Light Graffiti

To take these pictures, we had to go into a dark room and keep the camera lens open for about 10-15 seconds. The part that worked was figuring out the settings but one difficulty we faced was doing the design correctly. It was frustrating when we ran out of time to finish the picture. To take this project to the next level, we can get more colorful lights and a better camera so we can leave the lens open longer. You can find my pictures here

Light Graffiti

To be able to take my pictures I had to change the shutter speed to bulb so that we may be able to take the picture for the amount of time that we needed. The amount of time had to be enough because if it wasn’t then we would have to hurry up so that the timer doesn’t finish before we finish doing the graffiti. Something that worked was turning off all lights in the room and avoiding background lights as well. Something that didn’t work was if someone moved while we tried to take a shot of them then the picture would be blurry. Something that was very frustrating for me during this project was finding ideas as a team and being ready when it’s our turns to be taken a picture of. To take this project to the next level we could make harder and bigger scenes using light graffiti. Down below are two pictures my group took and if you want to check out the rest you welcome to click here.

LPMS stands for Lakeland Park Middle School.
G in this picture stands for my name which is Glory.

Light Graffiti

We took pictures by sometimes painting the background or the people in the image. Sometimes it wouldn’t work to take the pictures because we didn’t have enough time to do everything we wanted.A frustration for us was that we would never know exactly where we were placing the light. We had people standing on chairs so some of the light graffiti would look like its actually high up in the air (for example, a cloud). Here is the link to our photo’s.

Portraits with an Infinitive White Background

These are the photos we took with the white background. If you want to see more click here. The iso had to be really high to take these pictures. Some of the pictures we took didn’t work because we didn’t fix the camera. The rest of the photos were great.  I liked this project the most because there was less editing to do. 

Light Graffiti

For taking these light graffiti photos we had to follow a set of tedious steps. First, we had to turn off ALL the lights in the gym. Following that, we would adjust the settings on the camera such as shutter speed and ISO. After that we would “draw” with out flashlights. After we “drew” the camera would process all the lights and give us our final photo. I found that the longer the shutter speed, the better. Even though we had to wait longer for the photos to process, it allowed us to have enough time to draw. One thing that didn’t work was over complicated pictures. My group tried to draw a beach scene with a boat, clouds, birds, the sun, and of course water. This proved too difficult and after spending a whole class period trying we gave up. One frustration we had was other groups shining their lights toward us. This would mess up our whole photo and force us to start over. Below are 2 photos our group took, click here to see the rest of our photos. 

Rule of Thirds

 These are my two favorite pictures if you want to see more click here.Some pictures didn’t work because we had to put the grid on our camera’s so we knew what works and what didn’t. Some of my pictures did work because it was specific angle that you needed to take pictures from so you would get it right.

Rule of Thirds

What worked in this project was that the thirds were easy to get once you put the setting on your phone. What didn’t work as easily was the weather. It got colder when we were out there, because we have the morning period. My thoughts on rule of thirds was that I liked it because you don’t focus on one thing. My thoughts changed from the beginning because I thought it would be hard to get the person or object in the correct place, but the phone setting worked for that. The setting was nine square boxes, and you had to get your person or object on the lines inbetween. You can access my other photos here

Light Graffiti

for this project, we had to do light graffiti. we had to put the camera on bulb so it can keep it’s shutter open. and we had a flashlight face the camera so we can paint. the next time we do this, we need to get more colors. and most of what we drew look like it was done by a 5 year old.  here are some of the photos. see the rest of our photos here

i can write backwards

Light Graffiti

To view all my photos click here

To take the pictures we would change the shutter speed to match what we needed, we used the mode “Bulb” to take our pictures. For the bulb mode you hold down the picture button as long as you want, while all the lights are out. Then you get any light(Doesn’t matter what color,) and draw a picture while the shutter is open. Once the person is done drawing the picture, you then release the picture button to finish the photo. The thing that worked the best was getting the light to show up on the ending results. But it was really hard to draw images, because you just had to assume where the rest of your drawing is. One idea I have to take this to the next level is to try stop motion animation with light graffiti. It could show you gradually coloring in something, or maybe you can draw a picture moving, there is many things you could do with stop motion animation and light graffiti.

Light Graffiti – Alexis Jacob

In this project we had to use specific camera settings to create a light graffiti with lights we brought with us. First we had to keep the lights off in the gym so the lights would be able to be seen, then we had to switch the bulb so we can keep the picture going until we said it was done. Otherwise it would have to be about 10 seconds of doing everything as fast as you can. Nothing worked in the light so that was something that was frustrating. If you really wanted to do something that was outside the box try and draw something people usually can’t draw themselves. You can find the rest of the pictures here.