
This week in Photography class my class and I visited the Newsuem. I visited many exhibits such as the Pulitzer Prize, FBI, and News History. The Pulitzer Prize was my favorite. These pictures were award winners, many of them telling a tragic story.  I learned about how hard times were in different countries during different times.  This also included the Berlin Wall and the Death Tower.  Going into these exhibits gave me a certain feeling of fear. This picture is of people that lost their homes to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. This was one of the most devastating natural disaster in the US, more than 1800 people lost their lives. This picture was taken by Smiley Pool. Taking this photo would make me rethink everything I have and I would become more grateful that this didn’t hit where I was. 

 This picture was taken of the “World Trade Center Attack”. This tragic event occurred on September 11, 2001. This was located in New York City, the buildings on fire are the Twin Towers. This picture is chilling and crazy to even think about how many people were in the buildings at that time and how close the photographer was, I would be scared and depressed that I couldn’t do anything to help. This picture was taken by Steve Ludlum. 

Lastly this was one of the exhibits, the News Room. This exhibit was for the most popular news the US. For each even they had a detailed description. It was really intriguing to see how time has changed has changed our culture and events. If I was a photographer of the Pulitzer Prize photo I don’t think I could ever go back to having a normal life. Everywhere I went I would see something I took and regret the fact that I was there and couldn’t help.



Set in the Street

Building the set in the street wasn’t as complicated as it seemed. We built the walls first that were 8ft by 4ft then we painted each wall and put them all together to make one big wall. The hard part was putting in the nails into the wall because you had to hit it hard and straight or it would go up and out of the wood. The easier part was going to get the smaller furniture. Some were heavy but with a lot of people helping it wasn’t as bad. The walls were painted a greyish color and had a stand so it wouldn’t fall over. Next we put the couches down and got books to put into the bookshelf and got lamps and coffee tables. The process was not as bad as it seemed because everyone helped out so it was much easier and got things done faster.


Set in the Street

The project we just completed was called set in the street.Building a set in the street isn’t very complicated it is just time consuming.  The thing that worked the best was painting because that was pretty easy because it only took about five minutes.  The thing that didn’t work was nailing the nails into the wood because people kept messing up the nails and we would have to redo it.  To start the process of building the set in the street we measured and cut pieces of wood until it was 8 by 4 feet.  Then, we nailed all the wood together and painted it a dark grey.  After that, we placed the boards in the middle of the school and decorated the set with furniture and paintings from the teachers lounge.  We also decorated the set with lights and a bookshelf filled with books.  The process took about three days to build the set but the final product was amazing.  The final product ended up looking like a real living room in the middle of our school.  Below is a link to the construction process and pictures of the final product.  There is also a link to a time laps of us assembling the set.



Set In the Street


In the “Set In The Street” project, our class had to split up into groups and we got right to building. We cut certain pieces of wood, made them specific sizes, and nailed/screwed the three walls together. When we started painting, my classmates and I had a roller and painted the three walls grey. The next day, we made final touches to the wall and headed near the gym doors. A couple students went up to the teachers lounge and got couches, coffee tables, a lamp, chairs, and even a bookshelf. We got books and accessories to fill the bookshelf and hung some pictures up on the walls. On the coffee tables, we put some cards and books to add the final touch to the living room. On arts night, we successfully had people come sit on the couches and chairs and took many photos.


Set On The Street

Our project was called set on the street so we built set that would represent a living room but we had put it in a place that a living room would not belong in the middle of a hallway. To build the walls we had to use wood to outline the sides so we could put the dry wallpaper so you cover could the top of the wood. Martrels we had to use was a electric saw to cut the wood in to half because each wooden plank had to be 40 inches long. One thing that did not work was the hammering because when we hammered the pins down the pins would move in a direction because of how hard we would hit it down. Things that did work was when my group painted to front of the drywall.

Set In The Street

The project was to create a set in this case we made a living room in front of a busy street or place. The goal was to represent that there can be a home in our everyday life. With so much happening we should take a break in the middle. That was the purpose of building the set in the street so people can realize and relax at like they were at home. The set took about a week to make. We used drywall as the wall in the background, and we “stole” the furniture from the teachers lounge. The pictures were taken on arts night where the students come and in and look at the art created that quarter.



Set In The Street

In this project we built a set and used furniture to make a “basic living room”. We took 4 feet wide by 9 feet tall “walls” and put them together to make a big living room wall.But before we could do that we had to nail the dry wall onto the boards. We covered it in grey paint and hung up a picture of the school. We put the set in the middle of a hallway at our school and put couches, chairs and bookshelves in the set. Then we sat in random positions pretending we were home. Some pictures are just of the set and the others are showing what’s in the background (people talking or walking). It was really easy to find furniture and take pictures. But it was pretty hard to nail the dry wall to the boards and make sure everything is lined up correctly.  I’ve built a wall before, so there was nothing new for me to experience. 

Set In The Street

This is a picture if Mr.Lubin and his daughter int he set in the street.  They looked like they were at home and i thought it was a good time to take a picture of them. they were looking at the paper we had to work on during arts night. and he was showing her what to do.

Set in the Street

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been building our, “Set in the Street”. We got to build three 12 by 8 foot walls and then paint and sand them. This took about four or five days. They were our backdrop, we put a lamp in front of them and hung a picture on them to make them look more like normal living room walls.. We got a sofa, two coffee tables and a chair from the teacher’s lounge to furnish our, “Living Room”. Over the course of Arts Night, we took pictures of visitors posing in the seats, pretending to sleep, read, play cards, etc. I don’t really have anything to add about that, as I was sick and couldn’t attend. The next day, we took more pictures of ourselves pretending to do things in the seats.

Set In the Street

Over the past week and a half we built the “Set In the Street”. The “Set In the Street” is a room that you build in the middle of a street but because we were in school we built it in the atrium. For our room we decided on a modern living room. First we had to build the frame out of wood. We made 3 pieces of wood, each piece was 4 feet by 8 feet. Then the next day we laid drywall onto it and put try wall paint onto the screw holes. The 3rd day we sanded off the extra drywall paint and painted the wall gray. Then it came to putting it all together. We clamped it all together and brought down items to make it a living room. Some students stayed after school to put the finishing touches. They went to the teachers lounge and brought down sofas and a bookshelf. They filled the bookshelf with books which took a lot of time. We hung up a photos of our school and put cards on the coffee table. The same day at arts night we kept a camera there so anyone who wanted to could sit and take a photos in the living. Overall this project taught me many building techniques and was a very fun project.