Catch the Action

For the most part, our subjects haven’t been in motion.  Well, we don’t just want motion for this project we want action!  With cameras getting smaller and more powerful (like a GoPro) it is easier to get great action shots.  Your goal is to photograph your classmates in action.  This will take planning an multiple tries to get the shot.  Do NOT settle.  Things to think about….. your backgrounds, camera angles, composition (rule of 3rds), lighting, and creativity.  So whether you are kicking, throwing, swimming, catching, or jumping, just catch the action.

Tips from the pros:

10 Tips for Stunning Action Photography

Beginner Tips for Shooting Action Photography


+ 10 single action photos with at least 3 non-human subjects (variety of people and actions).

+ 1 photo in your post with logo

+ Explain the project.

+ What did you do, either with settings or set up, that helped capture good images?

+ Using the tips we looked at at this beginning of this project, which tips do you think are the most important and explain why.  Include the link in your post to give the original author credit. Link:

+ What sport or action would you want to photograph if money, time, and travel distance wasn’t an issue? Why?

+ Active link to your Google Drive album




This project had no difficulties, the kids were very open about taking photos.  The kids smiled and gave me a straight face and the kids looked very different. I could easily tell that you can really see how a kid is feeling just by their face expressions. You can not get the best of photos if someone is being bias because they wouldn’t want to be in it then that can affect the way your photo turns out. I would ask my clients if I could take photo of them in any type of situation.


For this project we needed to take 2 pictures of Different people or strangers smiling and not smiling. the most difficult thing was asking people if they would allow me to take there picture and most refused. I thought some people were poor or very tired but when they smiled it was a completely different story that is how bias can affect a photographer on the way they see people before they know them. ilearned that the best thing to ask was. “May I take your picture for a project please, it wont be shown publicly.

Up Close

See my photos here

What I needed to do was get close to at least 10 objects and really capture details that you would not see with the naked eye. What worked well was I got a lot of time to do this project and really do it well. It was pretty difficult to find interesting things to photograph. Many plants were cool but all of my pictures couldn’t be those. Also, with my phone camera, it doesn’t allow me to get as close as I would want. If i was a big photographer I would like to get close with animals and capture what they really look like.

My favorite pictures:



Up close

For this project we weren’t allowed to zoom in on objects while on macro this allowed us to get these great picture up close.It was really hard trying to take pictures of moving objects. It was also hard finding the right objects to take a picture of.If i had the time and equipment I would want to take a picture of a complex bug like a dragon fly.

Up Close

In the up close project we had to take pictures with the super macro setting.I used the app VSCO to use the super macro setting.Everything in this project worked perfectly, and the app worked too.The pictures look okay to me but I lost my good ones so this will do.If I had a lot of time my pictures would of looked better.Trying to use the normal camera doesn’t work because it doesn’t have the super macro setting.

click here for the rest of the pictures:


It was difficult to ask people if you could their picture because some people were saying no and that is fine but once you keep hearing it you kind of get tried of asking.You can see the change in peoples faces and their expressions change the way you would judge them.When people smile the first thing you would say about them is that they are friendly and nice so most likely you go talk to them.When they were not smiling you would think that they are mad, mean, or just having a bad day.If I was a photographer I would ask my client if they feel comfortable with me taking their.

To see the pictures click here:

Light Graffiti

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For this project I had to keep the camera lens on for a really long time so that the light could enter the lens and the iso had to be really high. the light had to face the lens or else it would just expose and shade other things. it worked when we helped each other with our ideas but it didn’t work when we didn’t help guide the person with the light. if we took this project to the next level  I  think we should go out in the night in dc as a class for a over night trip and do light graffiti in dc.

Light graffiti

Click here to see the rest of my pictures:

we took our pictures on mr. Fitz’s camera with the bulb setting. We held the button until the person drawing was finished, it couldn’t stay open for long or else the picture wouldn’t turn out right. We had to make sure there were no shadows or anything else in the picture. We didn’t have many frustrations besides getting the picture to turn out right and shadows. To make this drawing more complex I would do more complicated designs with the light.