Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is applied by aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section.

What I did for the rule of third was to try to make an object go the right or left line.I did not want it the object to be at the middle.I wanted peoples eyes to go to the object and move around the screen.

One of my challenges that I had was at the beginning it was hard to put objects at the side of the picture.

here are some of my pics

Rule Of Thirds



The rule of thirds helps put emphasis on what’s important in a picture. Rule of thirds divides a picture into 9 sections like a tic-tac-toe board. At first in the Rule of thirds project, I thought the most important things in the picture would go in the middle of the grid, but in reality they go on the lines. A hard part of a project was choosing what was important in a picture. There were so many things I could highlight, it was hard to determine what made the cut. I was happy that we were able to experiment with different backgrounds. I was able to go inside and outside and find interesting things to highlight.

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a technique that helps highlight the important part of the pictures. The photo is divided 9 sections and when the lines are perpendicular to each other that is where the eye looks at first. During the project I did not know that my camera had a grid line feature to show me the rule of thirds, so I had to imagine it or guess where it was for a while. Something else that was difficult was just finding the right scene or background. What helped was the freedom to go around and experiment with the pictures. At the beginning of the project I knew that the rule of thirds was a casual technique that wasn’t really needed. Now after taking photos I see how effective it is.

Rule Of Thrids

For this project I was tasked with using the Rule Of Thirds. The Rule of Thirds is when there is a tic tac toe like grid across what you are taking a picture of.  The goal is to line up the focus points with the lines and cross sections of the grids. This is because the human eye is naturally drawn to those points. This project was especially challenging when trying to capture a motion shot and keep it along those lines. Also when I would take a photo, by habit, I would try and put it in the center of the frame so I quickly had to break that habit or I would fail terribly. Overall, this project was fun trying to catch the pictures happening in the moment and make the observer drawn to those points.

I was not able to upload all of my photos from my cell phone due to technical difficulties.

Rule Of Thirds

In photography class this week we focused on needing to have a graph on our cameras in order to follow the rule’s that are included in the rule of thirds.Although I have had some difficulties which where needing to measure the people in the picture so that the rule would be right.

Rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is defined as  aligning a subject with the guide lines and their intersection points, placing the horizon on the top or bottom line, or allowing linear features in the image to flow from section to section. This causes difficulties because you have to make sure you were on one line that would draw your attentions

7 Days (Sort of)

This class has been designed around “viral” photo projects.  One of the most popular to hit the web was the “7 Days of Black and White”.  The “rules” are no people, no explanation, regular life, has to B&W, and then tag a friend.  For me personally, my social media feeds are now filled with interesting (some better than others) black and white photos. Even if the pictures that are on my feed aren’t great, it’s been a nice break from news from around the world that can easily get you down.  With the end of your middle school career coming in a few weeks  this seems like the perfect day to include a “7 day challenge”.  However, let’s break some of the “rules”.  Here’s what I would like to see, it’s ok to call this a little cheesy.

  • 7 photos that show what you are thankful for in your life.  This can be tricky, but I really want you to think about it.  There is so much negative around us, let’s try to think positively.
  • B&W is preferred, but you can use color
  • You can have people and pets in your photos.
  • A photo can be made up of more than one photo.
  • Explanation of each photo.  If you’re thankful for a person in your life, tell us (and them) why.  It might just be what they needed.
  • Use what we have practiced….. composition, color, backgrounds.
  • Write a better than “8th grade” quality post.
  • 7 Days is the number of days you have (including the weekend) to collect your photos.
  • Post it in the category “7 Days”.

Rule of Thirds

For this project I used photo editor and fireworks to edit my picture.  I adjusted the contrast and the brightness to make my picture more interesting.  The landscape of these pictures are taken outside the school.  The weather worked in the this project cause I got some really nice shots of the landscape.  Sometimes the grid didn’t really work cause it was hard the intersection.

Rule of thirds



For this project I went into the settings of my phone and turned on the camera grid. The grid helped with creating rule of thirds photos because it put lines on the screen which meant we could align the line with the person or item. The rule of thirds helps because it makes photos more attractive and nice to the eye. The project was especially hard because we had to get the focus in one third of the grid and make sure the object was the most important thing in the photos. This project was fun because we got to experiment with different backgrounds inside and outside.


Rule of Thirds

In the Rule of Thirds project we were told to take pictures as if there was a grid on our camera’s and leaving the main object in the picture on one of the lines in the grid. Over all I enjoyed the project because we got to express our artistic ability of coming up with creative photographs.  What was easy was lining up the main object on one of the lines.  What was hard was finding picture that would end up looking good.  Some of the lines we used were diagonal and horizontal.  For example below is my favorite picture using the top horizontal line.  Also below is the link to see the rest of the photos I took.