Kitchen Table

This is a project where we have to build a set in the middle of something and take a close up as if it was the actual scene and then when we zoom out you will see that we are not where we seem we are and we have to have a photo zoomed out and zoomed in.  For this project me, Tabitha, Ashley, Brianna, Alexandra, Brooke, and Rebecca built a kitchen set with a table, a light, and be brought in our own props to use as if we were at out kitchen table at home. To edit our photos we used the modify tool to feather the photo at 200 then we used the inverse tool so when we curve it it wont show the light at the top. 

If I had to chose a place to chose my families stories I  would use a grocery store because my mom is a cook and my family likes to eat her cooking all the time so we spend a lot of time in the grocery store. My pictures would be my mom picking food off of the shelves and my little brother in th cart while one of my siblings are walking beside my mom. 

Set in the Street

In this project, my sister and I had to take pictures at our kitchen table, and we had to tell a story using props.  We did this project with goals to replicate Carrier May Weems. Carrie May Weems took pictures at her kitchen table reviving important memories that happened there. We also tried to replicate Justin Bettman and his pictures that he took. Justin took pictures by having a set in the street, but when he took a picture, it was like they were inside a house.

 After we took our pictures, we used Photoshop to make it look more realistic and we made the picture black and white. First, we had to use the elliptical marque tool to select the space we want to modify. Then, we modify it and feather it o we can change the lighting in specific places to make it look like the light from the lamp is realistic.  Finally, we use the curve layer to change the lighting of the lamp. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose Krispy Kreme, because after every doctors appointment one of our family members have, we always go to Krispy Kremes together, and we don’t think about the bad things, we just have a good time while eating the most delicious thing in the world. Donuts. You can see the rest of my photos HERE.

Eating Breakfast

Set in the Street

In this project, my sister and I had to take pictures at our kitchen table, and tell a story with props and our actions. We were trying to imitate a project by a photographer named Carrie Mae Weems. The project was called the “Kitchen Table Project”. The goal of her project was to take pictures at her own kitchen table, and tell a story through them. Luckily, since we are sisters, we can take pictures of our own kitchen table at home, while others have to use a set in the school lobby. Another photographer we were trying to imitate was Justin Bettman. His project was called the “Set in the Street Project”. He would put out photography sets in a public place, that has nothing to do with the place in the set. Our goal for the pictures was to show our life at home through pictures at our kitchen table. After we took the pictures, we edited them in Photoshop. First, we turned them black and white. Next, we adjusted the contrast to make the dark things darker, and the light things lighter. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose my family room, because that is the place that we can all be together and enjoy each other’s company when nobody is busy. I would show us sitting on the couch together and watching a movie, because that is the time we can all relax and be together. To see the rest of my photos, click here.

Set in The Street

For this project we had to create a scene that would be at a kitchen table. This project is inspired by Justin Bettman who built sets in the street and took pictures of people in it. This project was also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who created different scenes at a kitchen table. In photoshop I used the feather tool to create the look of the kitchen light. If I could chose a place to take a picture of my family I would chose the kitchen table because we are always there either doing homework or eating dinner. See the rest of my pictures here.

Kitchen Table Project

This project was about showing various emotions and themes at a “Kitchen Table” setting. After taking these pictures we showed that the setting wasn’t actually at a kitchen table but it was a fake set-up. The actual project “Set in the Street” is inspired by a photographer named Justin Bettman.  The set was inspired by the work of Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project.  The tools I used for this project was in the beginning the marquee tool. I used this to make the outline for the shadow I was going to add. Then I experimented with the curve tool to darken the outline after I made it inverse. The shadow was too extreme so then I put the feathering effect and I added my logo to finish it off.  In conclusion, this assignment was very creative and interesting to make up our own themes for each picture. 

Click here for all other photos. 

Answer the following:  If you had to choose a place to tell your family’s story, where would you take your photos?  What photos would we see? (even better, include a picture of this place)

Set In the Street

In this project we were told to take a picture zoomed in and then zoomed out.”Set in the Street” by justin bertman because photots were set in the street.This project was also inspired by carrie mae weems and was based off of her “kitchen table” project. In in Photoshop we used black and white effect and the curve effect to make the shadow. I would take my picture of my family in the car because we are always there together.

Set In Street

In this project we had to do things that wouldn’t really be done in other environment such as the street. This project is inspired by Carrie Mae Weems, you can see her pictures here 

To edit my photos I used Instagram’s vignette tool. If I had a place to tell my family story I would do it in my basement. You would see my brother and i arguing on what to watch. You can find my pictures at

Catch The Action

see all of my photos here

We had to take pictures of an action happening near and/or around us. We had to take the picture at the right time to get the action not blurry and in the motion. If you were to do this, i’d recommend getting some sort of object that you can trough or kick. If I wanted to do this than I would like to do this as a job I would do it at a NBA game.

Set on the Street

In this project I took pictures of people and posed in pictures. In this project I had to pose like I was at my kitchen table, when I was actually in the schools entrance with a yellow painted background behind me. I posed by myself and with my friends, we did many odd and normal things! This project was a mixed replica of the works of the New York based photographer Justin Bettman and influential contemporary American artist Carrie Mae Weems. Justin Bettman creates sets on the streets of New York in the oddest places. Anyone can come and take a picture in these sets. For example, you might be sitting down to dinner in the middle of an intersection. We used Carrie Mae Weems’ Kitchen Table Project as inspiration to the table in the middle of all our pictures. I had to make the photos black&white and I had to make it so above the light was darker than underneath. In Photoshop I used Black&white to turn my photos from color to black&white. I then cropped my photo to make sure the light was in the center of the photo. After that, I used the ellipses tool to select under the light. I feathered the selected part of the image to 200 and then switched the selected area to the non selected area. I used curves to tamper with the fading from the light. Soon my photos looked as if the light was giving light to only below it. If I had to choose a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose our dining room. Every night we eat dinner together and talk to one another over food. (usually chicken) You would probably see us eating or playing a game. This project was very fun and I would definitely do it again! Below are a few of the images taken at the table!

Set in the street

This project took place on a set that we made of a kitchen table. What we had to do was bring in props and think of ideas. to take photos to make it look like we were sitting at a kitchen table. The photographers in our group include Carrie Filler, Dominique Popa, Catalina Salazar, and myself. You can access their websites by clicking on their names. The tools I used from photoshop were the black and white tool and the vinigette. If I had to take these pictures to tell my families story, I would either take them in our car, or at our dining room table.