24 Colors

Welcome to your first photography project.  I am really looking forward to seeing the photos you take.  You are going to be choose 15  crayons  and finding those colors in the world around you.  This will be a challenge, but it should make you start to notice the colors that we see everyday.  I would like this to be more than just taking pictures of crayons with a color that matches them.  I would like to see you be creative with how you place and photograph the crayons.  I have left some examples below for you to look at below.

When writing your post you must include:

  • An overview of the assignment
  • The challenges of the project
  • What you found to be easy
  • Favorite (displayed like mine below)
  • A link to your Google Drive folder.

When you are ready to post, you will be making a new page on your website.

I know you are creative, now is a great time to show it.


