24 colors

For this assignment we had to take pictures of 24 crayons with a color that matched them. The challenges in this project was first finding the photo, then positioning the crayon in it to make the photo visually appealing. I thought taking the pictures and using angles was pretty easy.

You can see the rest of my photos here:


1 Object, 5 Shots

After having a class go through the entire semester of this class, I

Anyone with a sister or daughter (in my case) can understand this guys day…..

realized that I needed an assignment that makes you, the photographer, move.  My goal for this course is to help you create great shots through composition, camera position, and color.  Camera position seems to be something that is a challenge.  In this project I want you to pick 3 objects, 1 must be a person, and take 5 photos of the same object without moving it.  Before you take your first picture plan out all 5 pictures.  Each photo should be taken from a different camera angle (perspective). You can shoot up, down, from the right, from the side, from the back, and from any other angle you can pull off.  Be thoughtful about what is in your background as well.  This is a chance for you to be creative and look for interesting angles that will get people want to look at your work.

Your post should include:

  • An overview of the assignment (what you had to do)
  • What was a  challenge during this project?
  • Which object was the hardest to photograph? Why?
  • What did this project help you do?
  • An active link to all 15 of your photos.
  • Your favorite photo of the 15(with your logo)

Check out the shots created by your classmates by clicking here.

24 colors


I had to go out and try to match the color of a crayon to an object. It was hard to find colors to match exactly the same at first. I went in to different classroom and found that ms Hoovers room has a lot of color so that made it much easier. My 2 favorite pictures are the green crayon on top of a leaf and a white crayon on top of a fan.

24 Colors

In this project, I walked around the campus of Lake lands Park Middle School and used a box of 24 colors of crayons. I found colors within the school that matched the crayons, and took pictures of the crayons with those backgrounds behind them.


Below are two examples



Color project

My assignment was to take 24 photos of objects that match crayon colors. The project had some challenges to it, for example, some of the different shades of purple was hard to find. There was also some easy parts of it, for example, the black, grey, brown, and white were very easy to find because they can be very common.

Below are 2 of my favorite photos from the album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/uuO3XiOBzJPpDemz2


24 Colors

See the rest of my pictures here!


24 Colors was an assignment in which we took a 24 box of crayons and looked around our world for colors that matched it.  This was meant to make us look for the color in our everyday life.  The 24 Colors project was fairly easy, but I still had a few problems.  A few colors like orange and purple where hard to find within the confines of the school.  Therefore I had to take pictures after school to find all the colors that I needed.  But the rest of the pack was easy enough to find withing school.  I found this project enjoyable, and I look forward to future projects in this class.














24 colors

During this assignment we had to use a pack of 24 crayons and find colors to match the color of the crayons. Some of the challenges of this project were finding matches for the apricot and different shade of oranges. I thought these were difficult because outside all the leaves were all brown and there are not a lot of orange stuff around the school. I really thought it was easily to find neutral crayons like black and white. Though colors seemed really common throughout the school.


Check out the rest of my photos here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ov3I8YOa063dRXgu2


24 Crayons


In this project, we bought a box of 24 crayons and placed them in an environment of the same or similar color. The project was rather easy for me, but it was kind of hard to find the ‘apricot’ color and there were lots of shades of blue and purple. It was easy to find the black, white, and brown crayons because those colors are everywhere. Overall, I enjoyed the project and I hope other classes in the future will get to do it too.  My two favorite photos are below, and the link to my others is above, enjoy!