Set In The Street

Our project was called “Set in the Street”. This project was based on a photograph, Justin Bettman, who used old furniture to create an elaborate interior designs and then left the sets on the streets for people to capture and share their own photos. For our project, we decided to replicate an old living room. It took multiple days to build the wall. The wall had three parts and then became one in the end. We had to assemble and cut the wood to fit perfectly. It also took some manual labor the nail and screw everything in and carry the walls around. Then we painted the wall a light gray to match our coach. Once everything was complete, we still had to connect the three pieces into one wall. It took after school time and work from a couple students to finish the project for Arts Night. We used the couches and chairs from the teachers lounge and the bookcase to make the living be more realistic. We also used two tables and put them together to make a coffee table and we placed books and a deck of cards to make it looked like someone lived there. Finally, we placed a lamp, from Mr. Leech, on the side and a picture of our school on the wall to make the room come more to life. During Arts Night we had fellow students and parents come and take photos in our set. This project was very fun to do but it definitely took time and work to complete. Below are some of my favorite photos and a video of us building it. 

Set in the Street Project

Our project was called “Set in the Street”. This means that we build a set and put it in a place where many people walk by even though what we make might not correspond with what’s there. We decided the easiest thing to do was build a living room and use things from the teachers lounge. We would then place it in the middle of our school hallway and during Arts Night. In order to build this we built 3 panels out of wood (8ft tall by 4ft long)and drywall. We used many tools like a hammer, nails, drills and screws to connect everything and create a wall. Then we had to paint it all and connect them together. In order for it to stand up we had a bar on the floor and three pieces of wood connecting one to each panel. When the wall was all built we dragged and lifted it into our spot in the hallway. Bringing the couches and bookshelf down from the teachers lounge was very hard, but we managed to succeed. First we placed the couch in the middle and the chair to the side. We created a long coffee table using two small ones and put a lamp behind the chair. We placed the bookshelf on the other side and filled it with the books. We created a more natural like place and had decorations in the bookshelf. We also laid a deck of cards on the table along with a few books. Our last and final touch was placing a picture of our school on the wall. We nailed a nail in and hung it up in the center. Finally, we all signed our names on the back to show all of our hard work. We then took photos while people were walking by and all throughout arts night. Below is some of the photos we took and a time lapse of creating the set.


Set in the Street

These past few weeks in class, we did a project call “Set in the Street”. This project was based off of an artist, who builds sets, and puts them on the streets of New York. This project required my class, and I, to build an actual set. Once this set was built, we put it in the atrium, and took pictures of us in it. To build the set, we had to make walls, get furniture, and anything else we needed to make a living room. Building the walls was a two to three day process. We had to build the frames, drywall, and paint. After the wall was built, and put together, we got furniture, and other decorations, from the teacher’s lounge. The difficult part about this project was building the walls. It was a very new experience to me, using tools, and doing construction. We used nails, hammers, drills, screws, saws, and a few other tools, to put together this wall. Once we were finished, we put it to public use at “Art’s Night”, where people could take pictures with it. The picture below shows my friends, and I, using the “living room” to create a scene, acting like it was a normal day. Throughout this project, I learned that building is fun!!

7 days

           I am thankful for my 2 puppies.Coco is my dog he a ,beagle mix with Yorkie. Codi is my twin sister dog he is a chihuahua mix with jack Russell .They always brighten my day whenever I feel sad.

             I am also thankful for school because it has helped me become myself.I have been in this  school since the 6th grade and now I am in the 8th grade. I am thankful for my best friend Katelyn . she has helped me go through obstacles , and we are always their form each other. I am thankful for soccer because it has helped me come out of my shell and become more competitive.Last but not least I am thankful for my teacher because he helped me learn how to take pictures without my picture would be like if a 4 year old took it.

Go check out my pictures. Click the link!


Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is when you align an object or person on a line a grid, like a tic-tac-toe board, so that your eye can travel smoothly to that object then make it’s way to the rest of the photo. This was a bit difficult because you had to decide what line on the grid on your camera you wanted the object to be on. You also had to make sure it was perfectly on the line so the object and/or person draws your attention.

7 Thankful

The first photo is a picture of my family (my parents and I) in Washington D.C. I am very thankful for my parents because they will always be beside me, even in the hardest of times. My parents have always encouraged me in my sports, studies, and life in general. 

The second photo is of me and my cousins in 2009 and then in 2016. My cousins have been my best friends and helped me whenever I needed them. I have known them my whole life and am very sad because some of them live in Europe now and I do not get to see them that often.I have many more cousins that I love, and that are not in this photo. 

The third and fourth photos are of me and my friends at QO football games. Football games are so fun because I go with my friends and we just sit around,talk, and play watch the game. I love my friends because they pick me up when I am down and are always there for me.

The fifth photo is of the Washington Monument. I am thankful for my Freedom and that I live in this accepting country. I am very happy that my parents moved here from Europe. I love life in America.

The sixth photo is of a soccer ball by my feet.Soccer is one of my favorite sports. I have been playing soccer since I was 5. I love soccer because it lets me get my negative energy out. I love my soccer team and coach because they help me on and off the field. 

The seventh photo is of my skis and ski poles. Skiing is my favorite sport. It always help me get energized and happy. I have been skiing with my friends and family since I was 3 years.

The eight and final photo is of fruit. Two of my favorite fruits are tangerines and pomegranates. Fruits give me strength to power through my day and are a great snack. 

I am very thankful for all of the things listed above.







Thankful Post

I am thankful for my house. I am thankful for my house because it was a lot of memories were made and that’s where I stay warm. I am fortunate to have a shelter that I can come to when I get home everyday.

I am thankful for America. America is the place where I was born and raised in. The American flag represents my freedom.

I am thankful for school kinda. School is where i made a lot of my friends and I learn here. Sometimes school is very boring but it’s the place where I learn and excel.

I am thankful for books. Books represent education and learning for me. Which is an opportunity for the rest of my life and can get me ready for college and so on. 

I am thankful for my family. I’ve had many memories with them like vacations and celebrating holidays and things. They are very loving and I can ask them for anything.

I am thankful for nature because I like going outside and playing outside. Its also really cool to see all of the colors and weather outside.

I am thankful for many things in my life but these are the most important things to me.

Thankful Post

The first thing I am thankful for is my house. I have lived in my house for 10 years. It is right across from Lakelands Park and right by Lakelands clubhouse. It is close to many shops and restaurants and my bed is also inside my house and it’s very comfy. 

The second thing I am thankful for is my grandpa. Even though he sadly passed away from his long fight of cancer, he never fails to always be in a special spot of my mind. I miss him everyday and I am so thankful for him. 

I am sometimes thankful for my siblings. It really just depends on the day. They are very annoying but I always enjoy playing sports  with them .

2 of my pictures are of my friends. I am sooooo thankful for my friends because I do everything with them. They are always there for me. 

I am very thankful for my cousins because they live in Boston so I don’t get to see them very often. I love getting to spend time with them. 


7 days

 I am thankful for nature because it is very calming. Nature also is very beautiful to look at. Nature is also satisfying.

I am very thankful for the beach because whenever im there i am happy. Also i have a lot of memories mad at the beach and my family and I always have great times there.

I am thankful for long car rides because I love going somewhere far listening to music and  going on my phone. Also i’m really thankful for car rides because  my sibling and I always listen to fun old songs.

I am very thankful for lacrosse because it really makes me happy and i love playing. Also because my friends and I always have so much fun and learning new skills and tricks.

I am so thankful for my friends because they always there for me and  always know how to make me laugh. I love going out and hanging out with them and making fun memories.

I am thankful for food keeping me alive. And i’m very thankful for good food always satisfying me.

Lastly i am very thankful for my family and loving me. Even after fights i love ,my family very much and they are always there to make me laugh and etc. 


7 Days

I’m thankful for my cats because they are always really soft and comfrotable to sleep on. Also, they are the only reason I wake up in the morning. 

I’m thankful for my guitar because I love to play guitar. Playing guitar helps me think.

I’m thankful for my dad for taking me around the world and always being there for me. We love to travel!

I’m thankful for my mom because she’s amazing and kind. I love her so much and she’s the best mom ever! I’m thankful for my siblings because they keep me on edge and always love running around with me.

I’m thankful for art and painting because it’s really fun. I can sit for hours and paint. It helps me forgot about my problems.

I’m thankful for my brother Alex. He’s not my actual brother but I’ve known him forever and he’s super fun to hang out with.  He’s crazy and we always get in trouble. 

I’m thankful for Isabella and Srilekha because they are my best friends and they bring out the crazy side of me.