Getting Close

For this project we had to take close up pictures of an object. What worked well was when I put the object behind a solid background which helped my phone focus better. It was challenging to take a close up picture that wasn’t blurry and looked good. I would like to take a close up picture the snow because I think that would be a cool picture. See the rest of my pictures here.

Set in the Streets

See all my photos here.

This project is a combination of two ideas. Set in the streets by Justin Bettman and Kitchen Table by Carrie Mae Weems. For obvious reasons, we could not take pictures in the streets. Instead, we took pictures in our school hallway. If I were to take pictures of the place that tells my family’s story it would be in our living room.

Up Close

For this project, we had to take close up photos of different things. Our main goal was to take pictures that were so close up, that you couldn’t tell where they were taken. I found that it worked well to slowly move my phone closer and closer to the object until right before it started to get blurry. Some of the hard parts of this project were finding things to take pictures of, and not being able to get as close as I wanted to because of the “restrictions” on the iPhone camera. Thankfully, the problems were solved (for the second problem I used VSCO). If I had the time, and equipment to take close up pictures, I would take pictures of everyday objects (ex. papers in a binder). You can find more of my pictures here

Up Close

This project was based on taking pictures up close without using the zoom button. We had to take pictures of living and non living things. It was easy to find pictures to take. But when I was taking the actual picture, it was challenging to make it not blurry. The issues with the camera was that it took time to focus on the object. It doesn’t seem like a bad thing but since I am inpatient, it was very annoying! If I had the time and equipment to take a picture of something up close, it would be a drop of water on a pretty flower because I think that it would look really cool. You can see the rest of my pictures here.

Close Up Pictures

During this project, we had to take at leat ten close up and focused pictures of living and non-living objects. For this project, finding things to take pictures worked well. I tried nothing new for this project. There was nothing difficult about this project because you could literally take close up pictures about anything. If I had the equipment and time, I would like to photograph small animals or insects. To see the rest of my pictures, click here.

Getting Close

In this project we had to zoom into normal objects. what worked was images with cool patterns or textures. I tired zooming into projects with different textures like the Oreo and it worked really well. It was hard because i had an iPhone 7 camera so i had to zoom in a lot and most things will look fuzzy. It i had the equipment i would love to do more zoomed in pictures because they look so cool. Link

Up Close

For the “Up Close” project, we were asked to take pictures of five living and nonliving things. The thing that worked for this project was me using my personal device. I say that because with my phone I could tap whatever I wanted to focus on and it would blur everything else out. I did try something new, because I usually take pictures from a distance. My challenge was finding living things to actually take a picture of without it moving away. It wasn’t difficult to find nonliving objects because they are everywhere. But it was way more difficult to find living things. If I had the equipment and time, i’m sure I would take photos in macro. You can find the rest of my photos here.

Wonder what happened… Poor Branch
Strange Bottle Cap

Getting Close

For this assignment we had to take close up pictures of at least 3 to 5 living and non living things. well I had to use a app called VSCO and the problem was that it was to blurry when i got to close to the object. I would like to photograph a leaf that had a sing water drop on it. If you want to see the rest of the pictures click here.

Processed with VSCO with b5 preset
Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Getting Close

For this project we had to take what could be a full image and only photograph a little part of it. I think getting clear image worked really well and I tried an new technique that helped. For this project, I used the zoom bar on my camera so I could get really close up images. It was difficult to find images to photograph because you can only focus on one small part of the object. If I could I would like to photograph the grand canyon up close.Click HERE to see more images.

Up Close

For this project I had to take photos of things up close like plants or other objects. Turning the camera to macro mode what didn’t work was putting the camera very close to the camera. It was difficult to find different plant life that looked good up close and some problems where the camera not coming into focus. If I had the equipment and the time I would want a picture of a jelly fish up close. Find the rest of my photos here.