White backrounds

To take photos with an infinite white background, there were a few settings we had to change. First we had to put the ISO up to allow more light in, and change the shutter speed to be longer to allow all the light in. It worked to have a slow shutter speed because the maximum amount of light could be let in. it didn’t work to have a low ISO because the pictures would be too dark.

the rest of my pictures are here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/DItfyEbZN7r6tfB12

black background portraits

I asked the person to stand in different directions and angle.Also asking the person who was holding the light to hold it a little closer to the person’e face.Something that worked was changing the shutter speed which helped a lot.What didn’t work was trying to stand in a certain way to make sure that the stuff in the background wouldn’t show. Here is the link to the rest of the pictures.



black background

We used professional cameras and spotlights to create a great photo, then turned the lights off and changed the ISO and shutter speed to get black backgrounds on our pictures. The camera itself was hard to work with but everyone’s collaboration helped. When editing our photos, we cropped out stuff and changed the “curve”. I took the photo of Grace and she took the photo of me. The link to my groups photos are here.



In this project we had to turn off all of the lights and shine light on the person and make the black background look infinite. Some things that worked in this project was shinning light on the persons face and adjusting the settings.  Also, a few things that didn’t work were shinning the light on a persons shoulder and super long frame settings.


Black Blackground

For this project we used the manual settings (full control of settings) with digital cameras. we had to change the shutter speed and that all i did. i changed it to 1/125 or 1/250 because it was a great shot for the GoPro. that worked well and it made all of the photos we took look good. what didn’t work was that we had to change our location on our second day because the lighting was weird because of the other groups light. Here are some pictures.



Black Background


For this project, we posed in front of a backdrop with the lights off. One person in the group adjusted the camera, to make the  For this project, we turned off the lights in the room so it would be pitch dark. Then we would have one person in the group work with the light. They would have to find the right angle so the light would only hit the persons face. This way the background would seem darker. We also had someone taking the picture.  The camera person had to adjust the ISO which controlled the amount of light being let in and they had to adjust the shutter which was to see how fast the photo was to be taken. Then in Photoshop, we were to edit the color to make sure there are no shadows that you can see and we were able to turn the picture black or white or keep it colored. One thing that didn’t work was being to close to the wall if we were then we could see shadows. One thing that did work was holding the camera close to the person. This worked because it got rid of the shadows and the picture came out a lot brighter.


Photo credits go to Briana Niles


The link below has other pictures my group took.


Black Background

Some of the photos we took did not need to be edited. The others we used Photo Shop to make the background a bit darker because the F stop, ISO, and Shutter speed did not do a good job. A dark room with 1 camera light worked the best to help take these photos. What didn’t work was a super bright light and the person standing close to the wall because we could see the shadow.

Active link to the rest of the photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/fCBkfx9jZEz8i1We2



The purpose of this project was to make it look as though the subject of the photo had been Photoshoped into the picture.  To make this happen we first had to change the settings on our camera.  Once this was completed, all the lights were turned off except for a single hand held lamp.  It takes at least three people to take one photo;one person to take the photo, one person to be in the photo, and another to hold the light and angle it.  Once the picture was taken, you had to edit it in Photoshop using the curve tool.  This allows you to control what part of the photo darkens and which part becomes lighter.  You might also need to crop the photo to get rid of any excess background.  My group found it challenging to find the right lighting without making there be too much background.  We had to angle it so the person’s shadow was out of the shot.  It also helped to be farther away from the wall.  

Here’s a link to all the photos!https://photos.app.goo.gl/8I70LxFeeOLpLUIa2

Black Background!

This project we had  to take photos and adjust the settings (ISO and shutter speed) to make it look like there is no background or just in all black. As you can see, the background is all black and we used spotlights to show just the face in the picture. When editing the photos, I cropped out some of the background and adjusted the photo with the setting curves. I made the lighting change and adjusted the amount of light coming into the photo. It was challenging to take the photo and have the settings at the right spot. But once I got the settings right, it was easy to put the spotlight where it needed to be and take the correct photo.

To see the rest of my link go to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/yu5KCYHjZF4GPhTr1