
for this project, i took some picties that involve action. thoughm the most action i got was the wind from the trees. sorry there weret a lot of them already. these are my favorites:

Final Project

so, how was my experience from taking photography? well, it was okay. i never really wanted to take the class in the first place, and i don’t want to take the class again next year. But it expanded my knowledge of how to take great picture! my favorite project was our first project, 24 crayons, because i really like taking pictures of crayons blending in to other objects, and one of them was displayed during Arts night! these are my favorites:

Last Project

First semester in this class has been easy. I got to learn different ways to take pictures. My thought didn’t change because I knew at first that photography was going to be fun. My favorite project was light graffiti because it had to to do with art. Yes because I really like art and I have always liked photography. Yes because I think it’s fun and creative in many ways.

Last Project

Photography was very fun. For the whole semester, we had very interesting projects. I’ve always loved photography so my opinions on it never changed. I don’t have a favorite project because I loved them all equally. I would really like to continue taking photography in high school. I really enjoy photography. Here is my favorite photo from this last project.

Set in the Street

“Set in the Street” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman.  The idea behind “Set in the Street” is to create a photography set in a public space that doesn’t really have anything to do with the set that is being used for the project.  In the fall of 2018 the set was inspired by the work of Carrie Mae Weems and her Kitchen Table Project. Some of the photo shop tools we used to edit it is; Black and white, Curves, Exposure, Vibrancy, Brightness and Contrast, and last but not least Hue and Saturation.

Here are the rest of my pictures. Also, credit to Azra and Varsha because I stole their pic. ?

If I had to choose a place to describe my families life, it would be in karnataka, india because:

  1. Its never cold there
  2. Its where most of my family is, so they could come and help
  3. Its would be nice to see India again

We took our pictures in our school.


In this project we had to take a variety of photos between people and objects. There’s not something certain that helped me with taking pictures was taking them before they did anything which helped me get a better picture. Some tips that can help on taking action photos is like I said taking the photo right before they do the action. If I could take a picture of a sport it would be football.

If you wanna see my photos click here


In this project we took pictures of object up close. We have to take the pictures in such a way that people cant recognize the object easily. I found taking pictures of animals easier than taking pictures of other objects. Some of the challenges of this project is finding an object to take pictures of and getting the camera to zoom into the object you want to take a picture of. If I had the equipment time and ability to get there, I would take an image of a tarantula. I’ve always wanted to see one in real life so it would be amazing to take a picture of it. I want to take a picture of its hair. My pictures are here.

Last Project

This semester was very fun. I got a lot better at taking pictures and getting ideas for pictures. I wish I could have photography all year. Also, some of my thoughts on photography has changed. I’ve realized how you can take really cool photos on you’re phone when before i thought you mostly had to use a professional camera. Now when I take photos, most of the time I use Rule of Thirds and the grid. My favorite project was probably Up Close when we did macro photography. I think the really close and focused photos are so cool and there is so many possibilities for photos. I really want to take photography next year in high school. I want to take it next year because I really enjoy photography, and I like having projects for photography because it gives me ideas.

Getting Close

This project required us to take 10 photos total, 5 not alive, and 5 alive up close. The hard part was getting the camera to focus well on the item but the easy part was finding the right images for it. You can find the rest of the photos here.

Last project!

This semester was really fun and educational. I learned a lot about techniques and how to take better photos. We did various projects over this semester including 7 days, Getting Close, Set in the Street, and many more. My thoughts about photography have definitely changed. Before I came to this class, I didn’t realize how important photography is in society. When we visited the Newseum, my friends and I spent a lot of time looking at the amazing Pulitzer prize pictures. I haven’t really changed the way I take photos, but now I know about the rule of thirds and I use it in taking pictures. My favorite project was the Getting Close project. I loved learning how to use VSCO to take pictures. I also enjoyed going outside and finding small/tiny things to take a picture of. Photography definitely interests me and I will continue to do it in high school. I love taking good quality pictures and learning different techniques for how to take better pictures.