1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment, you are required to find three objects (One of them has to be a person) and take 5 shots in 5 different angles. One of the challenges in doing this project was finding someone that wanted to take pictures. To be honest, neither of the photographs was that hard to take you just needed the right angle with the right amount of lighting. This project helped me realize how to take pictures in different angle instead of just right in front of the object.

To see all of my photos for this assignment, click here.

24 crayons

Taniah’s 24 crayons

24 crayons is a project we did in photography class where you have to take pictures of 24 crayons that match the color of objects  that is around  you. some challenges in the project was finding the right angle. some times you would have to take multiple pictures and after pic out which one you think look best. something easy about the project was that you could take pictures of whatever you want as long it looks good.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment you had to take one object and create 5 shots at a different angle every time. Also, you had to have 3 objects in all and have 15 photos. One of the objects had to be a person. A challenge during this project was finding 5 different angles. I always thought I had got 5, but then I realized that some photos were the same angle. The person was the hardest to photograph because you had to find a perfect place for the pictures and because you had to ask their permission to do it. This project helped me figure out how to take a picture of the same thing, but with different perspectives.

You can see the rest of my photos here.

5 shots

              For this assignment I had to take 5 different photos each of three objects(one person). Each picture had to be a different angle. I didn’t have any challenges. Photographing the person(Sammy) was the hardest because she wouldn’t stop moving and it was hard to find angles.  This project helped me learn more angles to take pictures with. 

This is my favorite picture because the clouds look really cool.
See the rest of my pictures here!

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I had to take five pictures from different angles of an object. I found it challenging to create original angles instead of the regular angle that most people use. It was hardest to take pictures of people because people are always moving and never like how they look in pictures. This project helped me learn how to capture new angles that I wouldn’t have thought of before.

Click HERE for more pictures.

24 Colors

For my first 1st project I had to take 24 pictures of 24 colors in a box of crayons.I went around my neighborhood and my school to find colors that matched colors in my box of crayons. What I have learned from this project is I am starting to notice the colors around me a lot more than a couple of weeks ago.Also One challenge was finding the different shades of colors.Colors like the lighter blues and the darker ones and the darker purples,reds,oranges and the lighter ones.Also making the crayon stay still was very difficult.I tried to not to use tape as much as possible because sometimes if you take a picture it shows a glare.What I found the easiest about this project was finding more of the brighter colors also taking the picture on an actual camera and making the angles right and the lighting to.You can find the rest of my photos here.   

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment we had to choose one object, but take a picture of it in 5 different positions. The challenging part of this assignment was making sure that the position of the object in each picture is not too similar to any other photos. The photograph that was the hardest in my project was the picture of the shoe. I did my friends shoe, and it was hard to get in the certain angles in order to make the pictures different. This project helped me learn how to take photos in different positions. It taught me how to take a variety of photos. It showed me how a picture can look different even though it is the same object. Click here to see all of my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this project I had to take 3 objects (two items and one person) to take pictures of at different angles. One challenge was to not move the object once you have taken a picture because you can’t move the object after taking a photo. I think the shoe was the hardest object to take a picture of because I had to take pictures of the shoe with only one shoe on my foot which was a bit annoying. This project helped me realize that you can make more pictures more pleasing if you take them at different angles.

You can find the rest of my pictures Here.

1 Object 5 Shots

For this assignment I was tasked with taking one object and taking 5 pictures of it from different angles. However there were some problems  were, taking the last few angles as it was hard to think of more angles to shoot from. The most difficult object to take pictures of was the sharpener because it was attached to the wall and I couldn’t get any pictures from behind it because of that.This project helped me find other angles to take pictures from. You can see my photos here