5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to choose 3 different objects, (one was a person) and take pictures of them with 5 different angles. I chose a paper, a friend, and a plant. The hardest one was my friend, because she wouldn’t hold still long enough. This project helped me to learn about the different compositions of objects and the different ways to take a good photo.My favorites are down below.

Here’s the Link to my Album: https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipM58ZCNMwCokb5hjw-9ySFF8o83dzAy-skN5M31

One Object, 5 Shots

For this project I had to go take pictures of 3 objects from 5 different angles. One of the objects had to be a human. The hardest part of this project was figuring out how to get 5 different angles without them being the basic ones. The object that was hardest to photograph was the human because you can’t take a picture from underneath easily. This helped me with finding better places to put the camera besides just the front angle.

Here you can see all of my photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Qs6S1nxTo5jBkc963

Here are my favorites from my objects:




1 Object, 5 Shots

1 Object, 5 Shots, is a pretty self explanatory project.  You have to find three items and take 5 separate pictures of the same thing from different angels.   At least one of these objects had to be a person.  During this project I found it slightly difficult to get 5 different interesting shots of the same item.  It was useful to take pictures of objects that stood up on its own and had an underbelly, but good shots were challenging to find none the less.  I think the most unfavorable thing to photograph was a person, but not because it was physically strenuous to take there picture.  The hardship was more on an emotional level, as it is extremely awkward to shove a camera 5 inches away from someones face for the perfect shot.  Hardships aside, this activity allowed me to find interesting angels that are different and more eye catching.  I’m sure that this experience will help me in future projects.


Here are the rest of mt photo’s!












1 Object, 5 Shots

After having a class go through the entire semester of this class, I

Anyone with a sister or daughter (in my case) can understand this guys day…..

realized that I needed an assignment that makes you, the photographer, move.  My goal for this course is to help you create great shots through composition, camera position, and color.  Camera position seems to be something that is a challenge.  In this project I want you to pick 3 objects, 1 must be a person, and take 5 photos of the same object without moving it.  Before you take your first picture plan out all 5 pictures.  Each photo should be taken from a different camera angle (perspective). You can shoot up, down, from the right, from the side, from the back, and from any other angle you can pull off.  Be thoughtful about what is in your background as well.  This is a chance for you to be creative and look for interesting angles that will get people want to look at your work.

Your post should include:

  • An overview of the assignment (what you had to do)
  • What was a  challenge during this project?
  • Which object was the hardest to photograph? Why?
  • What did this project help you do?
  • An active link to all 15 of your photos.
  • Your favorite photo of the 15(with your logo)

Check out the shots created by your classmates by clicking here.