
Over the whole semester I have gone from taking photos that looked like a three year old to being able to use the angles and filters to help my photos. I also used the rule of thirds to draw peoples attention and having the main focus of the picture  in a good lighting. In the beginning  of the semester I really liked photography but was unable to take good pictures on my phone. At the end of the semester I have learned how to take good photos on my phone and now extremely enjoy photography.  The way that I take pictures has changes dramatically thanks to this class. My favorite project was honestly this one because I was able to see the changes and advances I have made in photography since the beginning of this year. Photography interest me as a career so weather I’m going to Poolsville of Northwest I will definitely continue to learn about how to take better pictures and try to advance more in photography. I will put my favorite photo from this project down below. 

My photos in the album below go from bad to good in pairs. 



This year in photography was a really fun one. My thoughts about taking photos have changed because before I would before just take regular photos but know I know how to take photos at different angles and put it on the rule of thirds. My thoughts about photography have changed because now i now that photograph can mean more than just a picture it has a story as its background and can provide stereotypes.  MY favorite project was the set in the street because it was really hands on and I did a lot. I don’t know if it is a career for me but I will probably continue it in high school because it is a creative thing to do. 


My album link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wxCX4XAdARoWYLYy1

Final Post

In this final project we were told two take 2 pictures of 10 items. One had to be a bad photo and one had to be the good photo of the item. We had to use the angle and perspective to make the photos look completely different. I also changed the brightness of some photos and made some in a filter. Below are  my two favorite photos from this project and a link to all my other ones.


Overall, I really liked this class because it broaden my perspective of how I see things and I have learned a lot. I have began to like photography more because of this class and have changed the way I take photos by making some on rule of thirds and taking photos with different angles, instead of just straight standing. My favorite project this year was the light graffiti because it was really fun to use the light to make things and to change the angle of the camera to make the photos look cooler. Below is my favorite photo from this project. I am open to having a career in photography because it seems very fun to be able to travel places just to get a photo. I hope to be able to take photography in high school as a class.  


In this final project, we had to take two pictures of one subject. These pictures had to be different, one took little effort while the other one required a different angle with editing. To edit it, I turned the brightness down, and sharpness up with lots of different filters. I really this class because I thought I knew a lot about photography but I learned a lot more. The smile project was my favorite, because it made me realize that everyone is different than they look. Now, when I take photos I take more time ad think about the background and composition. I’ve always loved photography because it gives me something to do, and I can see things from different perspectives. Below is one of my favorite pictures from this whole semester, I had so many to choose from and this was a hard decision. This was taken  from the lights project which gave us lots of freedom.


Final Post


Overall, I liked this photography class. We got to explore many different types of photography and we learned stuff that we didn’t know. I enjoyed this class because I got new learn new skills in photography and I got to take many pictures of different things. During this class, I have also improved in my photography skills as you can tell from this last project. My thought have changed some about photography. This is because i now know that what you see in a picture isn’t always everything that is happening. For example, in this class we did the project called set in the street. And if you just saw the second picture, you would have had no idea that the picture was taken in a school. I definitely have changed the way I take my pictures. For example, I now try to think about rule of thirds and all the camera settings when i’m taking a photo. I also try to take the picture from a unique angle. My favorite project was probably the smile project. This is because for some of the people that I took pictures of, I was a little nervous to go and ask them if I could take a picture of them. But, once they smiled I was glad I had asked because that person ended up being super friendly. However, I don’t think I would want to have photography as my career. I will probably also not take a class in high school because I don’t see it as something that I want to do when i’m older. 




Last Post

Overall this semester was very good. I learned a lot of things about photography like the certain lighting and rule of thirds. My thoughts on photography have changed a little because I realized what photos can convey to an audience. It can make you see what is really happening and bring a new view into your eyes. I have changed the way I take photos because now I take many photos of the same thing. I experiment and use many angles and viewpoints. I understand now that I have the power to make people see things I want them to see. Photography does interest me and probably will be a hobby of mine. I will hopefully continue to learn in high school because I want to learn more things and it is a chance for me to be more creative and show things to other people. I really enjoyed photography this year.

One of my favorite pictures for this project is this one. Hope you like my pics!

Link for more photos:





For a closer look at these pictures, click the link below…


Taking a photography class was an amazing experience!! My thoughts have definitely changed on photography. Although I was always interested in trying photography, the things I learned made me much more interested in the hobby. I have changed the way I take pictures because of the new rules I learned. I learned about the many techniques for taking better pictures such as the Rule of Thirds. These techniques have enhanced my photos greatly, making me enjoy taking them more. My favorite project was this project because I given a lot of freedom. I was able to take pictures however I wanted, and edit them to my satisfaction. Although I ave enjoyed photography this year, it does interest me as a career. I would rather do something more adventurous, or helpful, as a career. I don’t know if I will continue participating in the class, but if I have the opportunity I will, most likely.  I liked most of the pictures I took this year, but this one was my favorite..


Last Project!

First, I have enjoyed reading your posts and looking at your photos.  You have come a long way from our first project of photographing crayons.  🙂

It’s time to put it all together in our last project for this semester.  I have created a scavenger hunt for you.  The finals shots should be creative or “artsy”, and follow the rules from our other projects about color, composition, framing, and lighting.  Your photos will need to be shared in camera dump folder called “Final Project”.  Each photo will need to be placed in the correct folder. Also, complete the Google Form that can be found in the same folder.

  • Stairs
  • Classroom
  • Athletics (equipment or game)
  • Classmate/Family Member
  • Hallway
  • Shoes
  • Selfie (of course a selfie)(Doesn’t have to be a one hander)