
   like how the photo showed a tragic story behind it, and I felt bad for the people. It also shows how things that seem small to us can effect others greatly.

Photographed by Smiley N.Pool. Title, Hurricane Katrina year 2006.


Many of my grandparents were forced into the army. This solider looks unhappy and forced.

Photographed by Craig F walker. Title, American solider year 2010.


If I was a photographer I wouldn’t be able to take pictures without helping. However I would try to take harsh photos so people seeing it will feel the need to help. Photographers go through the struggle of feeling like their not able to help, they also have to choose between a great photo or helping someone in need.

My favorite exhibit was the 9/11 one.  There many newspapers so you could see the perspective of it from people around the country. I also thought it was cool to see a peace of the tower.


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