#Pro Level!

Overall I learned that this semester had been very fun and educating. We took lots of different pictures of different things. I thought photography was going to be very hard but it turned out to be very easy. I have learned to take better pictures using the rule of thirds. My favorite project was up close because you could see all the elements on an object,and if their was any water on it then the picture looks cooler. For me I think photography will interest me for a career. I want to continue photography in high school because I would rather do something I know then something I don’t know. Photography is great because I can use it on taking other pictures and everyday life. My favorite photo is here.

Final Project!

This semester during Photography was a really fun experience. I learned that you can take pictures using different angles and I know what many settings on cameras are for now. Photography gave me time to think about what and who I really value in my life during the 7 days project. It taught me that people look different when they smile vs. when they don’t smile during the smile project. And I also learned that you can set up a set inside a place and it is unexpected when the person realizes it is fake. I had a lot of fun with my friends and pictures during photography. I still enjoy photography and want to continue learning about taking pictures when I go to High School. Now when I take pictures I use different techniques and I have to have good lighting because it makes my pictures come out better. The pictures I took before and after photography have a big difference and I’m happy I learned how to take better pictures. My favorite project was Black background because it thought me how to get the lighting in a picture right and how the lighting could affect a picture. Photography does not interest me as a career but I will continue to learn it in high school because it is fun to learn and helps me take better pictures. Down below is my favorite photo in photography because to me it is just so beautiful. This will be my last post and I will miss this class very much but I am looking forward to having it in high school next year!


This whole semester has not been the easiest. I thought that photography was merely just taking a picture, but I learned that you have to put a lot of thought and effort into it. The way that I take photos have definitely changed, but not very drastically. My favorite project was the light graffiti because it looked really cool afterwards. I do not think that I would ever start a career in photography or even keep going with it in high school. This is just because it is not a passion of mine, even though the pictures come out very nice. My favorite photo is below.

#Pro Level

This whole semester I learned so many new things about photography. 24 colors, I learned that it’s not that hard to find things that match with each other. 5 angles, I found out about angles that make you look tall or short. 7 days, I was giving my thanks to 7 things in my life. Action photos, I learned that a picture doesn’t have to be blurry to be in action. Black background, I learned how to take a good picture with everything behind you being black. Portraits with an infinite background, I learned how to get rid of these ugly squares and make a photo have just white in the background. Smile, people love to smile and it makes you feel happy seeing someone smile. Rule of thirds, I learned about the three lines. Those are the different projects we had, photography was full of finding ideas and enhancing its beauty in a picture. My thoughts have not changed on photography. No, I have not changed the way I take my pictures. My favorite project was light graffiti because we got to creat designs with glow sticks. Photography does not interest me as a career. Yes, I will continue learning about photography next year because it’s fun and you see different perspectives. Down below, is my favorite picture.

Up Close

See all of my photos here.

What worked was we put the camera in macro mode and didn’t zoom in. What was difficult was getting something to take a picture of that is interesting enough and so small at the same time. If I had to take the time and photograph something close up it would be a caterpillar.

up close

for this project, we had to take close up pictures with macro. the hard part was trying to find a living creature, like a bug. also, i had to find out how like take macro pictures was galaxy s6 because i don’t have something like an iPhone. the two are my favorites:


Last Post

In this semester, I learned about taking pictures from different angles and points of view. I also learned that the way you portray the picture is what it will come out as, such as our 1 object, 5 shots project. My thoughts on photography have changed in a good way because now that I know how to edit and angle my pictures better, I can take more random photos and make them look good. I guess I’ve changed the way I take photos in a way to make them look more artsy and better. My favorite project was the crayon project because it was our first one and I got to experience different ways to take pictures. I think I will continue this class in high school because it was fun learning how to take and edit photos.

Up Close

For this task I had to take pictures of things up close to see their detail. In fact, sometimes, I found that the normal iPhone camera worked better than the VSCO macro mode. The first photo featured here is from the normal iPhone camera. What worked well was the things I could control. I tried to use VSCO which was new to me. My challenges were to find something that didn’t require me to so super close. It was difficult to go around the cold but the snow and frost were a good advantage. I felt that I expected more from the VSCO macro mode because when i tried to come close, it immediately blurred up. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get someplace to take a close up photo, I would go to someplace with lots of nature like a lake, or forest. It would be interesting to actually see things from a close perspective. Find the rest of my photos here.

Macro Photography

For this project we had to take macro photography pictures. To do so we all had to use special apps/ cameras. Macro photography is taking pictures very close to show depth/defined detail. It was challenging to get the camera to focus because it was so close up, although it was very easy to take pictures because there is so much to take pictures of. I tried new camera tricks on vsco to take these pictures. Taking the pictures from a side view really helped show parts of things you normally wouldn’t notice. I would love to photograph a dogs nose because of the texture and different patterns it has.https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JRnRK9ATIXt_MIkvmrQUDOpaQil6CS1m

Getting Close

In our classroom we have been taking pictures of large subjects. In this project I was assigned to go around our school and look for living and non living objects to take pictures up close. what worked out well was looking for objects or even patterns all around you to take an up close picture. Using VSCO for the first time was simple to use and self explanatory. You can look through all their wonderful filters to choose from and add to your picture. My challenges were making sure the pictures did not turn out to be blurry. Since the camera would be close up to the object I needed to set a focus point in order for the object to turn out clear and the background would blur out. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to go to a bakery I would like to photograph up close to yummy cupcakes. If you would Like to see more photos click HERE.