Set in the Street

Set in the Street is a mini set where the camera only captures that set area and not anywhere else. You could be in the streets and make a set that looks like an ordinary home. Then we had to show something was happening in the photo like the tone or mood or situation. Then we edited the photos and made the scene black and white also editing the shadowing in the camera. Like above the light should be darker since the light is facing down. My 4 photos are below.

Set in the Streets

My project was about how we had to have a seen and not be paying attention even know we had a camera. It was had to get the right picture because we were not aloud to look at that the camera. One of the easier parts was getting in place and have what we wanted. A other thing that was easy was to get props. You can find more here.

Kitchen Table

In our project “kitchen table,” we had to tell a story at a kitchen table, but the kitchen table was not in a kitchen, but it was actually in the main lobby, with only a small makeshift wall and a light at the top of the wall for decoration. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman  and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin’s project was about setting a scene in the street that nothing to do with the street, and Carrie’s project was about telling a story just at her kitchen table, so we combined these. I used Photoshop to edit my photo, and the tools were black and white, eclipse tool, and the curves tool. If I were to choose a scene to tell my family’s story, it would be our living room, and the pictures may include watching a movie during movie night. 

The rest of my photos can be found here.

Action/Motion Project

This project was about taking photos of things or people in motion. I used my own phone to capture the moving people/objects in my pictures. I knew that it was okay for the main person or thing to be a little blurry because it was in motion. But if the picture was too blurry I had to restart and take another  picture. I had to edit my pictures to make them fit with what the person was doing. For example, I had a black and white background for someone falling because that scene is sad. One tip I have for photographers that are taking picture of people or things in motion is that you have to time the person’s motion or the object’s motion so that your picture doesn’t turn out to be a blurry mess. If I were to be a photographer for a certain sport I would choose soccer because I love to play it and I would be able to meet famous soccer players that I could take pictures of while they play in a game.

Link to my photos is here.

Set in the Street: Assignment

“Set in the Street” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman.  The idea behind “Set in the Street” is to create a photography set in a public space that doesn’t really have anything to do with the set that is being used for the project.  In the fall of 2018 the set was inspired by the work of Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project.  You can see the previous posts and “sets” we have built in this class by clicking on the category Set in the Street.

The Fall of 2018 Set in the Street for Arts Night December 12, 2018.
A birthday party (and actually Emely’s birthday) using our street and using the photographs of Carrie Mae Weems as inspiration.

Your assignment:

+Plan, assemble props, and take photographs using our “Set in the Street”

+ Edit 4 photos using the color values found in the photos by Carrie Mae Weems

+ Add the vignette look to your photos using the elliptical marquee tool in PhotoShop

Your post should include:

+ Introduction to the project

+ Explanation of the photographers used for this project.  Their names must be included as live links to their websites like mine above.

+ What PhotoShop tools did you use to edit your photos?

Answer the following:  If you had to choose a place to tell your family’s story, where would you take your photos?  What photos would we see? (even better, include a picture of this place)

+ 1 edited photo, 1 “zoomed out” photo (you can use mine here)

+ Post needs to be in the category Set in the Street

7 Days

I’m thankful for my sister shes the one on the right. I’m grateful for her because she has helped me with anything. She is very funny and very kind but she can be annoying at times. Overall she is a very good sister,she knows that I will love her everywhere I go.

I’m also thankful for life because I would miss wonderful memories if I wasn’t born. I wouldn’t have a sister or anything. Some people say life is horrible but once you see and find good things to do you might love life.
I’m thankful for food because without food I will be so skinny and have nothing to eat . Without food I would die and chipotle its so good.
I’m thankful for  my friend tabitha. She is a very funny and a little weird. Sometimes she can be annoying  and mean but she is still a good friend. 
I’m very thankful for my mom because she is always there for me and she makes me happy sometimes. She is my best friend and i love her so much.
I’m also grateful for my cousin because he is very fun,annoying,and a baby at times. He has mixed emotions toward everyone sometimes he is happy and sometimes is angry.
I’m also thankful that I have a roof over my head because without somewhere to sleep and eat every night I would have nowhere to go.

Smile Project

See all of my photos here

What was difficult was getting random people to let us take a picture of them. I saw that they are two different people when they smile and don’t smile. It could make you photo turn out different. I would ask them what would you like to do for this photo based on you background.

7 Days

I’m thankful for my bed. Some kids aren’t fortunate enough to have a bed of their own. I’m thankful that I get to sleep in my very own comfortable and warm bed. My bed keeps me warm during the cold winter nights and I feel well rested when I wake up.

I’m thankful for my sink because it provides clean running water. Some people aren’t as fortunate to have clean0 running water like I am. I wish everyone was, but I can’t control that unfortunately. 

I’m thankful for putting up my Christmas lights with my dad. I don’t always want to do it, but my dad always drags me outside and we have fun seeing all the lights on the bushes and on my porch. 

My mom makes her homemade cookies all the time and they are really good. I love every time she cooks and I am thankful for my mom’s cooking and food. 

I’m thankful for my soccer team because I love playing soccer all the time. I go to practice 3 times a week. My team is plays well with each other which helps us win most of our games. 

This is a picture of my pet fish. I am thankful for my pet fish because he’s the best pet ever. Whenever I come by to feed him he always comes up to the top. 

I am thankful for setting up my family’s Christmas tree with my family. We do it every Christmas together and it’s always fun when we do it. Even though my dad and I have to bring up the boxes full of ornaments which are heavy, we still enjoy putting up all of the ornamnets on our tree.  

Motion Project

The objective of this project is to take a quality picture of something or someone in motion. You must be able to tell that it’s in motion though. The hardest part is finding a good picture that isn’t blurry while taking the photo. The easy part was finding things to throw, or to move. The first picture shows me flourishing cards simply. The second picture shows me kicking a soccer ball and I took the picture myself but using a timer.


For this project we had to take pictures of things in action. To take my photos I made sure I was at a good angle and took a burst as the person or object moved. A tip I have is to take lots of pictures of the thing in action and chose the best one. I think it would be cool to take action photos of soccer. See the rest of my pictures here