Last project/ Favorite

My favorite project was close up because it was one of the easiest projects. Also it was fun to get up close and to see more than what the naked eye can see. Another favorite project is the thankful for project even though i didn’t have pictures i really like talking about what i’m thankful for. This is why these projects are my favorite projects. To find more click on my link

Average Joe’s

During these two semesters of school I have learned so many different ways of taking pictures. I have learned from other projects, creative ways to use color, composition, framing, and lighting. My thoughts have not changed about photography because I expected to make portfolios and blogs in this class. although at times some projects were complex. My ways of taking photos have changed they are more clear and have more elements involved in the picture. My favorite project was Set in the Street project because my group and i had fun decorating and setting up our theme/ story for the picture. photography does interest me as a career for parties or weddings. I will continue this class in high school because we get to explore new things and its fun to do.

Last Post

Honestly we did a decent amount this semester. But I enjoyed a lot of it. Even though there were times were I just didn’t wanna take photos and just sit and sleep. But most of the time I really liked taking the pictures that I took. I’ve always liked photography so it honestly just make me like it more and actually have motivation to take more pictures. I’ve kinda learned how to use that big brick of a camera. But I haven’t really changed on how I take pictures. My favorite project had be up close cause I had got a lot of really good pictures from that. I mean photography always had me interested to make it a career for me. Of course I am gonna keep going with photography throughout high school. Here is my favorite picture I have taken.

last post

This semester was great i really enjoyed being in this class. this class has thought me how to be a well developed photographer. I’ve learned very great things about taking pictures and using the camera. thanks to mr. fitz for teaching me because i feel like all of this is gonna be helpful in my life in the future.I enjoyed it, it was a great experience

Last Project

This semester was actually good because I worked hard and actually enjoyed it. My thoughts about photography have actually expanded. I have more knowledge in what is actually required or what is in photography. I know now its more than taking pictures. I’ve changed the way I take pictures by using what ive learned during photography like different angles and such. My favorite project was the black background post because we got to use a golden light which locked really good and our pictures turned out really good. I already have a goal so photography doesn’t interest me for a job but for a hobby I would definitely do it. I would do it next year because the projects were really fun and not that hard.

Last Project!

This semester in photography has been one of the best semesters ever. First, we started out just taking photos of crayons and putting a logo on them, and then we started to get more complicated. We started to take picture from certain angles, and editing them with Photoshop to make them black or white, or to crop out part of a picture, etc. my thoughts on photography have completely changed. I thought it was going to be boring and I wouldn’t have any fun, but it ended up being one of my favorite periods of the day. Now, whenever i take photos in real life, I have to make sure it has the right filter and is at the right angle, or I’ll have to take it again. My favorite project was the up close project, because we got to zoom in and take pictures of ordinary things. But when you look up close, they look a lot differently. I don’t think I will pursue photography as a career, but I will definitely continue to take good quality pictures.

This is my favorite picture from this semester.

Final Project

This semester I learned what phones can really do and how a camera’s quality all depends on how you use and experience it. In the beginning I thought photography was all about following the rules and zooming in the perfect amount, but it’s really about making the photos your own with creativity and unique abilities. I used to take photos in the same place at a straight angle but now I like to explore different angles to change the way my photos are perceived. My favorite project was “Getting Up Close.” This project taught me that phones can do a lot more than I thought, such as zooming in and still keeping the photo clear if you use the right techniques. I have thought about multiple times about becoming a photographer because I love being creative and exploring new styles. Photography is a great way to capture memories and look back at great times, and also times of tragedies. Overall, photography has been a great interest of mine for a long time and I’m happy I was able to experience this.

Last post

This class was an interesting and funny experience. Yes. Now i think photography is fun. I haven’t changed the way I take photos. My favorite project was the scavenger hunt because it was easy and I didn’t even have to try. Photography does interest me as a career because it is very interesting and going froward, I would wanna take the class in high school.


Whole this semester we learned a lot about photography, and we practice our skills to take good photos. Also I change the way to take pictures and l love to learn new things. So my favorite project was white background and close up, I enjoy it a lot taking pictures making project so that’s all I can say. The close up project was fun because we got to find smalls things and very close it it was fun looking all around. This career is so amazing to learn and try it because it help you a lot and then you can make money just for work as a photographer. This is important in high school too because you can get credits for college.