
This semester was a pretty good one. I liked most of the projects we did and had fun while taking pictures. Overall, I rate this semester a 5/5. My thoughts didn’t really change about photography, because it really is just taking pictures. I have changed the way I take pictures, because now I look at lighting more and i try to use rule of thirds more when I take pictures with other people. My favorite project was close up because we got to go outside and take pictures. Photography doesn’t really interest me as a career, but I probably will take it again in high school.

The rest of my pictures are here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1uksnxNEKM2xh0AniaCEL64kRL4B0a5ZSkkTl6vX9b48/edit?usp=sharing

Last Project!

During this semester, I have learned a lot (isn’t that surprising). I have learned many new techniques and methods on how to take photos. For example rule of thirds, black and white backgrounds, and many more. After taking this class, I have grown to like taking photos and learning different ways on how to take them to make them look different, special, or just flat out stunning ya know. If you look at a photo from the beginning of the year and now, the photos are very different and I think I have definitely improved. my favorite project was probably the close up photos. It was fun to look at the little details after the photo was taken of the object and it wasn’t very hard. Although, that was my favorite, I did like all of the other projects too. Photography in the future does not interest me as a career but I would like to take it in high school so i can learn more about it… even though you do lots of writing in that class too lol. I do like taking photos and editing them with different apps and websites, but I don’t think I have a future with it. For this last project we had to take two different photos (one good and one bad) of 10 different things. It was really easy to take the bad photos and a little difficult to take good flicks because we didn’t have much to work with. Here are two of my okay photos from this semester in PHOTOGRAPHY:

To see all of my photos go to this link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BddmC42gKQ70xHNND5C0bab1oUMsJJ6ybmWEktBUOl8/edit?usp=sharing

sorry this is long, you are probably falling asleep now. Have fun next year dealing with the annoying soon to be eighth graders!


7 Days

In this project I took 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for.  It is a compilation of important people and hobbies that make up who I am.  There are so many things that I am thankful for, it was hard to narrow it down to just 7.  The core pieces of my life comes from these 7 things and I will never stop being grateful for them.






If you asked anyone who knows me what my favorite thing is, they would say reading.  Hands down it is my biggest hobby besides music. I stick my nose within the pages of a book every chance that I get.  I am so thankful for reading and what it has given me in life. I have gained so much knowledge about the world and worlds that could never physically exist.  I have been able to find out more about who I am as a person by experiencing things from another persons perspective.  Reading is such a big part of my life and who I am as a person.  Without it I wouldn’t be the same.

Music is one of my biggest hobbies and is a humongous part of my life.  Heck, I’m listening to it as I’m writing this paragraph.  I am currently in a band and listen to music basically 24/7.  I am so thankful for the fact that I am able to listen to what I want, when I want.  With smart phones and YouTube, thousands of songs are at my disposal.  I think that I and everyone else with this astounding technology should be grateful.  Not everyone is lucky enough to have these kinds of opportunity.  It may sound trivial today, but it wasn’t until recently that you didn’t need a radio, a record, or a CD to listen to recorded music.  I think that is something every music lover should be thankful for.  I sure am.

My dog Stella is probably the cutest dog in existence.  Mr. Fitz, I’m sure you get that a lot during this project, but this time it’s true.  Just look a her wrinkly face! In all honesty, my family is really lucky to have her.  It was a total fluke.  Me and my mom were trying to think of a present for my brother birthday 4 years ago. We already had two, but I wanted another dog. I told my mother we needed to get my brother “something special” for his birthday.  One thing lead to another and we ended up looking at dogs online.  My mother had many requirements:  it had to be a french bulldog, house training, an adult, and at a fair price.  French bulldogs are very expensive and I didn’t think we were actually going to get another dog.  The my mom found a male bulldog for a very low price and called the seller.  The male was already gone, but she had a female she was willing to give us for FREE.  We left within the hour to go and pick her up. It is probably the most spontaneous thing I have ever done.  Stella is so sweet and soft, you can hold her like a baby and she wont fight back. I am really lucky that I have Stella as a pet.  She is one of a kind and I love her to death.

This one is pretty generic, but it’s true.  I am really thankful for the fact that I was able to come to Lakelands Park Middle School.  My home middle school is Hallie Wells and is known for having poorly behaved students. Lakelands was a much better school and was the #1 middle school when I was leaving elementary school.  I had to submit a cosa and have it approved by the Office of Student Services to be able to attend Lakelands. It took some time, but it was approved. I believe that going to this school has allowed me the chance of a better education and allowed me to make some really great friends.  

I am so grateful for all of my friends.  We are a small, tight knit group of quirky individuals.  We always have so much fun together and I know that they would be there for me in a pinch.  I am a hard judge of character and do not make friends lightly. They must earn my respect and trust.  I can say that all of my friends have done this. I know I don’t always say it, but I’m really glad I found a few great friends among my peers.  I know that I will be leaving them for high school and won’t be seeing any of them everyday anymore. But I will be sure to keep in touch and always treasure the memories we made these past few years.

My Uncle Drew came into my life during my time of need.  He popped up out of nowhere and showed me a good time when I least expected it.  We would go on outings to a baseball game or hiking. Once he even took me hot air ballooning!  But most of all he gave me a support system and a role model. I know I could say anything to him and it would stay just between the two of us.  There is no judgement, just a conversation were I don’t have to worry about being looked down upon because I’m a child. He gives me sound advice and an outlet to express feelings that would have otherwise stayed buried.  I really appreciate the fact that he cares in the first place, because he is under no obligation to spend time with me. I love him and am truly thankful he is in my life.

My Mom is the thing I am most thankful for in life.  She has helped me through so much and been there for me when I needed it.  She always put me first and I know that isn’t an easy thing to do. It takes true self sacrifice and love.  She is the most incredible woman I have ever met and my respect for her has no bounds. Not only is she supportive but she is also honest, almost brutally so.  I know I am always getting the truth from her, whether I want to hear it or not. I definitely can’t say that about everyone. I am truly grateful that I have a mom like her and I love her very much.  Thank you Mom!


Up close

For this project we had to use the super macro setting on the camera or in my case VSCO. This project was very easy because it wasn’t that difficult to take pictures of nature. Some challenges were finding objects to take pictures of, or finding the quality of the photo. My phone focused on the nature and got decent pictures.

to see the rest of my pictures click here

7 Days

I am thankful for Fortnite because I play it with my friends in my free time. Without Fortnite I would be very bored. I also enjoy destroying everyone I see in Fortnite. I always get the Victory Royale.

I am thankful for Grotto Pizza because it is some of the best pizza in Maryland.  Grotto Pizza never leaves me hungry and gives me something very good to eat. It is for sure the best place to eat at the beach.

I am thankful for lacrosse. I am thankful for lacrosse because it is a very fun sport to play. In most of my free time I play lacrosse. If I didn’t play lacrosse I would be out of shape and bored.

I am thankful for the turf because without it we would have to have gym on the grass. This is bad because on rainy days we would get all muddy. So because of the turf we are nice and dry.

I am thankful for my teachers at Lakelands. I am thankful because they teach me everything I need to know to be prepared for High School. If I didn’t have great teachers like Ms. Phillip I wouldn’t be very smart and unprepared for High School.

I am thankful for my dogs because they always keep me company. If I didn’t have my dogs I would get bored a lot more frequently. The dogs always put a smile on my face and make me keep track of them. So I have to stay responsible and take care of them.

I am thankful for my basketball because in my free time when I’m not playing Fortnite or lacrosse I am playing basketball. Basketball always gives me something to do. There are endless things you can do with a basketball. If you are good like me you can do a 360 between the legs windmill dunk on 10 feet. But for people who can’t do that you can shoot, make layups, and even do trick shots.


7 days

I am thankful for swim team because its fun when you win, fun to annoy my coaches and I like making fun of Rachel’s cap. It also gives me something to do after school so im not bored.

I am thankful for my cousin THE Matt Zlot because he always can put a smile on my face no matter what. He is also a freaking legend and we go on pretty neat adventures. Hes also my best friend!!!

Im thankful for all my friends because they are all suppa cool and they make me laugh. Jake, Ryan, and Tyler come over and play pool all the time and they suck but thats ok because its fun. I love all my friends because they always are happy and fun to be around.

I am thankful for bracelet making because it gives me something to do in math so I dont have to pay attention. Im also thankful for it because it makes my wrist colorful and reminds me of summer.

I am thankful for water because without it I would not be alive. It taste really good and keeps me from getting major migraines.

I am thankful for Mr.G because he makes school fun and its really funny when he gets mad and yells at people. Im also thankful for him because he lets me walk around with him instead of going to class sometimes. and hes lookin like a shnack!!!!

I am thankful for sammi because i can trust her always and its always a blast hanging out with her. She is funny and very hyper always.This is also a very nice selfie so enjoy!!

7 days

The first thing  I am thankful for is my parents. I am thankful for them for so many reasons, but I will give a few. The first reason is that they provide everything I want. They always make sure I am fulfilled with whatever it is I want. They support me in everything I do no matter what, but most importantly they love me.

The next thing I am thankful for is water. Without water my body can’t function, and if my body can’t function I die. Shoutout to water for giving me life.

the next thing I am thankful for is my best friend Bianca. she supports me and is always there for me. Even though sometimes she can act a little slow, I still love her.

The next thing I am thankful for is my plant bowl Cornelius. Cornelius is a nice addition to my desk, so he might seem purely decorative, but he is much more. He is a legend.

The next thing I am thankful for is Mr.G. he gives great advice and really knows where hes going in life. He helps me out when I have problems and is a pretty cool dude.

The next thing I am thankful for is Sammi. Sammi is funny and nice, on occasion, and overall I don’t hate her that much so she made my list. Sammi also helped me a lot when was applying to private school, so shoutout to her.

The last thing I am thankful for is Sara. Sara has been my friend for a while and I know I can rely on her. Sometimes I hate her, but sometimes I don’t and this is one of those times.