Catch The Action

In this project my goal was to take 8-10 pictures of people or objects in motion. In the picture I had to make sure that the person or object did not turn out to be blurry. multiple pictures were taken by my IPhone when I hold down on the center white button. taking multiple shots is an efficient way because it will capture all the movement, and then you get to choose one out of the best. A tip I have is that its best to take a picture of something that is somewhat not to fast for you to miss the shot. Also to consider what ground is going to look. A sport i would want to photograph is basketball because there are many cool trick and shots to take. Click HERE for more photos.

Catch the Action

   For this project we had to take 8 to 10 pictures in motion. what I did was get close to the object and press the shutter button half way down  and when it was on the air i press it fully down. I think if you use the sports mode in a camera than it might be easy. I think dance or football would be cool.


we did a project were we had to take pictures of objects that were in motion first thing we did was we went outside were there was good natural lighting. we took pictures that were in motion. The difficult part of this project was to take pictures of the things that were in motion and we had to take a lot of pictures of the object.the easy part was editing all the here

7 days

I am thankful for living in the united states because not a lot of people have this previlleg. I’m thankful for this also because i get to travel the world with my family to get to see all my family. In other states not all people can’t come to see parts of the world. Also i get to have a better life by driving, having a good job going to school and more. This is why i’m thankful.

For my project I took picture of what i’m thankful for.This picture is showing me how my family are close and that we love each other.This picture also shows that I’m  thankful for my family because they are always there when I need them. Also In this picture family look really serious and there not at all. This is why I am thankful for my family.   

For my Project i had to take picture of what i am thankful for. I am thankful for my friends because they are there when i’m not well. They are there when my teacher is being wierd or annoying. If i’m having a bad day my best friends are there to cheer me up.My friends make me laugh. This is why i’m thankful.

I am thankful for my teacher because they teach me that they are mean. My teachers teach me how to do math, write paragraph, science, and more. One of my favorite teacher is Mr. fitz even if he makes me cry and annoyed he’s chill. Another one of my favorite class is math i don’t really get it sometimes but i like learning it.This is why i’m thankful for my teacher.

I am thankful for food because I eat so good and I know that somewhere in the world a child is suffering and does not have what I have. I’m thankful For when my dad cooks pollo con tajadas or my mom makes bean soup. Also thankful for the food that my family is able to get/ buy.

I am thankful for my house that i live in because i have a place to go at night. I’m also thankful for this because i don’t have to live outside in the cold. I thankful for having my room and night light to sleep in. I thankful that i am able to have a stove in the living room. This is why i’m thankful.

I am thankful for having my sister because i can tell here anything. When i’m sad she make me laugh. When i mad she makes me more mad. When i am not having a good day she makes me food. This is why i’m thankful for my sister.


In this project we were asked to take pictures of things in action. The images had to look like they were in action meaning they cant looked staged. For example if you rolled a marble on the ground it can be in action but it would not count because you could have just put it there and took a picture. In this project i just took a picture of people doing something in action while it was in action. I held the burst button on my phone and picked the best photo. A tip for somebody doing this project is to hold the burst button on your phone it works to take all the photos so you can find the perfect one. If i could photograph any sport it would be soccer, because if you can catch the moment right when the foot and the ball make contact you would be able to see a lot of details. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Catch The Action

In this project, we were told to take photos of people or objects that looked like they were in motion. On my phone, I did not change any of the settings but I used the burst on my phone so I could take a bunch of photos at once. This made it so I could go back and look at 20 photos and pick out the best one. My tip is to do what I did. Just hold down the photo button on an iPhone and you can probably get a photo of someone or something in motion. But aim the camera at someone rolling or jumping and you can probably get it. I would want to get a photo of someone skiing down a massive hill. You can also find the rest of my photos here.

Catch The Action

In this project we had to take pictures in motion and make sure the pictures were clear and not blurry and you can tell it was in motion. What I did to make it work was take pictures a second early so could get the ball where I wanted and tried places with the best lighting. a sport I wish I could’ve taken was football or baseball. You can see the rest of my photos here.

”Kenia’s Action”

In this project we have to take 8-10 pictures of one of my classmate, and with a camera i take 8 photos in total what I did to catch in action so the person have to jump  or run etc, so when they jump I press the camera bottom and the picture came with a good action. It was hard to get the firsts photos but l try many times and finally l get goods photos. This help me to practice how to take goods photos in action and l learned and l enjoy it. It was fun because we try many times. I would like take photos of people playing soccer and catch them in action. If you want to see the rest of the pictures you can go by clicking HERE


In this project, I had to take pictures of things in motion. In order to get a good picture, I changed to ISO to 800, because I needed it to be more sensitive to light. Also, I put the shutter speed to 1/800 of a second because I needed to catch the moving object in motion and at the right moment. A tip I would give to somebody who is trying to take action photography is to set the camera up where the person or object will end up, or follow them until you feel like they are at a position that is good. Also, you should take pictures while moving/following the object or person, so that you can have pictures to choose from. One of them might be the best picture in the whole wide world, and you could end up with a lot of money. If I could, I would want to photograph ballet dancers. I would want to capture their jumps and turns, just at the right moment. 

To see the rest of my photos, click here.


So this project was about taking really good action photos of movement. I used my  phone too take pictures and i would try to take multiple at a time. A tip is to continue taking pictures till you get a good one and go outside. I would want to take pictures basketball because the pictures will be cool jumping pictures. Action