
In this portrait, the picture had to look like it had an infinitely white background. If done correctly, the photo should look as if someone was Photoshopped into the image.  To achieve this we had to go through a few steps.  First, we had to change to manual settings.  This was to change the ISO’s up and have a slower shutter speed to allow more light into the camera.  This process is completely different from the black background photos.  For those pictures we had to change the ISO’s down and hasten the shutter speed to let in less light.  Once this was done, we needed three people to take the photo.  One person to be in the photo, another to light the white background behind the subject, and a photographer.  The subject had to be close to the camera so it would focus on them instead of the background behind them, blurring any imperfections on the white background.  It was challenging to get the position quite right and focus the camera, but when we did the pictures looked really cool.  One thing that worked well for my group was having the subject show 3/4 of their face, looking of into the distance.  We all really liked that pose.  All in all, I think the white background was harder to do than the black background.  The settings were more delicate and it was much more difficult to keep shadows out of the shot.

Here’s a link to all our photos!https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ti7HWF1b0hHdryEv2

white background!

It was an easier process to take the white photos then the black. This is because the white background fit in with the picture better and it was easier to find which setting the camera  needed to capture the right picture. The settings worked great and by standing further from the wall, the picture came out better. I thought the light didn’t help as much as I thought it would.

For the rest of my photos go to this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bXGrjgumQpwiMJiO2


White Background

The process I used to take the photos and edit was fairly simple. All you have to do is have the light shine on the background, the person close to the camera. The settings on the camera have to on manual. Then you need to change the ISO to about 800. This will help allow how much light will be let in. Then you need to change the shutter speed witch will determine the amount of time it will take the photo. What worked was having the light shine at the background so there was no extra light on the person. What did not work was having the person to close to the wall/paper cause then a shadow would appear.


Photo credits got to Briana.

Here are more pictures of my group.


White Background

We had take pictures of each other with a white background shining the light on the background not the person.what worked was making sure the shutter speed and ISO were at the right setting/place. what didn’t work was trying to make sure that there was no shadow but we figured it out.

link to the rest of the photos.



White background


During this project we had to take photos using a white background without a shadow. We had to change lights from an orange one to a silver because it was making the background look orange. We figured out that being closer to the camera would make it focus on you and blur out the background, which made it look whiter.


White Background

When we did this project we had to light the background so it looks like there is no background at all. A few things that worked were shining a lot of light on the background and adjusting the shutter speed so it was open for a while. Some things that didn’t work were shining the light on the person and keeping the shutter open for a little.



White Backgrounds

First we set the ISO to 640. We set the F stop to 5 which controls how big the lens gets to let light in.  We changed the shutter speed to 1/20 of a second. This was much easier than the black background because I didn’t have to do as much editing and we could get more pictures taken in less time. What worked was the lighting of the background because we didn’t have to be as concerned about it. What was hard was that we had such a big group to take pictures of.

Here’s where you can find the rest of my group: https://photos.app.goo.gl/QKOSHp6RG2Ih1Qq02


White Background Portrait

In this project, we placed a subject against a back-lit white background and adjusted the ISO and shutter speed on the camera. Then we edited and cropped them in Adobe Photoshop. Leaving the ISO and shutter speed as it was didn’t work and the photos didn’t turn out. We found that the further we held the light from the person the better the photos were.

link to album: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2QJwzhQlyGFqfEQJ2

White Background

In this project, I made the shutter speed very slow and let in as much light as possible by adjusting the settings on the camera. The modeling and poses worked. Megan was modeling in most of the pictures and it made them extremely interesting. It was hard to get the backgrounds perfectly white, but we did it in a few pictures.

