
I used the “Camera Captures Horror” photo taken by Charles Porter IV. In this photo, you can see a fireman holding a baby who was trapped in a building after a bombing. The photo was taken in 1995 and it was really touching and sad.  What drew me to the photo was the child covered in ashes and it was so sad.



I also used the “Babe Ruth’s Final Goodbye” photo was taken in 1948 by Nat Fein. The photo was interesting because everybody was standing in honor of him and the crowds all crazy because of the legend. It was sad and a cool picture because of all of the respect he earned.

I would not be able to take the first photo because it was so sad and I would have to be a normal human and help the people, not photograph. The second photo would be much easier to take because it isn’t as emotional.

The exhibit that I visited was the FBI exhibit. It was really cool and I could see the actual artifacts including 911 parts, bombing stuff, and more. There was a lot of stuff on terrorist attacks which was scary and even the Unibomber’s cabin.

Here’s the like to the Pulitzer Prize photos:

white background

In this project my group and I took photos trying to use a white background. This assignment had a a lot of challenges, like trying try to see into a bright light to having the light being to bright. When we moved the light that seemed to work and therefore we were able to do the assignment. I liked this project a lot.

Pulitzer prize

The photo I chose was Daniel Berehulak on the Ebola outbreak. He took most of his pictures in Monrovia.It was really sad seeing all the people being carried away.

The second picture I chose was the one by Don Bartlelli about the struggles of Immigrating to the US.It was interesting seeing how much they struggle trying to get across the border.I don’t think I could be able to just take pictures I would want to help them.

Another exhibit that I liked was the FBI exhibit because they had the actual evidence from the crime scenes. The best piece was the Uni bomber cabin it was very interesting because it was so small and it was where he made all of his bombs

Pulitzer Prize

In this project, we visited the Newseum and looked at Pulitzer prize winning photographs. The following photos are Pulitzer Prize photos that connected with me.

Image result for The child and the vulture

This photo is incredbly sad to me. Seeing the African child starving and the vulture waiting for it to die strikes a cord with me. It makes me think about how fortunate I am to be able to eat regularly and when I wish, while there are others who starve.  After the photographer took this photo, they committed suicide, depressed that their fame was caused by such awful conditions.


Image result for the croatian child being passed over the fence pulitzer prize photo

In this photo, Kosovo citizens are passing over their child to the refugees on the other side of the fence, in an attempt to give the child a better life. This photo connects with me because it shows the difference in like, even though both places have a similar landscape, can be so different do to a thin barbed fence. It also connects with me because my mom was a war correspondent in Kosovo.

If I were the photographer, I think I would have a hard time trying to seperate my job from being a human. I don’t think I could be a photojournalist, because I don’t think I could live with myself if I sat by instead of helping others. I suppose some might go into the field for fame, but as the photographer of the first photo knew, fame based on other’s suffering is not great fame.

Another great part of the exhibit is the 9/11 museum. They even have a peice of the Twin Towers in the middle, and all the newspapers the day after. The exhibit is certainly a very well researched one, and it stirs a lot of emotion for those who lived through 9/11. They have a full documentry playing on a loop in a small theater room, and even have the remnants of the camera of the journalist who died in the collapse. It is truly an amazing exhibit.

Rule of 3rds

For this project we had to take pictures on a line within the camera and there intersections.We had to take pictures with people and without people.The hardest thing was making the picture direst your eyes to places.I think rule of thirds is a useful tool when taking pictures.

rule of thirds

What we worked was making sure the gird was working and keeping everything on the gird.What didn’t work was not having the grid because it is way harder without the gird.At the beginning I was confused and thought it was going to be difficult but at the end it didn’t end up being hard.I mostly used the lines on the far left and the middle because it was the easiest to work with.

Link to the rest of the photos:

Rule of thirds

My 2 favorite photos are the ones of Anthony Spano and the soccer goal.  It was easy to position the camera. It was hard to find the right place to take the photo.I think that the rule of thirds is good because it allows you to see the main attraction first then  the extra stuff ..


   like how the photo showed a tragic story behind it, and I felt bad for the people. It also shows how things that seem small to us can effect others greatly.

Photographed by Smiley N.Pool. Title, Hurricane Katrina year 2006.


Many of my grandparents were forced into the army. This solider looks unhappy and forced.

Photographed by Craig F walker. Title, American solider year 2010.


If I was a photographer I wouldn’t be able to take pictures without helping. However I would try to take harsh photos so people seeing it will feel the need to help. Photographers go through the struggle of feeling like their not able to help, they also have to choose between a great photo or helping someone in need.

My favorite exhibit was the 9/11 one.  There many newspapers so you could see the perspective of it from people around the country. I also thought it was cool to see a peace of the tower.


Infinite background-White Background

For my white background photos, my friends and i stood in front of a white background and set the exposure to high to avoid creating shadows. Then I put the image into adobe photoshop and tweak the image’s light settings with the “curves” button. I learned that standing closer to the background made more shadows, and didn’t work; standing father away made the shadows disappear.

More photos at: