
   like how the photo showed a tragic story behind it, and I felt bad for the people. It also shows how things that seem small to us can effect others greatly.

Photographed by Smiley N.Pool. Title, Hurricane Katrina year 2006.


Many of my grandparents were forced into the army. This solider looks unhappy and forced.

Photographed by Craig F walker. Title, American solider year 2010.


If I was a photographer I wouldn’t be able to take pictures without helping. However I would try to take harsh photos so people seeing it will feel the need to help. Photographers go through the struggle of feeling like their not able to help, they also have to choose between a great photo or helping someone in need.

My favorite exhibit was the 9/11 one.  There many newspapers so you could see the perspective of it from people around the country. I also thought it was cool to see a peace of the tower.



Ebola Ravages West Africa, 2015, Daniel Berehulak

This picture is two in a protection suit carrying a young boy with Ebola.

My overall impression of this picture is this is very depressing and sad. Its sad to believe that anyone can be infected with Ebola.  What drew me to the picture was the boy. I just immediately felt bad for the boy. I was just really surprised that anyone of age and anyone so innocent can get effected.


Brutality in Bangkok, 1977, Neal Ulevich

This picture is of a boy hanging form a tree, and another boy has a chair and is hitting they boy hanging from the tree.

My overall impressions was What is making the boy hit the other boy? Was this just another form of bullying. What drew me to this photo was the boy hanging from the try. I was really confused on why someone would do this to someone. Also what drew me to the picture is everyone around the two boys are just standing there and not doing anything.

If I were taking the image, I would not be able to separate my job fro being a human.  I would just be the one trying to stop what is going on and help the people or in the 9/11 case run for my life. Some struggles of being a photo journalist is having to deal with the hate comments that you are most likely going to get because you stood there and took the picture instead of helping them. Another struggle is having that image in your head for the rest of your life. You saw the whole seen in person and know a lot more then what the picture can say. Some rewards of this job is being able to go to famous historical events. Such as the Olympics or cool concerts and sporting events. Other awards you can get are actually awards. You have a chance to get the best picture award or other awards.

2nd exhibit

Civil rights at 50

My Favorited artifact they had in the exhibit was the bar they had. I thought it was neat to have the old bar the black people use to have to go to. It fit into the overall Newseum because I believe Segregation was a important part of history and should be remembered. The segregation allows many people to come learn about all the rules for blacks and whites and where what color was welcome. In the exhibit something that I thought was really interesting was the black college students and how they launched their own protest. If you were to go to the Newsuem I recommend stopping by the Civil Rights at 50 exhibit.




The image that I found the most interesting was the 2014 Kenya mall massacre. A mother and her children were hiding behind a counter, during a shooting. I found this interesting because people are so worried about the school shootings in America, and shootings are occurring all over the world. Another image that I found interesting was an earthquake. 2 people were under a building, fixing all the damage. I think it would be extremely difficult to be a photo journalist. I think this because it would be so hard to go take pictures of people and not be able to directly help them. There are rewards of being a photo journalist, for example if you bring awareness to the project. Although photo journalist are very important, I don’t think I would be able to be one.



My favorite exhibit was the FBI section. I liked it because it was very interesting and I learned a lot while in it. It was mostly about terrorism which was sad but good to learn about so I can be more knowledgeable. My favorite object in the exhibit was the bomb that was placed in a shoe. I found this very cool because whoever made these bombs were very smart and creative (but also crazy). The shoe bombs were homemade which is why they were so amazing. Out of all the exhibits, the FBI section was my favorite.

Newsuem field trip

Pulitzer prize
The first photo I picked was the Kosovo Refugees. It was taken in 1999 by Carol Guzy and shows a 2 year old named Agim Shala getting passed through a barbed wire fence at a camp ran by the UAE in Albania. When I first saw the photo I was overun with emotions as I was looking at a cute baby getting passed through wire almost getting hit and hurt. As a photographer I feel like I would have done the same as the Carol, just take the picture.
The second picture was called The Vulture and the little girl. It first appeared in the New York Times in 1993 and was taken by Kevin Carter. It’s of a little girl who collapsed in the foreground with a vulture eyeing her down in the backround. The picture hit me because you just see a little kid who is so sick and can’t do anything about it. As a photographer I don’t think I would have helped her as photographers were told not to touch people because they were sick and contagious.

Second exibit:
My second favorite thing was the sports movie called “PRESS BOX: THE HISTORY OF SPORTS REPORTING”. I liked it because it showed many of the most important sports moments ever and as a lover of sports I found it very interesting. As you got to see many of the sports greats reflect on there best plays then broadcasters reflecting on the worst times in sports it is a good mix of the good and the bad.