7 Days

For this project I had to take 7 pictures of things that I am thankful for. My first picture was a picture of my family. I am thankful for my family because they love me and they help me through tough times but always make me laugh. My second photo is of my dad. I am thankful for my dad because he teaches me things that I need to know in life and is proud of me. My third photo is of Zack. I am thankful for Zack because he is my friend and I should be thankful for that. My fourth photo is of my brother and my cousin. I’m thankful for my brother because he toughens me up and puts a smile on my face. Also, I’m thankful for my cousin because he is young and I can treat him like a little brother. My fifth photo is of my cat. I am thankful for my cat because she is nice and brings back good memories. My sixth photo is of my cousins dog. I am thankful for my cousins dog because his funny to play with and looks like a potato. My last photo is of my dog Stella. I am thankful for my dog Stella because she loves and always lets me pet her. If you want to see the rest of my photos click here.

Set in the Street

     For this project we took the idea of the album “Set in the Street” by Justin Bettman and combined it with the Kitchen Table album by Carrie Mae Weems. We did the same thing that Justin’s album did and we set up a scene of a kitchen table, but we were really in a school. After we took all our photos, we then edited them to look like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Before we started to use any of the tools, we first had to turn the photos black and white. After we had to use the marquee tool in order to select the lower 2/3’s of the photo. We then inverted the marquee so it would select the top 1/3 of the photo, and once it was selected we had to mess around with the darkness levels of the top of the photos; in order for them to look more like Carrie Mae Weems photos. Finally, if were to take photos of my family in a a place that tells my family’s story, I would take the photos in my moms room. I would take my photos here because this is were my family meets most of the time, this is where we are the most together (for the most part).

To view all my photos click here

Set In Street

In this project we had to take pictures of a living room we made and it is supposed to look like a real living room but it is not. This project is inspired by a New York photographer called, Justin Bettman. What he does is he makes sets in public spaces and he leaves it there so if anyone wants to use it they can. The kitchen table project was inspired by Carrie Mae. We were trying to recreate her kitchen table pictures except she took her pictures in an actual kitchen table and we took ours in a set in street. To achieve the pictures we used Photoshop and some of the tools we used were first B&W then we used the Marquee tool to change the image to a vignette to make the pictures look more realistic. To tell the story of my family I’d take a picture of us in a our very first house and one in our new one to show our evolution and where we were from and how we changed. Down below is the set we used and a picture I took with my group. If you want to see the rest click here.

Set in the Street

In this project, we had to create a scene in the middle of anywhere and takes photos. My class created a dining room scene in the lobby of our school. The point of our project was to take a picture as if you were in the location, but then you would take a photo zoomed out so the people who were looking at the photos could see the actual location. This scene was inspired by Carrie Mae Weems, who is famous for her vignette looking photos that are taken in her dining room. We also were inspired by the location of the photos of Justin Bettman who would set up a scene in a street and take the pictures, the pictures would look as if they were at that location being portrayed and not in the street. I used many things to edit my photos such as making the top of the photo darker just like Carrie Mae Weems. I first turned the photo black and white give the vingette feel, then I zoomed out used the elliptical marquee to circle the top of the phot to make it darker. Then I went to modify and changed the feather to 225, then in modify I hit the inverse button. After that I clicked the graph button and dragged the line until the top of the photo was dark enough. I would tell my family stories at our kitchen table, because that protrays our life the best way I could think of. You could see half of my family eating dinner because we are just super busy, or you could see my grandparents and I play cards together, etc. If you would like to see the rest of my photos, click here. 

Set In The Street – Alexis

This project was all about thinking outside the box, almost literally. We were assigned to make our scene with the walls and table, it was one small scene and you got to make your imagination flow with it. These pictures are all inspired by a New York based photographer known as Justin Bettman. Carrie Mae Weems was also an inspiration especially for the background of this scene (walls, light, table) she called it the kitchen project. If I could set a scene for my family I think it would be in a car, it’s where we’re all mainly together. 

Set in the Street

In this project we had to make a set in the hallways of our school. However, they were made to look like we are actually at a kitchen table. In our group was Ashley, Brooklynn, Brianna, Tabitha, Taniah, Rebecca and Alexandra. We mainly used the elliptical marquee tool in PhotoShop, to make the photos have an old feel. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, it would probably be either at home, or at my family’s friends house. Some photos you would probably see are people either getting into arguments or just us eating and having fun. If you want to see more pictures click here.

Catch The Action

Me catching an Odell

See all of my pics here.

We set up this project well. We made the most with a football and soccer ball. We also jumped over a bench. Setting the shutter to a high speed really helped. If I was a professional photographer, I would like to take pics at hockey games. 

Set in the Street

In this project, we built a kitchen set in the middle of the hallway. This idea was taken from the photographer Justin Bettman. His idea was to place photography sets in public. After we set all the walls up, we took turns bringing props and took pictures of different scenes that can happen in a real kitchen. After that we edited the pictures in photoshop to resemble the pictures that Carrie Mae Weems took. Carrie Mae Weems is a photographer that took different pictures of scenes that could happen or have happened, at a kitchen table. The way we edited the pictures as by making the photo black and white, and by using the elyptical tool. Using this tool, I placed the oval shape so that there is a space above it at the top of the picture. Then I pressed Select and Modify, and clicked Feather. I typed in 200 for the amount of pixels and clicked ok. After that I pressed Select again, but I pressed inverse. When I did this I could use the Curves tool and moved the slider around until I shaded the top part how I liked it. if I can choose any place to tell my family’s story, I would also probably choose a kitchen table, because we always use it as a family, and we come together. You would definitely see pictures of me and my brother as children, my old pet parakeet, and later on my pet cat. You would also see pictures of us eating, doing homework, and just pictures of us laughing and talking together. Here was an edited photo, and a zoomed out one:

To see all my other photos, click here.

Set in the Street

For this project, we had three days to take pictures at the “kitchen table”(a set that was made to look like a kitchen table so we could take pictures) that told a story. The inspiration for this project was Justin Bettman who would build sets of rooms in cities and photograph people who posed in them. This project, was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who took pictures at her actual kitchen table, that told a story of her life. While editing my photos I used the black and white tool, the cropping tool( with rule of thirds lines), the spiral selecting tool that I inverses and put a feather of 200 on to get a shadow above the light/lamp. If I were to take a picture in a room in my house where my family would tell a story it would probably be the kitchen. I think I would take the pictures in the kitchen because everyone is moving and I think it would be cool to take a picture of the kitchen in the morning and then at night to see the difference. In the pictures you would probably see my parents cooking with my younger sister and I helping, my entire family eating at the island,  my sister and I preparing our lunches and me helping my sister with homework. To see the rest of my photos from this project click HERE!

Set in the streets

“Set in the streets” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman.  In this project they are playing cards and chess. To edit this photo i went into PhotoShop and turned my photo black and white then went and pressed the marquee tool and made a huge oval around the picture then pressed select, then modify, then feather, then turned it to 200. After I was done with that i pressed inverse which made the circle go around the light then I went into curved and turned down the brightness. After that i put my logo on the picture. If i had to chose a place to tell my family’s story would be my grandma house because a lot of important thing happened there.