Last Project!

This semester has been really fun taking photos. We did so many different and interesting projects that I enjoyed. It was a great class to start 8th grade. My thoughts have changed about photography because in the beginning, I thought it was just taking pictures. But after this class, I learned that you can edit photos in so many different ways. I have changed the way I take photos because this class taught me different ways on how to take photos like up close, and in motion. My favorite project was the light graffiti because it was so cool seeing that if you leave the shutter open, you can paint a picture. Photography doesn’t interest me as a career. But, I would like to continue learning in high school because I enjoy taking photo

Last Project

This whole semester was very interesting and was one of my favorite classes ever. I liked it how we got to do different project with different objects and the different angles. My thoughts on photography have changed because through all the photos I took they challenged me to think outside of the box, and I thought photography was easy but then it’s a lot harder than you think. This has changed the way I take my photos I change my angles find filters. My favorite project this semester was 24 colors because I loved how it challenged me and how I had to find colors that matched with the crayons which was fun. I don’t think I would do photography as a career even though people say I take really good photos but what I want to do as a career is be a chef but I do want to continue it in high school for my photos can be better because I do love taking photos.

kitchen table

 This project was about making a ‘story’ with a kitchen table and a ceiling light. The people used in this photo were used to make a surprise with a donuts box that was not shown. And the people used in the second picture was used to create an argument or fight people were talking about. Here are their pictures. The tools in Photoshop I used were the black and white adjustment to make the picture black and white, elliptical marquee tool to give the ceiling light a specific way to look for the light in the ‘room’, and I also used the curves tool to give the light a ombre look. I would take the photos outside because my family is really crazy and I have a big family too. You would see pictures with us smiling, something funny or sad but mostly angry. And here is the link to the photos.

Going Up Close

This task was to see very up close an object of your choice, some living some non-living. It was your choice to use a camera or a phone, I chose my IPhone 8 that was sufficient for this assignment. There were multiple photo apps to help aid the quality of the photos but for the most part I stuck with the regular camera. I first focused the camera the gradually began to zoom in keeping the quality clear. Then I fixed the lighting so it was clear and bright. Lastly, I snapped the picture and it looked nothing like the zoomed out object because of how close it was set up. In this project I tried something new. I never knew IPhones could zoom in with that amount of definition and now I know they can so I will try it more often. If I had the tools to take a picture of something I would want to try to zoom in on sand. A grain of sand would be very hard to capture but I would like to achieve it.

Click here for the rest of my photos!

Last Project:)

This semester has been been very fun, and very educational. I learned many different ways to take pictures, making them look more professional or just making them look cool! Photography has changed a lot in my eyes, because I used to think it was easy. Photography is anything but easy! There are many factors that make photography hard such as how good your camera is, the lighting, the angle and the subject. Sometimes pictures are blurry, or not cool enough, or they don’t look like how you wanted them to look. I have definitely started taking pictures differently. I always think about the angles i’m taking, the lighting and the background. I also learned many new ways to edit the picture on my phone to make it look bold, colorful or even more clear. I think my favorite project was probably light graffiti, because of how creative it was. I also really enjoyed the last project, and my results. Photography does interest me a lot, but more as a hobby. I think I will take it in high school because I want to learn more strategies and ways to take pictures. This was my favorite picture:

Final Project

This whole semester was a huge learning experience and a time to really learn about photography. Throughout the whole semester, I learned and a ton of new skills that I am excited to apply to my everyday life. My view on photography has definitely changed, it showed how much harder it is, that there are different skills and you need more than a camera to take the photo. I take photos a whole new way, I take an account the setting, the way I am holding the camera and many more. I think that I take much better photos now than I did before I was in photography. My favorite project was the 7-day project because I got to take pictures of photos that I could use and cherish forever and that it was also an easy project since I knew what I wanted to take the pictures of. Photography definitely interests me because I get to keep my memories with me in photo form, and I would love to do that a career and help other people cherish memories. I think that I will continue learning photography in high school because I have a real interest in photography and I think I can also really become great photography. Therefore over the course of the 18 weeks, I learned a ton about photography and that I will really miss this class, but I won’t stop taking photos and growing as photography.

Up Close

In this project I had to take pictures inside and outside. These pictures had to be macro photos, in other words photos taken close up. I took pictures of non-living objects because they don’t move. While taking some of my pictures I ended up using a new app called VSCO. This app allowed me to take photos close up without them getting blurry. I also used the regular camera on my iPhone and zoomed up a lot on the object. If I tried to take a photo on the regular camera on my phone without zooming in, the photo would end up very blurry. The biggest challenge in this project was to not get blurry photos. One thing that annoyed me a lot was, my friends had newer phones than me. When they took a picture of something it didn’t end up blurry, but when I tried, my picture would be blurred completely because of my phones older camera. Finding things to photograph was fairly easy, you can take a macro photo of pretty much anything. If I was able to take a good quality close up photo of something, it would probably be of water droplets or something in the snow. I would also like to take a macro photo of ink going through water. You can see the rest of the photos I took here.

Last Project!!

Overall this semester has been really fun and i enjoyed it a lot. No my thoughts on photography have not changed i still think it is really fun and cool. Yes now the way i take photos i will change the settings and try to find better angels. My favorite project was the close up objects. This was my favorite project because it showed how things really look up close and the textures. Yes it does interest me because you can see any things from a single photo. No i don’t think i will continue photography in high school because of soccer and i’m not the best at it.

Last Project

Throughout this whole semester, we worked on taking pictures with different angles and how to edit pictures a certain way. We also made our own logo to put on our pictures that we took. At first I thought photography was just taking a picture and you’re done, but it’s definitely more then just taking the picture itself. Thought has to go into the picture and then after you have to edit the picture, and after you’re finished with all that you have to put your logo on it, so my opinion on photography has definitely changed this semester. I have changed the way I take pictures, now I use the rule of thirds a lot when I take pictures which helps a lot in the end. My favorite project was probably this one because it pretty much combined all our projects together which I think is really cool. If I’m being honest, after this class, photography does interest me as a career because it seems so interesting to me and there’s so many things you could take pictures of and so many ways to take those pictures which I love and I could see also becoming a hobby. I don’t know for sure yet if I want to continue learning this in high school but I probably will based off of my experience in this class. My favorite picture is of is of the hallway I took because Ella looks like she’s lost.

Up Close

For this assignment we had to take close up pictures of a variety of things. The pictures came out good when the camera was on super macro mode. Something I tried was putting the phone camera on portrait mode. The hard part of this project was trying to get super close to the different objects. Finding things to take pictures of was relatively easy. The only issue with the camera was trying to get it to stay on macro mode. If I had the ability to, I would like to take an up close picture of a single snowflake falling to the ground. You can see the rest of my photos Here.