24 Colors

Hello everyone this is my 24 Colors project. For me the most challenging this was finding the teal because even if it looked like it was the same when you took the picture it changed. The easiest thing for me was finding all of the reds because it is a very popular color. I picked these four as my favorite because i feel like they matched the best and for the brown I liked how I lodged it into the tree.





Red Orange



Here is the link to the rest of my photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/MvlTmjNKMeiOqzBK2



My logo is made out of my initials To make a camera. I used Fire Works,  and basic shapes to create it. I use my logo so people will not steel my photo.


Welcome to the site anonymous one, My name is Bryan the…Anyway, I’m 13 and due to an agreement I made I can’t disclose much of my information. I can tell you that I own a side business which buys then resell items for more. Besides school I have piano and occasionally soccer to keep me busy. Ok, that about wraps things up adieu.


This is my logo. I used adobe fireworks to create my logo. I used my initials in my logo. I used rectangles, circles, lines, and letters to create my logo. I’m using my logo so that nobody can steal my photos I take.

24 Colors

Welcome to your first photography project.  I am really looking forward to seeing the photos you take.  You are going to be choose 15  crayons  and finding those colors in the world around you.  This will be a challenge, but it should make you start to notice the colors that we see everyday.  I would like this to be more than just taking pictures of crayons with a color that matches them.  I would like to see you be creative with how you place and photograph the crayons.  I have left some examples below for you to look at below.

When writing your post you must include:

  • An overview of the assignment
  • The challenges of the project
  • What you found to be easy
  • Favorite (displayed like mine below)
  • A link to your Google Drive folder.

When you are ready to post, you will be making a new page on your website.

I know you are creative, now is a great time to show it.


