
This project was basically about taking photos while someone of something was in action. The hard thing about this assignment was that the person was moving to fast therefore the photo didn’t come out how I planned. The thing that I did to make sure the photo came out good was that I made things go in action that was easy to capture. Tips,  for this assignment I would do something that creates a lot of action, like a sports event and then capture the best photo.

7 Days

For this project we need to take 7 photo that we are thankful for and why we are thankful. We need 7 photo the original project you could not take a picture or people or animals but in this one we can. It was better in black and white than color. a subject that was good were family and friends.


My photo here

7 Days

For this project I was tasked to go out and take pictures of seven things that I am thankful for within the span of seven days. We were supposed to do this with a positive mind because of all the negativity around us.

Find my 7 photos and explanation right here

Action shots  

This project is about taking clear pictures while someone or something is in action. I went around the school and asked people to do random stuff such as jumping in the air. Our goal is to focus on the person in action while everything around them is blurry. I used a burst of photos so that way I can catch the person at the best moment. We had no settings, however I would just tap to focus on the person or object before they do their action. I would photograph dancers, cheerleaders, or gymnast because I feel like they do the coolest actions.


Up Close

In this project, students were required to take pictures of objects using the Macro tool, which allows photographers to take picture of small objects and captures fine details. It was very easy to find subjects for my photographs, but more difficult for me to focus on the object. If I had the time and camera, I would enjoy photographing sea life, such as miniature shells and miniscule hermit crabs.


7 Days

  1. The first picture in my thread is of my garden. I love being outside and helping nature flourish. Since I am vegetarian, I like to grow lots of fruits and veggies fresh. Growing a garden also benefits bees and other animals who need plants to live and thrive. The plants in the photo are my peony flowers and a mint plant.
  2. The second picture is of my cat, Panda. She’s 9 years old and a brown tabby. I’ve had her since I was in kindergarten and she is perfect. She follows me around like a dog, and she’s very cuddly. She likes to play with water in the sink, and she’s really good at tricks. Without Panda, I don’t know what I’d do, I love her so much!
  3. The third picture is of my horse, Fargo. He’s a 6 year old Percheron/TB horse. He’s the joy of my life and I love riding him. We’ve jumped 3’6 together and won 5th and 6th place ribbons in a show. He’s the coolest horse ever! 
  4. The fourth picture is of my grandma’s dog, Bailey. This picture represents my thankfulness for all dogs, not just Bailey. All dogs bring joy into so many people’s lives, and dogs deserve all the thanks in the world for it. Bailey is so cuddly and sweet, and I’m thankful for all the happiness she’s brought me and the other members in my family.
  5. The fifth picture is of my friends’ Gabri and Bella. Every time I see them they make me smile. We’ve had so many good times together and I’m very thankful for them. We always have fun running around taking pictures and going to see Ms. Phillip. I love messing around with them and can’t wait to make even more memories. 
  6. The sixth picture is of my smile. I had began going to the orthodontist in first grade. I had braces from 2nd to 7th grade. My teeth were my worst insecurity and having braces for so long was very painful. Now that my teeth are perfect, I’m very thankful for my bright, beautiful smile. 
  7. The final picture is of my computer keyboard. I am thankful for all technology, because without it, we wouldn’t be able to communicate, play games, and do everyday things like keep food cold in a refrigerator or heat it up. Technology is such a critical part of our lives its hard to imagine life without it. 







What we had to do for this project was take pictures of people moving and make it show the motion. I mainly went around the school and took pictures of people that I saw in the hallway. I looked for whatever angle looked good and tried to set up the shot so I could get the best picture. For someone taking action photos, I would tell them to make sure they have a main focus and the whole picture isn’t blurry. If I was going to photograph any specific activity it would be water polo. It would be interesting to see them moving and seeing the water moving in the photo.




In this project, we had to take clear photos of people in action. We had to time the picture and set the camera up so the photo looked good. I used my iPhone 6 and held down burst and select my favorite photo. Next, I added my logo and put my two favorite photos on this website. I did good selecting my actions and setting up the picture. A tip for taking action photos would be holding the camera as still as possible. I would photograph someone falling or a surfer. Here are my 2 favorite photos and the rest are in the link below:


7 Days

For this project, I took pictures of the things that meant the most to me so far in my life, I took pictures of my pets relatives and some places that had helped me through the years. This project was 7 days long and it made me think about what I am most thankful for.

  1. My second dog, George, is the most important thing in my life. We adopted him from a shelter that would have put him down if he could not find a home. So we adopted him at the age of 4 and now he is 10. He means so much to me and he helped bring me and my dad closer than ever.
  2. A picture of my first dog, Teena, she was adopted before I was born and passed away 3 years ago. I was very upset when she went, but she made my house feel more like a home.
  3. A box of Teena, my dog’s ashes, and her collar. We kept it so we can remember her forever. It stays in the middle of our house so we can all feel close to her.
  4. My dad, he helped me through rough times and helped me keep motivated when I was having trouble inn school. I am most thankful for him because I would not be able to be the person I am without him.
  5. My house. This placed was a last resort when my dad could not find a place to move into when my parents split up. I was so happy to find a home close to my old house so I could stay near my friends and go to school with them.
  6. My bed. It helps me get to sleep at night and it is one of the places that makes me feel safe. When I wake up in the morning, I see my dog next to my bed and it always makes me feel happy and ready for the day.
  7. My bike. I helps me get to school everyday on time and I can always count on it to get me places close by. I rely on it a lot every day and this is one of the things I am most grateful for.

7 days

  I am thankful for the sport of baseball. Baseball helps ease my mind and take me away from reality. I get to let my energy out and have fun doing so.






I am thankful for my friends and the snacks they give me. I would not be the same without the delicious food they give me.






 I am thankful for my dog. She brings so much happiness to my family. She is also very delirious. She does crazy things that make me laugh.






I am very thankful for fortnite. Fortnite is an entertaining game that connects me with my friends. I am a complete dog at this game.



 I am thankful for my daddy. He provides everything for me. I love him so very much. He’s pretty dope too.

I am thankful for mi madre. She is pretty dope. She cooks me food and washes the dishes when I don’t want to. She also helps me and does my homework for me. Just kidding. Get your neck.

 I am thankful for my grandpa. He always makes jokes and is a pull god. He is very nice. He also has an amazing smile. His room is always cold which I don’t like. Sometimes he gives me food. I love food.