
A difficult part of this project was getting my pictures into a document because I didn’t get the necessary help that I needed.  The people who have a sad face have the biggest difference between a smile and non-smile. Bias could affect my job as a photographer because I could skip by someone very interesting just because of how they look. I could ask a client to simply smile because everyone is capable of smiling. See my photos here


In this project it was hard to find people to photograph. We had to go through the whole building multiple times to find someone to photograph.  When the people smiled their eyes seemed to light up, they seemed to be “in their happy place.” If I knew the person then I might be biased towards them. If I have a low opinion of them I might subconsciously portray them in a bad way.  But if I have a high opinion of them the picture might make them seem cooler or heroic. The questions I would ask my client are things like what is your occupation or where do you want to work. I would also not ask questions too personal because that might affect how I make them look in the photo. To view more photos click here


For this project, we had to take 15 pairs of photos and each of the 15 has to be a different person. So 2 photos every person. In one of those photos, the person has to smile and on the other, the person cannot smile. The most difficult part of this project is asking strangers to take their picture. This made things hard to find people because most people either reject or they just look intimidating and we are just too scared to take their photos. Every one of those 15 people has a different change. Whether they don’t even change or they just look like a completely different person. Being bias as a photographer can change our way of seeing others. If the photographer saw them in a bad way, he/she is just losing more and more opportunities. As a photographer, you are expected to be fair. In order to take fair photos, you have to ask your client certain questions. Some questions you might ask could be as simple as this, “What do you consider yourself?” or, “What achievement do you consider to be your best. You don’t want to ask questions too personal.

Click here to see the photos.


For this project we had to take 15 pairs of photos (in our case 20 pairs because we were in a group) of people. One picture had to have them with a smile while the other had no smile. The difficulties of this project were asking complete strangers to take their pictures. This was kind of awkward in some situations and sometimes they would look really intimidating. However, after we asked them to smile, their face would turn into a whole different person. I saw many intimidating faces “light up” once we asked them to smile. A smile can turn anyone into a completely different person. Bias could affect a photographer because when we look at a person, we judge them based on their current appearance. When photographers do this, they lose many opportunities that they could have had if they just asked a simple question. If I was hired to be a photographer, I would ask my client/subject questions such as, “What would you consider to be your best achievement in life?” or, “What is your favorite emotion to experience?” (such as happiness or sadness). Asking questions like these helps me perceive the person better and also helps rid the bias. You can find the pictures we took here. Overall, this project helped us learn that “You can’t judge a book by its cover”.

Then I Asked Them to Smile

For this project I had to find 15 people to photograph for a total of 30 photos. One of the two photos taken of each person would be of them smiling, and the other would be of them with a straight face. One thing I found really difficult was that most people could not keep a straight face when I was taking their photo. Another thing I noticed was that most people did not want to be photographed. It was very easy to get a smiling photo however, as when most people see a camera they instantly smile. Some changes I noticed looking back at the photos was how much more friendly and welcoming they looked when they were smiling compared to when they had a straight face. They also looked more awake smiling. Bias could affect my job as photographer easily. One way bias could affect me is making assumptions of people before I take their photo. When hired, one question I would ask my clients to give me the best chance of taking “fair” photos is “Can you think of a really funny story and tell it to me?” I would ask them this because its very likely they will genuinely smile and laugh, which would give me a great opportunity to get an amazing photo. To see my photos, click here.


In this project, I had to take pictures of 15 different people, I had to take 30 pictures in total. One picture with them smiling and one without smiling. The challenge was finding people to take pictures of because no one wanted a picture of themselves. Some people’s face changed a lot but others, you could barely tell the difference. Some people look very happy but others look not enthusiastic. You can see my pictures here


During this project we had to find 15 different people and take pictures of them smiling and one not smiling to see how they change and what people thought when they look at both pictures. I had to have 30 pictures in total. This project was a very challenging project and it was really hard. Some of the challenges was to find people who would accept to take a picture. They were not forced to take the picture so they had the ability to say no which made the project so difficult. Some changes that I saw was some people looking aggressive when they didn’t smile and others looking sad and depressed, but when they smile they look like a completely different person. When I was taking the pictures I was scared to ask some people if I could take pictures of them because when I first looked at each person I thought about how they could be just by looking at their faces. Even though I didn’t know them I pictured some ways they could act just because of how they looked. But When they smiled, I was so surprise of how different they looked when they weren’t smiling. When I asked people if I could take pictures of them I didn’t really bother ask them question because I felt like I was already taking up their time and it was awkward so I didn’t want to torture them more by asking questions. You can check out all of my photos here.

Then I Asked Them to Smile

The project “Then I Asked Them to Smile” was challenging and tested my social skills. I had to go up to random strangers inside and outside of school and ask them if I could take their picture. Most of the time the interaction between me and the person I was photographing was awkward and weird, but occasionally the person getting there photo taken was exited about it. One thing that was difficult was what the whole project was about, TAKING PICTURES OF STRANGERS! It was uncomfortable and difficult, especially when the person I asked to take a picture of awkwardly said no and looked at the ground! In all the people I photographed, I saw little emotional change from when they didn’t smile and when they smiled. Sometimes I messed up because I thought the person I was photographing wasn’t smiling when they were. That ended weirdly with a “umm I was smiling before.” But then they did a big smile so that was good. If you were bias toward boys or girls then you would probably have more boys or girls in your photos, depending on what  gender you are bias towards. If I were hired and I was told not to take bias photos and to make the photos “fair” I wouldn’t have a particular game play. I would just walk around a city and ask approachable people who are walking past me if I could take a photo of them for a photography project.  I wouldn’t take pictures of them based on age, height, gender, etc. I probably wouldn’t asked them any questions either because that would probably make it weirder than it all ready is between us. All in all, this project was challenging, awkward, and weird. I would not want to do this project again!


For this assignment we had to take photos of 15 different people, one smiling and one not smiling. When people weren’t smiling they looked either intimidating or dead inside. But then when they smiled they looked so much more happy and alive! Bias can affect your job as a photographer because you might want to take a picture of someone but they look intimidating, so you just don’t. They could be a really nice person for all you know, but they just don’t look friendly. Some people look more approachable than others. I would ask people what they like to do in their free time, because that can show a lot about their character. You can see my photos Here.


In this project, we had to take 2 pictures, one of someone smiling and one of them not smiling. This would give whoever was looking at the photos a different perspective about the person and not to automaticly think about stereotypes. The most difficult part of the project was honestly putting them on the presentation and making sure the photos looked even. When I looked at the different photos I definitely saw a difference, it showed me who the person really was once they smiled. Bias could affect a ton of things as a photographer such as the way the photographer wants to portray the photo or how they want people to see/feel when looking at the photo. I should ask what they want people to think of you when they look at the photo. This project really opened my eyes to different perspectives. If you would like to see all my photos, click here