7 days Project

This is my little brother named Shane. Me and him had to go to Lows with my dad. While there we started messing around. In this picture, you can see him wearing 3 Lows hats that he picked up.
This is from when me and my cousin we messing around after dinner and he got a ton of ice cream so I decided to just leave a toy Cleveland Browns toy in the ice cream cup. This made me start die laughing, it was so funny.
This is my Christmas tree. We just put it up last week. I can’t wait for this years Christmas. This year i’m goinmg to see all my cousins on a trip.
Over the break I had one swim practice. This is what I was mainly using the whole time.
 I’ve had the same ones for a while now.
This is my fireplace in my house. We just hung up our stockings for Christmas. 
My family has had the stockings and fireplace for a long while now and it’s so nice to sit around it in the winter.
This is my bed. I love my bed. Sleeping is sometimes my favorite part of the day. Or if I’m feeling tired I can just go and take a long nice nap.
Lastly, This is my watch. I love this watch. It lets me know how much meters I swam that practice and how long I swam for..

7 Days

I’m thankful for my shoes. I’m thankful for them because I can run easily with them they are so comfortable here are more of my pictures

Catch the Action

For this project we had to take pictures of moving objects or people. It was difficult to get the pictures perfectly. What I did to set up with the pictures, I put the camera lens closer to the ground and had it close to the object or person I took a picture of. Tips I have for people taking action photos is keeping the picture focused and not moving a lot.I would watch to photograph football because It would be cool to take a picture of a football in the air. Click here for the rest of the photos.

Set In The Street

This project is called Set In The Street. There were two photographers this project was based on, Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin Bettman creates a set in a random public place, then takes a picture that makes it seem like the people in the picture are in a house (not in some random public place). Carrie Mae Weems creates pictures with “table scenes” (things you would usually do at a table). For this project, we created a table set in the middle of our school. After taking the pictures I used photoshop to edit them and make them black and white. If I had to choose one place to tell my family’s story, it would probably be my dining room table. Many things have happened at that table. Anyways, here are my other photos.

Set In The Street

This project is based around a kitchen table in a place or location where someone built a set and a person takes a picture while set zoomed in and one zoomed out. Each person in our group took one of the picture ( Lauren, Ella, and Emilia ). To edit my pictures, I used photo shop. The tools I used in photo shop, to edit my pictures was the feather tool, as well as the lasso to darken the picture at the top. If I had to choose a location to take pictures to tell my families story, I would choose our second living room. If I took pictures with my family, you would see me watching TV with my two dogs on my lap. Another picture you would see is, my parents sitting on the couch eating dinner, and me sitting on the floor eating my dinner.

Set in the Street

In this project, I set up a kitchen table scene in where we pose different themes and emotions to take pictures. This project was inspired by 2 artists named Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin’s inspiration on this project was his “Set in the Street” where he set up scenes on the street to make it look like they were actually in that scene and for our case, a kitchen table. That brings me to Carrie Mae Weems where she took pictures at her actual kitchen table and with her family. We made a replica of that scene and put it “on the street” (in a hallway). To edit my photos, I used the black and white option and the brightness and contrast option in PhotoShop. If I had a place to tell my family’s story, I would choose our kitchen. The kitchen is where most of us love to be because we cook and bake a lot. The pictures would probably just be us cooking or baking.

Set in the Street: Kitchen Table

For this assignment, we built a set in the street of a kitchen table. We were inspired by the set in the street photographer, Justin Bettman. He creates sets to take photos in that look like they would be indoors but in reality are often in the middle of a city. You can find his photos here. We were also inspired by Carrie Mae Weems who is known for her Kitchen Table photos. She takes photos around her kitchen table depicting scenarios that have happened in her home. You can find her photos here. When editing these photos we used the black and white tool, the elliptical marquee tool, and curves, to create the lighting look as shown in Carrie Mae Weems photos. If my family were to do this, our photos would be around our countertop which is where many events have taken place. Below are some of the photos I took or helped to create along with a zoomed out photo of the set in the street.


This project was very action based. I jumped, leaped, twirled, and made other people jump, leap, and twirl just to get a good action photo. All my pictures were taken outside. Occasionally I would take a photo of the lone ball flying through the air, but I mostly took pictures of people. My friends and I would ask one another if we could do weird things like twirl in a circle and sashay, step, leap. I would try to do anything that sounded fun! To capture the best images I could, I put the rule of thirds lines on my camera and took a burst to capture all the action. Later I went through my bursts to find the best photo. A tip I have for someone taking action photos is, if the person your taking a picture of is jumping in the air, lay down on the ground. This will make it look like the person jumping is jumping really high. Also, take a burst! If I could photograph any sport or action I would photograph dance. I would want to photography dance because there is so much movement going on. People are leaping, rolling, and moving all over the place! You can see the rest of my photos here.

Set in the Street

The set in the street is a project that took place at a kitchen table. This project was inspired but Justin Bettman and Carrie Mae Weems. Justin Bettman took his pictures in cities. He built built sets of rooms. Carrie Mae Weems took pictures of her and her daughter in black and white to tell a story. In Photoshop, I used the black and white filter. Then, I used an elliptical marquee to make the top more darker. I also used the feather tool. After that, I used to curve to make it darker. If I had to take these pictures with my family, I would take it in the living room because that’s where we spend most of our time watching movies.

Action Shots

In this project we had to take photos of subjects in motion. This project was challenging to get the right about of blur or a perfectly timed shot. It was easy to find things in motion for the subject of the photo. I kept the rule of thirds grid up on my phone and while not all of the photos follow the rule it did help to better compose the photos. I highly recommend taking a burst of photos to better capture the right moment. I think it would be fun to photograph dance or tae kwon (martial arts) because they are different each time a move is preformed. My two favorite photos from this project are below and here is the link to the rest of them.