Thankful Post

The first thing I am thankful for is my house. I have lived in my house for 10 years. It is right across from Lakelands Park and right by Lakelands clubhouse. It is close to many shops and restaurants and my bed is also inside my house and it’s very comfy. 

The second thing I am thankful for is my grandpa. Even though he sadly passed away from his long fight of cancer, he never fails to always be in a special spot of my mind. I miss him everyday and I am so thankful for him. 

I am sometimes thankful for my siblings. It really just depends on the day. They are very annoying but I always enjoy playing sports  with them .

2 of my pictures are of my friends. I am sooooo thankful for my friends because I do everything with them. They are always there for me. 

I am very thankful for my cousins because they live in Boston so I don’t get to see them very often. I love getting to spend time with them. 


7 days

 I am thankful for nature because it is very calming. Nature also is very beautiful to look at. Nature is also satisfying.

I am very thankful for the beach because whenever im there i am happy. Also i have a lot of memories mad at the beach and my family and I always have great times there.

I am thankful for long car rides because I love going somewhere far listening to music and  going on my phone. Also i’m really thankful for car rides because  my sibling and I always listen to fun old songs.

I am very thankful for lacrosse because it really makes me happy and i love playing. Also because my friends and I always have so much fun and learning new skills and tricks.

I am so thankful for my friends because they always there for me and  always know how to make me laugh. I love going out and hanging out with them and making fun memories.

I am thankful for food keeping me alive. And i’m very thankful for good food always satisfying me.

Lastly i am very thankful for my family and loving me. Even after fights i love ,my family very much and they are always there to make me laugh and etc. 


7 Days

I’m thankful for my cats because they are always really soft and comfrotable to sleep on. Also, they are the only reason I wake up in the morning. 

I’m thankful for my guitar because I love to play guitar. Playing guitar helps me think.

I’m thankful for my dad for taking me around the world and always being there for me. We love to travel!

I’m thankful for my mom because she’s amazing and kind. I love her so much and she’s the best mom ever! I’m thankful for my siblings because they keep me on edge and always love running around with me.

I’m thankful for art and painting because it’s really fun. I can sit for hours and paint. It helps me forgot about my problems.

I’m thankful for my brother Alex. He’s not my actual brother but I’ve known him forever and he’s super fun to hang out with.  He’s crazy and we always get in trouble. 

I’m thankful for Isabella and Srilekha because they are my best friends and they bring out the crazy side of me.



I am thankful for Mr.Banks. I am thankful for Mr.Banks because he is the best teacher I have had at LPMS. He knows my strengths and weaknesses and how to help. In class he also has a great sense of humor. I still comeback to visit him and tell him how my 8th grade year is going.


I am thankful for my best friends because I know they will always support me. They know when I’m upset and how to cheer me up. When I’m with them I can be honest and they help me with any problem. They know how to have a good time and be fun.


I am thankful for my soccer team because they are there for me on and off the field. On the field they are supportive, and help me when I need it. My coach pushes me to be the best person and player I can be.

I am thankful for my dog, Spot. I am thankful for Spot because he is so fun to be around and he cheers me up all the time. He is super hyper and is always happy. 

I am thankful for my brother because I know will always have my back. I can trust him with him anything and we have been through everything together. 

I am thankful for my grandparents because they take care of me when I need it. they have been alive longer than I have and know how to help me through everything.

I am thankful for America. I am thankful for America because there is lots of freedom and I am proud to live in this country.





7 Photos I am thankful For

I am thankful for my friends because they always are there for me when need it and have my back. They also make me feel better when i’m feeling down and make laugh.


I am thankful for my family cause they help me and support me everything i do.  Also they make me a better person by being honest.


I am thankful for soccer and my soccer team because they help me improve and challenge my skill.


I am thankful for my state and the beauties of it. The potomac river.


I am thankful for my camp mates bause they make camp experience fun and exciting.  They make me happy to return.


I am thankful for caroline and grace because they understand me and help me if I need a laugh.  They make me feel needed


Lastly I am thankful for my dad and mom for bringing me into this world in which I am happy.  They greet me every morning

7 Days

Although this is kind of a weird one I am thankful for my house. I have made so many memories here. I have lived in this house since I was 2 years old and have made friends there and well, it’s where I spend all of my time.

I know that this is odd just a picture of a scoreboard but I am thankful for it. I have so much fun at the QO games. Plus they finally beat Northwest in the playoffs. I have also been going to the games for such a long time and I have seen them lose in the playoffs so many times.

This next one is probably one that everyone is thankful for my parents. They are so supportive of me and are always there for me. Whenever I need something they can always help me and will always help me.

The next thing I am thankful for is lacrosse. I have been playing since I was 5 and I have made so many friends playing. Whenever I am bored I can just go outside and play.

I am thankful for my kitchen. It has made me closer with my dad when we cook together and also it has become a new hobby and interest for me.

I am thankful for my school. I have made so many friends and learned so many life lessons. Also without it I would have absolutely nothing to do.

Lastly, I am thankful for my brother. Even though we fight a lot I still love him and we can always play sports together.


7 Days

For the 7 Days project we were assigned to take 7 pictures we are grateful for because “There is so much negative around us, let’s try to think positively.” Which are quoted from the assignment. Here are my 7 pictures that I’m grateful for


[See image gallery at]
  1. The first picture is a picture of my computer setup sort of… I spend a good chunk of my time on the computer just doing anything from video games to programming it’s just there for me to experiment. It’s like my own personal sandbox.
  2. 2nd picture is my piano I mean I haven’t been playing the piano very long maybe about a year, and  I play the piano so maybe I can get good enough and play all popular songs on the piano. I think that’s a cool “party trick”
  3. The third picture are Air Jordan 1 Shattered Backboard. Don’t mistaken me for a shoe head. I just sell shoes for pocket money. I’m just grateful for the opportunity to be able to sell shoes.
  4. 4th picture is the flag of my culture. I’m take pride that I’m an Asian because though there are some bad stereotypes most of them are positive and I can make people laugh making jokes about them.
  5. In the 5th picture we have Leo who has had my back for the longest time, and I have enough friend who’s been there for me, but I don’t really have a good picture of him just an embarrassing one.
  6. The last picture we have a soccer ball. I really like playing soccer because all of my friends play it. 

7 Days

[See image gallery at]


My first picture is of nature. I am thankful for nature because it has a calming sense about it and helps cool my nerves.

My second picture is of food. I am thankful for my food because it gives me energy and fills my stomach.

The third picture is of my friends. I am thankful for my friends because they are there for me when no one else is.

My fourth picture is of books. I am thankful for books because they help fill my head with knowledge.

My fifth picture us of my school. I am thankful for my school because it gives me  a safe environment to help pursue my dreams.

My sixth picture is of my dog. I am thankful for my dog because she is my constant friend 24/7.

My final is picture is of Ansh. I am thankful for Ansh because he takes great pictures and is an amazing DJ

7 Days

I am very thankful for all that I have

  1. I am thankful for my favorite country, and my home the United States of America because of its everlasting glory and power.  The United States is symbolized by the American flag.
  2. I am thankful for the state of Maryland because it is where I have lived all my life and where I have grown up.  The Maryland flag is shown.
  3. I am thankful for my dog Maddie who is always their to make me smile.  Maddie is featured in a very cute photo.
  4. I am thankful for the SGA because it has allowed my to share my opinions and lead our great school.  The SGA board where students are updated on the SGA’s work is featured.
  5. I am thankful for my middle school the best school in the world with wonderful teacher and lots of fun activities.  My middle school has allowed me to flourish as a student.  The LPMS mascot is a falcon.
  6. I am thankful for fires because they are very cozy and cool.  I greatly enjoy sitting by the fireplace and watching a movie with my family
  7. I am thankful for the world and all the wonderful people that have lived and live in it.  I love learning about all the different cultures and nations of Earth.  This idea is symbolized by many different flags.

Thankful Post

In my first picture I have a collage of all of my teachers that I greatly  appreciate. I appreciate them all because they have made my year so far so much easier and some of them have helped my entire middle school experience.  Lots of them have also put a great effort into helping me and my grade. They have also helped and encouraged me to put a greater effort in to my Poolsville application.

My second picture is a picture of my family gathering around before Christmas last year and me, my sister and my mom going on a road trip last summer.  My family has helped me though out my life because the have encouraged me to be a better person. They have also helped me get through all the challenges that I have faced.

In my third picture I have a collage of some of the best places that I have ever been. One of them is my back yard that looks like a forest and is wonderful to walk through to collect your thoughts. The second place is a sun flower garden where some of the sunflowers were taller than me. The third photo is of my house before Halloween and it is my favorite one because I decorated it with my family.

my forth picture is a collage of my sister-in-laws and my aunts/uncles and cousins. The people in this picture are important to me because they are always around though my ups and downs. They also are always around and just want to have a good laugh with no seriousness in the air.

My fifth picture  is a picture of my siblings, out of all the people I consider to be my family/sibling these are only a few of them. I hold these people close to my heart because no matter what I know I can count on them when I’m feeling down to cheer me up of when there is no one  else to talk to they will be there. I also know that these people will be there no matter what even if they aren’t  actually here.

In mt sixth photo I have pictures of places at school. I have these because they remind me that even if school ism’t my favorite place it still isn’t the worst. They also show me that although people can be mean there are also supper excepting people that will always the there for you.

In my seventh picture I have a picture of my friends. They are also pep;e that I consider to be my family. I know that they will always be there for me because even if we only have known each other for a little while they have already been there through thick and thin with me and I hope I will be able to do the same for me.