Set In The Street

This is a project where we had to take four pictures at a kitchen table, all with a different story, and all with the same scene. The photographer I used in this photo is Alexis. If I could take one picture with my family it would be on Christmas because everybody is together and we are all happy. You can find all of my photos here.

I should study more….

Set in the Street

For this project we had to take pictures on the set, which was a kitchen table, and set up as scene for a photo there. This project is inspired by the photographer Justin Bettman‘s Set in the Street photos. the kitchen table set was inspired by Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project. The tools in Photoshop that I used were black and white, the marquee tool, feather, inverse, the cropping tool, and curves. If I could choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose our living room. The type of photos you would see are my family and I watching a movie or playing a game. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Set In the Streets

 For this project we had to take pictures revolving around a kitchen table and what we do there.Each picture has to be something, have a story. This project was inspired by Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Too edit this photo in Photoshop I used the crop tool, B&W, Curves, and the marquee tool. If I had a place to tell my families story I would take my photos in the living room because that’s mostly where we are and it’s are “living” room. Many things have happened in that room. We would see two kids growing, two different dogs, a one mom, there would be many happy and sad memories.

You can find the rest of my photos here.

Set in the Street

Our new assignment was to plan, assemble props, and take photos using our “Set in the Street”. We had to take and edit 4 photos using the color values found in the photos by Carrie Mae Weems. The other two people in the photo are two of my friends who are also photographers. Click here and here for their sites. On photoshop I used the elliptical marquee, black and white and contrast. If I were to take a photo like this with my family I would take it in the car because were there together all the time. You would see my whole family in the car, my sister, my mom and me. Click here for more photos.

Set In the streets

In the project, we had to use a kitchen setup in our school to make it seem like we are actually in a house with a kitchen. Each picture should have a story behind it. We also used photo shop to make the pictures black & white. These photos are inspired by Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems who are the ones who I go the idea from for this project. In photo shop we turned the pictures into black and white and used several steps to make the lamp light focus only on the table. I would tell my family story in my living room because my parents have lived in their house for 21 years and many memories that took place in our living room. The would be photos of two kids growing up and many happy and angry memories.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

You can find the rest of my photos here

Set In The Street

This project is about taking photos of events that seem to be occurring in one place, but the setting is actually in a different location. These people helped inspire this project, Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. The Photoshop tools I used in this project were the elliptical marquee and the curves tab. If I had to choose a place to take a picture that represents my family’s story, I would choose the Rocky Mountains because I was born in Colorado, and it is an important place to me. You would expect photos of mountains and nature from me. Here is a link to the rest of my photos.

Set in the Street

In this assignment, we had to take photos in a set. We had to come up with ideas on our photos, like the mood and the props we would be using. Also, we had to take one last photo of the set zoomed out so you can see where it was actually taken from. The photographers that inspired us for these photos were Justin Bettman, because he put sets in public places. Also, Carrie Mae Weems because we also used a kitchen table for the set and the lighting is inspired be her. The photo shop tools I used was an elliptical marquee tool which gave me the area that I needed to edit. I also used the curve tool because it made the area of the photo darker to resemble a lamp. I would choose to take my photos in Iceland because my family has always wanted to go there. You would see happy, sad, and excited photos.

You can see the rest of my photos here.

Set in the Street

For this project, we had to show a story just by taking four pictures at a kitchen table. Our pictures were taken by Sydney Kraus. If I had to tell a story with pictures of my family, it would be in our driveway because sometimes we all play basketball together in the driveway.

Set in the Street

For this assignment, we had to brainstorm ideas of emotions we could express in pictures using the kitchen table set, set up in our school. The kitchen table set was made out of a yellow background, a hanging light, and a table with table cloth and chairs. The photographers used for this assignment are Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin Bettman is a fashion editorial and Carrie Mae Weems is an artists who uses texts, fabrics, audio, and digital images in her work. To edit my work, I used Photoshop. In Photoshop, I used the elliptical marquee tool to make an oval on my picture. Then, I went to select, modify to find the feather tool, to make the marquee inside the picture. After that, I went to select, inverse, so the marquee can be at the top of the photo. Then, I messed with the curves of the photo so that the top of the photo can look darker.  To see the rest of my photos click here, here.

Set In The Street

For this project we had to take photos that show an emotion and a easy to follow story, and then edit them. Justin Bettman is an editorial photographer who takes garbage and makes sets on the street for people to take photos in.  Mae Weems is an artist who took pictures of her and her daughter at the kitchen table in black and white the pictures tell a story and an emotion. I used the marquee tool and the curve layer as well as the select>modify>feather tool. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story it would either be in a car or a park. When I was little my family always went to the park,went fishing, hikes, went on walks and to the playground. I would tell our story there because of how much we were there. I would tell our story in a car because nowadays we are all always busy with school, work, sports, etc. and the time we are usually all together is when we are in the car going on a trip or something. To see an edited zoomed out photo of the set we used click the link down below.  

Click here for the rest of my photos.