The Last Project…

Well, its been a wild semester. Photography has been my favorite class through out the first half of the school year and I’m so happy I got in. (Even though I didn’t even sign up for it, hehe.) Before I took photography, I knew it would be difficult to take certain photos. My perspective has not changed on that, but I’ve grown to understand just how truly difficult it is to get the right angle, lighting, etc. Because of photography, I have changed the way I take my photos. I actually use the grid now on my phone and experiment with multiple angles. Although photography was very fun, I can’t see myself doing this for the rest of my life. Photography is a very tedious project, and though I’m good at tedious things I’d just prefer to do something else. My favorite project this year was actually this one. I like how we were given objects to photograph and had to use our imagination and creativity to take an exceptional photo. Below is my favorite photo I took during this project, it’s of my friend/ classmate, Ainsley. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Pro’s vs. Joe’s

Within this entire semester as a photographer, we have been taught different settings to use on a camera for certain types of photos. Like using Macro to take close up photos. My thoughts about this photography class has changed for the better. I used to think this would have been difficult in many different ways, but, as time went on, I started seeing how simple, well not really that simple, taking photographs can be. You just have to know what you are doing and what subject or object you are taking, whether it is a scenery or anything else. I have changed how I took photos in a way. After learning the rule of thirds method, I noticed that it makes the object stand out a bit more. Of course, I don’t use it for all of my photos, but just for some. My favorite project in this class would have to be the “Up Close” project. This was my favorite project because it didn’t really take a lot of skill, you just needed to use macro and get close enough to the point where you can see the object without it being blurry. I don’t want to be a photographer as my career, but I would continue on taking photos and learning different ways and settings. This means that I may be interested in taking photography next year as well during high school.

This photo was probably one of my favorite photo that I took.

Set in the street

“Set in the Street” is a photography project that is inspired by New York based photographer Justin Bettman. The idea behind “Set in the Street” is to create a photography set in a public space that doesn’t really have anything to do with the set that is being used for the project. We were supposed to create a photography set in a public space. We used a kitchen scene to portray that. We did dogs playing poker by Cassius Marcellus Coolidge. You can find all my pictures here.

Pro’s vs. Joe’s

Over the entire semester, I have learned many tips on how to take proper photos. Photography class was a very entertaining, yet hard-working class. My thoughts on photography have completely changed. I now view photography as a very intricate topic with many different viewpoints. I have also changed the way I take pictures. Using all the techniques we have learned, I now usually used Rule of Thirds and different angles in my pictures. My favorite project was light graffiti because it was very interesting to see how the pictures turned out after we drew them in the dark. The light graffiti still amazes me. Photography is a very interesting career, but I don’t believe I will become a photographer when I grow up. I may continue to take photography into high school, unless there are other options that interest me more (since I already took photography this year). It has been a pleasure being in this class for the first semester. My favorite photo is shown below.



For this project, we had to take pictures of things up close. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. I did have a lot of of fun with this project because I could fin objects outside to take pictures of. If I could, I would like to go to the amazon rainforest and take pictures there because there would be a lot of cool insects to take pictures of.

Close up

For my project i had to take a close up picture of an object or a living thing. In these pictures i have a leaf in water and my jeans. This was not hard to take because I had my jeans. For my leaf in water picture it was a little hard because it took a while to get. If you want to find more click here.

The Final Post

My class and I started with Taking pictures of crayons from then we have been learning how to control cameras. We also found out how to use lighting to our advantage and rule of thirds. We have been challenged to take pictures of things up close and on a studio. I didn’t realize there was so much effort into taking photos. When I take photo I make sure everything is right from the different settings and lighting. I think my favorite project was the Up close project because it was interesting to look at everything from a different angle. It does interest me as there are so many things in this worlds that I can show people with photos and could be a career. I think I will take this during high school as the challenge is very fun.

This is my favorite photo that I took.

Getting Close

In this project, we had to take photos of normal things, but we had to be much closer than normal. Most photos worked. For example, if you were kinda close to something that you wanted to take a photo of, you could zoom in on that object and then take a macro of it. This would make the photo less blurry when taking it. But most of mine and other challenges were that a lot of the photos were not clear and very blurry. If I could take a photo of anything, it would be some kind of creature, from a very close perspective. You can find the rest of my photo’s here.

close up

in this project i took pictures of objects from very close up. to find out small details of things that were happening around the area. in this picture the hardest part was to focus the camera on a closer object like it would take time. The easy part was uploading and editing because i do that since the beginning of the here

Last Project

This semester we learned many new things in photography, rule of thirds, action pictures, macro, etc, ! My thoughts about photography have changed completely. My favorite project was Macro. I loved taking pictures of things up close because things look completely different up close! Photography does not interest me as a career (I already have my heart set on being a vet, sorry) but I think it will be a very fun hobby! I want to keep learning photography in high school! Here are my pictures.

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