24 Colors

In this assignment we were supposed to bring in a box of 24 crayons and go around the school and take pictures of each of the crayons with a matching color background. The challenge was to find a perfect background to match with the crayon. The one thing that was easy was finding backgrounds for the easy colors. The picture displayed below is my favorite picture.

Click here to see my photos.

24 Colors

For this assignment, we got a box of 24 crayons and we asked to take 24 pictures for each crayon in the box. The point of the assignment was to look around the school for color in the building to match the color of each crayon. The biggest challenge for me during this project was to make sure I used every crayon in the box, and didn’t repeat. For example, I was worried I would repeat a shade of blue, since there were so many different shades. Differently, I found it pretty easy to match the blue, white, and grey colors, since they are our primary school colors and were located around the building a lot.

Click here to see my photos.

24 Colors

In this assignment we got a box of 24 pictures and got a picture of each crayon. When we took the pictures of the crayons the backgrounds of the pictures had to match the color of the crayon. This project was challenging because it was hard finding matching backgrounds for all 24 color crayons. The easy part of the project is that all you have to do is take pictures of the crayons and you don’t have to edit them.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

In this project, I used my phone camera to take pictures of each crayon in a twenty four color crayon box. I matched each crayon with the background of the same color. I used different angles for each picture. I found it hard to find different matching backgrounds for similar colors like blue green and green blue and regular blue.

Click here to see the rest of the collection.

24 Crayons

Click Here to see my photos

During this assignment we used a box of 24 crayons and found a background that matched the color of the crayon to then take a picture. There were not many challenges while doing this project but the main problem was trying to find colors that matched each other. The easiest part of this project was taking the photos then uploading them to my website. The picture below is one of my favorites that I have taken.

24 Crayons

In this assignment we had to take 24 crayons and find colors that matched with the crayon color and then put the color crayon that matched the color right next to the color. There were a couple challenges one of them where actually finding the colors that matched a certain color crayon. The easiest part was taking the pictures it was easy to take the pictures I took many angles that were really cool.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

Click here to see the rest of my photos  In this project, I had to take photos of 24 crayons. I had to find something in the school that matched the color of each of the crayons. The most challenging part was finding some of the things to take pictures with because our school is painted vanilla so I had to look for things to take pictures with. The easiest part was finding neutral colors like tan and brown because that’s all over our school.

This is one of my photos of the green crayon on a plant.

24 Colors

The 24 Colors assignment was a good start to build up on our camera skills such as using different angles, different lighting, etc. The most challenging part of this project for me was finding matching items to match with the corresponding crayons. Another challenging aspect of this project was making sure nothing was blurry and making sure the lighting was just perfect. I found that the easiest part of this project was placing the crayons in different poses to take a good picture. My favorite picture is the one above because it was by far (in my opinion) the best picture I took in this whole project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!