7 Days

My first photo is my school. I am thankful for Lakelands because all the teachers here dedicate their time to giving me and education. The second photo is my Lakelands softball team. Although the season is over, I was very thankful to have these girls on my team because they made  it a fun experience. My third photo is on of my cats, Pajamas. I am thankful for this cat because he is so cute and entertaining. My fourth picture is My other cat, Doodles. I am thankful for my other cat because she is always by my side and she is super soft. My fifth picture is the Gaylord National hotel on the National Harbor. I am thankful for this place because I go there every year for Christmas and there is always fun activities to do. My sixth picture is the movie Trolls. I am thankful for this movie because it is my favorite movie and always makes me laugh. My last picture is me and my family at the National Harbor’s Ice. I am thankful for my family because they are funny and they take care of me.



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For this project, I went around the school and asked students if I could use them for a picture. In one of the pictures, I asked the student to make a straight face. In the next photo, I asked them to smile. This project shows how different a person looks when they were smiling. If gives a different perspective on the person who is smiling or who is not.  

7 Days(Sort Of)

This project was about looking at the positive side of life and we were supposed to take pictures of 7 things that we were tankful for. In this project, I thought it was important to use the rule of thirds. Every since that project I’ve been putting the most important parts of pictures on the line. I hope you enjoy my pictures.

1. I’m thankful to be able to come to a place after school to have fun with my friends and play free games.

2. I’m thankful for all of my teachers, especially Mr. Banks, although his name is rather misleading

3. I’m thankful for my school that I can be educated from and learn things from.

4. I’m thankful for basketball, I enjoy playing it all the time.

5. I’m thankful for my family! During Thanksgiving my extended family came like my Uncle Tiny, my Aunt Bird, and my other Uncle Neph-Neph. We give each other lots of nicknames.

6. I’m thankful for my AAU basketball team, I just finished my first season with them!

7. I’m thankful for my friends. My friends are always with me in my time of need and I’m there when they need me.


So I asked them to smile…

So I asked them to smile was a project were we went around our neighborhood and school and asked people to smile and not smile. At first I was skeptical of this project because it meant that I had to ask strangers to smile and not smile, that meant I got declined a lot, but some brave people did take pictures and they were good. We saw the differences in the faces of people smiling and not smiling. When you first look at a person and they’re not smiling they might look mean, scary, or creepy, but when you ask them to smile they seem kind and funny, that’s why I asked them to smile.



Image result for pulitzer prize photographs At the Newseum went to see the Pulitzer Prize Photo section and I saw an image that I thought was crazy. It was a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby. Lee Harvey Oswald was the person who shot John F. Kennedy, and he was being taken into custody by the police. If I were the photographer I would be scared out of my mind. First off, I’d be scared of Lee Harvey Oswald because he killed the president, then when the shots were fired I would have been gone, I wouldn’t have the sense to take the photo.

My favorite exhibit was the Black Panther Exhibit. The exhibit had the events  protest and sit-ins of 1967. I enjoyed seeing all the unknown people who helped us get closer to equality, and I liked the rules that college students at BLANK made about the sit-ins


Then I ask them to smile

In this project I had to take pictures of people smiling and not smiling to see if my opinion would change.This project did change the way that I looked at people because when they smiled I would talk to them on the street . But when they smiled It changed because they looked more nicer. This project helped me as a photographer because not every time people do not smile they are not mad that is just how they are.

This is a picture of My puppy named COCO!

 see my pictures at



This project is about people not smiling and smiling and how a smile can change how someone looks. Some people think that people who don’t smile are scary and mean. But that’s not true. So we went around taking pictures of people not smiling and smiling to see how a smile can change the way someone looks. As you can see in my slides the people who are not smiling look mean or upset, but then when you seem them smile it seems like they are a happy person. So me as a photographer i tried to get different types of people.  





Last Project!

First, I have enjoyed reading your posts and looking at your photos.  You have come a long way from our first project of photographing crayons.  🙂

It’s time to put it all together in our last project for this semester.  I have created a scavenger hunt for you.  The finals shots should be creative or “artsy”, and follow the rules from our other projects about color, composition, framing, and lighting.  Your photos will need to be shared in camera dump folder called “Final Project”.  Each photo will need to be placed in the correct folder. Also, complete the Google Form that can be found in the same folder.

  • Stairs
  • Classroom
  • Athletics (equipment or game)
  • Classmate/Family Member
  • Hallway
  • Shoes
  • Selfie (of course a selfie)(Doesn’t have to be a one hander)


The project “So I asked them to smile” is about showing personality. People usually walk around without a smile, and could seem like they are cold, and mean. However we took 2 pictures of a person, one with them smiling and one not smiling. It’s to show that they can be approachable and be a nice person to talk to. 
