the f stop on the camera and used a green glow stick to make it look like a predigested  edible light saber that was a few weeks old took us a while to get right

Light Graffiti

Our camera expert Ashley handled all the settings. The ISO was turned down low to not grab as much light, and the shutter speed was opened for 15 seconds so we can draw the design onto the model. And I have no idea what we did with the F-stop. Using phone lights worked really work to make beams or out lines, but in the picture we used Christmas lights and swung it around for the back ground. Using the light sticks did not show up in our earlier photos because they weren’t bright enough. Well if we were to take it to the next level, we would have to go out and buy some colored light bulbs, so it will show up better and be able to make more creative projects. We would also have to extend the shutter speed to attempt to make more complex photos.

Light Graffiti

The light graffiti project was a very interesting and fun project.  Some struggles in the project was focusing the camera and shinning the light carefully. For the string lights it was really cool how it turned out. Another level I would do for next time is try the umbrella with the string lights.

Light Graffiti

link to photos:

This week in class we are working on a project called light graffiti. To complete this project we were told to first take a camera and change the shutter speed to a longer time. We choose to do 15 seconds so we had enough time to complete the entire picture. During this project, we got many lights to shine on the people and the camera. When you shine a light on a person it makes them light up and when you shine it at the camera it causes whatever lines that you drew to show up. This only happens because the shutter speed is at a pretty high number. After we took all of our pictures we edited them on Adobe Photoshop and then uploaded them to google photos in order to share our pictures with our entire class. During this project, I found it hard to make sure that the person stood still so it wasn’t blurry and that there was no glare on someone’s face. However it was easy to change the shutter speed in order to take a good picture.

Light Graffiti

For this project we had to use many different settings and had to mes around a lot. This was because we had many challenges. One of the biggest challenges was lighting the person up. When we did it we were sometimes to close so it would look as if they were very white. Sometimes you couldn’t see them at all. When we messed with the F-stop on certain images we found that it was better to only do one layer at parts because then the camera wouldn’t capture so much that it would overpower it. This project was very fun because you could draw and make whatever you wanted. Whether it was a setting or powers coming from the person.

Here is the link for more of the photos we took-

Light Graffiti

In this project we were told to create interesting pictures with flashlights by messing with the camera’s settings.  First we went to the gym and turned off all the lights so that it was pitch black.  Then, we changed the shutter speed to 15 seconds so that the camera would allow the light to come in.  After that we shined our flashlight at the camera and created a design and the final result was an interesting picture with light graffiti.  Some of the challenges in this project were if you were posing for the picture you couldn’t move at all or else the picture would be messed up and you would have to retake it.  Another challenge was if you were shining your flashlight and creating a design you couldn’t see what you had already drawn so you might go over it again and mess it up.  Some of the things that worked in this project were that it was easy to set up the camera and take the picture because you just set the shutter speed to 15 seconds then take the picture and leave it.  The picture below is my favorite picture because I find it interesting that the k is backwards.  Below is a link to the rest of  the pictures we took.

Light Graffiti

This project was probably the most fun so far this year and the hardest too. It was fun because we could be creative in the light painting. To get the picture the way it is we had someone with Christmas lights throwing them up and down so you see the light streak. This worked because the shutter speed was at 15 seconds so that the light travels around. We had to move quickly too so the camera didn’t pick us up. It didn’t work when you moved slowly and then there was just random white lights. It was a lot of trial and error as it took 4 days to get 5 good photo’s. To take this project to the next level I think if we used mirrors or water in a cool way to make reflections. Also because so many people were doing this project at the same time there was a lot of light coming into the camera so it was hard. Because of that if we were in a bigger space it would be easier.

Light Graffiti

In this project we were asked to create images using light photography in the dark. We had to adjust the shutter speed and ISO to make the photo look good and so you could see the light. The shutter speed was most important because it allowed us to create shaped with the lights for a maximum of 15 seconds and the camera was sucking in the light to make the shapes viable in a picture. This project was very fun but also very challenging. It was hard at first because we had to learn how to properly light up the person and images so you can see the person and words/ pictures without lighting up someone else.  Below are my five favorite photos that my group created and the link to all my other photos.

Light Graffiti

In this project we were supposed to take pictures using light photography with our flashlights. A key part of this project was the ISO and shutter speed. The shutter speed allowed us to move the lights to make the shape we wanted, while all that was happening the camera was taking in all the light being flashed. The shutter speed was usually 15 seconds but  in some cases we shortened it. In some scenarios we would want our person to be seen, so we would  shine with the flashlight and other times we kept them dark. In the picture above, we lit the person in the middle after we made the wings, the blue line behind the wing is there because the person lighting them forgot to turn off  the light, but the final product was cool.

One of the challenges of this project was to make sure to have the right timing and not get the people behind the scenes in the background. This was my favorite project so far, because we had lots of freedom and creativity. Here is the link to the rest of my  photos.