7 days

We had a thanksgiving break where Mrs. Fitz assigned us with the 7 days thanksgiving challenge. We had to take 5 pictures of what i was thankful for. In the first picture I was thankful for my family. In the second picture i am thankful for my birthday that was on thanksgiving. In the third picture i am thankful for my brothers they have been there for me when i need them and they still will be. In the fourth picture i am thankful for turkey that we all had on thanksgiving,i believe we all should be thankful for food because without food we wouldn’t be alive.in the last picture i am thankful for water. click here

last post

  • Review of the whole semester
  • Have your thoughts changed about photography?
  • Have you changed the way you take photos?
  • What was your favorite project? Why?
  • Does photography interest you as a career?  Will you continue learning next year in high school? Why or why not?
  • Share you favorite photo in your post.

This whole semester was great fun. My thoughts have not change about photography. yes i have changed the way i took my pictures and how the lighting should be and stuff. my favorite project was the 24 colors because i got to get a box of colors and i took a picture of my favorite color.

LAST PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This semester has been very crazy trying to do all of these projects. But the good thing about it is that we learned many useful skills in photography. My thoughts about photography are still similar although I still think i’ts a little bit boring it was still pretty fun. I have learned to take photos in many different ways to get the best photo. My favorite project was probably the Set in The Street because my group had so many great ideas for it and it was really fun to do. Photography doesn’t really interest me as a career because as I said I think it’s boring. I don’t think i’m going to take photography in high school.

Last Project :(

This semester has been fun. I loved being able to learn how to take and edit photos with friends. Photography now seems more of an art than it once did to me. I realize that the shots you often see are harder to get than they look. I never thought I’d be the kind of person to care how good a camera was on a phone or to care much about the composition of the photo. I now keep the rule of thirds gird up on my phone to take photos and am more likely to spend more time taking a photo. My favorite from this semester is hard to choose but I liked making/setting up and helping on the set in the street. It was very hands on and required Amy, Melissa, and I to think outside of the box more. I would love to take photography next year and possibly continue photography courses in college. We live in a very media based age and photography is a big part of that. I don’t think I would choose it as a career but I might do it as an addition to whatever profession I choose. A favorite photo will be very hard to choose as many of them have great memories behind it.

This is one of my favorite photos because it captures the action and is rule of thirds and you can also see a close up of the ground.

Last Project!

My thoughts have changed on photography from having this class. I have learned new ways to take photos and different ways to edit photos and I do think this will help in the future when taking pictures. I have started to change the way I take photos of me and others from having this class. One of my favorite projects was light graffiti. This was my favorite because I never knew that you could take a picture and make it look like you are drawing with just a simple light and that was relly cool doing it myself. Photography is not one of my carrer intrest but I will like to take the class in high school just to explore and learn new ways to take pictures.

This was my favorite photo from all the projects this year.


Overall I think this semester of photography has been totally amazing. As a matter of fact this has been my favorite class, ever! It even beats gym which has been the reigning champ for the last 8 years! My thoughts have changed about photography. At first I thought photographers were creepy people, in bushes, taking photos. Now I realize that photographers are like artists that use the world as their canvas. I have definitely changed the way I take photos. I used to just click without thinking, but now I actually pay attention to what i’m doing. My favorite project was the smile , because I like talking to people while I take pictures of them. I’m not sure if photography interests me as a career, but definitely a hobby. I would love to continue photography in high school. That’s my favorite picture up there!!!

Final Project ?

This semester has been loads of fun! Between taking pictures with friends and doing queer poses I have had a fantastic time! Photography has become my favorite class, I love walking around the school taking pictures with friends! In every project we did I faced some kind of challenge that I had to get through. These challenges can range from trying to find a new and interesting angle for a photo to trying to do a sashay step leap at the same time as my friend. (we never got that right) What I thought the class would be like and what it was like was different. I thought we would learn how to use a regular camera instead of taking pictures with our iphones almost the whole time. Besides that, I didn’t know what to expect. Because of this class, I now look at things and think oh that would make a great photo! This can be very annoying, especially when I don’t have a camera with me. The way I take photos has changed a lot from when I fist started. I learned some really cool tricks through this class. They include taking a photo while on the ground so the noun you are photographing looks higher than it is, and the longer you leave the shutter open on a camera, the more light comes in. These two tricks helped me on multiple projects and made my photos better. I now take most of my photos on an angle or on the rule of thirds. My favorite project would have to be Action. I loved leaping and dancing with my friends in photos. I tried new dance moves my friend recommended and did them to the best of my ability. Overall this project was tons of fun and I would definitely do it again! I don’t think I would want to do photography as a career, I would want to do it more as a hobby. I really like photography don’t get me wrong, but I wouldn’t want it as a main job. I’m not sure if I will take photography in high school. I am debating if I want to do photography, drawing, or drama. They are all a lot of fun and I wish I didn’t have to choose only one. All in all, because that’s how I end all my posts. Photography was a very fun class with a lot of freedom to it. I loved hanging out with my friends and taking photos. Writing up my post was also fun, it was nice to reflect on what I did. Below is my favorite photo from a project I did.


It is the end of my semester in photography. I had a good semester and i’m sad to leave photography, but also looking forward to taking tech ED. This class definitely changed my thoughts about photography. I now know to look deeper than what is in the middle of the picture. I now implicate the rule of thirds into my pictures. My favorite project was Catch the Action because we got to play with a football and soccer ball. Photography doesn’t interest me as a career, but more as a hobby. I do not know yet if I will take it in high school next year.


I had a lot of fun this semester of photography class. Our class has done so many different projects and each of them has shown me something new about photography.  A lot of our projects were collaborative projects, like Light Graffiti. I didn’t even know that it was even possible to draw with light using a camera before this class. I have had a lot of fun with all the projects I’ve completed and they drove me to take pictures outside of school. This class completely changed the perspective of photography. It is so much more than taking a picture. I had never really thought about what it takes to be a photographer and to take good photos. It is much harder than I would have originally imagined, but also more entertaining. I think that it is really fun to use these techniques to improve my photos. I now use what I have learned when I’m taking any photo and it has definitely improved the quality of my photos. My favorite project that we have done this semester was the macro. I loved how you could make any person that looks at the photo only look at one thing. I also liked taking close up pictures because they looked as our generation says “aesthetically pleasing”. I think I will most definitely take photography next year in the 9th grade its a fun and creative thing that I like to do. In conclusion, this is the best elective I had ever chosen in the 3 years that I have had to choose an elective. Here is the link to my scavenger hunt photos. Here are my scavnger hunt photos.

Final Post

I loved doing photography this semester because it is a type of art that I have not ever really tried doing until now, and I realized it was really fun! The projects that we did were really fun, and at the same time educational, because we learned about the rule of thirds, up close photography, how to make it black and white, how to change the contrast, and how to get different angles. My thoughts have changed on photography, because before, I thought it was boring to take pictures since I didn’t know different techniques on how to take them, but now it’s almost impossible not to think of one!

My favorite project from this semester was the Light Graffiti project. I loved this project because it was really cool how we turned the lights off and drew in the air with flashlights/colorful lights. My group made really cool angel wings and a halo on someone that was standing in front of the camera. We also wrote out the letter of LPMS in different colors, and in my opinion it came out really well.

When I grow up, I want to be a Wildlife Veterinarian Rehabilitator, but being photographer and taking pictures of animals in the wild doesn’t sound bad at all. I will definitely continue to learn photography and I will definitely take it next year in high school because this semester was really really fun, and I am going to miss having this class so much! Thank you Mr. Fitz!