Up Close and Personal

For this assignment, we had to take macro photos or very close photos. In this project, it was difficult to get the camera to focus on the subject. My personal device does not have the greatest camera so I tried using VSCO a photography app which lets you edit and take better photos as it overrides the camera settings found on your phone. VSCO was diffcult to make work at first and still didn’t work as well as I would have liked but helped to get better photos than I would have originally. If I had the resources I’d love to take a macro photo of one small segment of a finger print. Below are my two favorite photos from this assignment and here is the link to the rest of them.

Getting Close

In this project we were asked to take a picture of a very small object, however this object has to take up the entire shot. I did much experimenting with the angles of my shot, in order for the small objects to take up the entire photo I needed to get pretty interesting angles. The number one thing that was very annoying in this project was not being able to focus the camera! I took about 5 photos of one object and somehow they always came out blurry! I fixed this problem by backing the camera away from the object and simply zooming in with the camera. I would love to take a close up picture of a snowflake falling from the sky, I think snowflakes are very unique and I would love to capture it’s design while floating down. Here are the rest of my photos!

Last Project!

This whole semester had its ups and downs. Some projects were easier than other and overall I had fun in this class with my friends. My thoughts about photography have changed because I now know that certain apps can transform my camera into a somewhat professional camera. My favorite project was the action photos. It was very fun because we got to go around alone and all around outside. However, photography does not interest me as a career and I will not continue it in high school. I am not the artsy type and I’m not good with cameras. My favorite picture is below.

Getting Up Close

In this project, I had to take close up pictures of 5 things that are living and 5 objects. We had to switch the setting on the camera or phone to Macro so that the camera could know that we are trying to take close up pictures, and focus on the objects. What worked for me in this project was using an app called VSCO. VSCO had this feature to where you could make the photo focus on an object or person and blur out the rest of the photo and make you focus on one thing. Something that I never tried before is finding new ways to edit a photo on VSCO because you could change everything in the photo like the contrast, saturation the clarity and more. One challenge for me was trying to get close enough to make it focus and not blurry. Another challenge was finding objects to take pictures of and make sure it was interesting and not plain and boring. If I had the equipment, time and ability to take a picture of something up close. I would take a picture of a busy road in New York city or a mountain. You can find the rest of my photos Here.

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Last Project

During this semester, we had to take pictures in a certain way. This made each project different. My thoughts have changed about photography because I never knew there were so many ways to take pictures. This makes a difference between photos and makes photos more interesting. I have changed my way of taking photos because I have learned new ways to take them. The Getting Close project was my favorite because I liked how the object looked close up, compared to not close up. I wouldn’t continue photography during high school because I didn’t love photography class. You can see the rest of my photos here.

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset

Up close

For this project we had to take ten pictures of only a small part of an object an make sure that it is in focus. When I took a picture, zooming in to the object worked well because it was easier than going closer to take the picture. I learned that zooming in to an object worked better and made it look like the photo was in portrait mode because it blurred the background. It was difficult to take pictures of alive things because they move a lot. If I had the time I would take an up close picture of Niagara Falls. Click here for the rest of my photos.

Getting Close

Processed with VSCO with g3 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

This project was about getting close to objects creating a new perspective. This project was easy but hard to get the right positioning. The challenges were the positions and making it have a different and interesting perspectives. If I had the equipment i would love to get closer to a fish eye to photograph it. you can view the rest here.

Getting close

Getting close is a project where we had to take 10 macro photos of living and non living objects. One thing that worked well was my camera had a macro setting. One challenge I faced was it was hard to find objects to take photos of. If it were spring I would take photos of the butterflies and flowers. Click here for more photos.

Getting Up Close

In this project we had to zoom in on our phones to get a close up picture of the object or person we were going to take a picture of. This project was easy for me though because I had plenty of ideas that worked out great for my close up pictures. I tried to look outside the box for my pictures, finding everyday things that would be easily passed by someone not even paying attention to their surroundings. The challenge that came with this project was that my camera would focus fast when I tried to take pictures. If I had to take a picture of something with the proper equipment I would take a picture of the Eiffel Tower because I’ve always wanted to go to Paris.

Link for photos here.