24 Colors

For the 24 Colors project, our class was supposed to take pictures of a box of 24 crayons. Each crayon had to match the background. I found it difficult to find very similar or the same colors as some of the crayons. Also each day, we were only able to get a certain amount of crayons done, some days I could only get a few done. However, I found taking the photo easy once I found the background for the crayon.

Click here to see my photos.

24 crayons

During this assignment we had to buy a box of 24 crayons then match each crayon to something in our daily surroundings. Some challenges of the project was finding the exact shade of the color to the object. Also, there might’ve been similar crayon colors so it would hard to find which crayon made the best fit. Some thing I found easy was just taking the pictures in general. Overall, I think this project was really fun and I can’t wait to do more! ?

Click here to see my photos.

24 Colors

For my first project I had to take 24 pictures using the 24 crayons provided in my crayon box. I walked around the school including the outside and the inside and tried to find different colors that matched the crayons in my box. During this project, I noticed more color all around me and all of the textures and patterns they may have. One challenge was making sure to find an object or place that matched all of the 24 colors which got really difficult towards the end. Being sure that I could find objects that the crayon can actually rest up against was also difficult. What I found easy was finding colors that matched the crayons that are in the rainbow such as red, orange, yellow, and so on. Click here to see the photos

24 Colors

For this project, we had to go around the school, or our house to take 24 photos, one for each crayon color. The background had to match the crayon color as much as possible when doing this. There were some challenging parts of this assignment such as making sure the lighting was good enough so the crayon matched the background in the photo. A lot of times for me the background matched the crayon in real life, but in the photo it didn’t because of poor lighting. When this happened I had to use my resources to find what could help me make the lighting better and overcome these challenges. The easiest part of this project was finding objects to use for the background. Most of these crayon colors are very average so I found many objects to match the crayon.

Link to my other photos

24 Colors

For this assignment, we had to photograph 24 different crayons and match them to objects. It was hard to match the crayons and to get them positioned properly. However, I found actually taking the photos somewhat easy.

This is my favorite photo.

Click here to see my photos.

24 Crayons Project

In this project we had to take pictures of 24 crayons. We had to find colors around our school that matched the crayons we had. I feel that the most difficult parts of this project was maybe trying to find the perfect shade of the crayon you were using. What I found very simple and easy about this project was that there were a lot of colors that were easy to find around the school and outside. People had clothing that were the colors we needed. My personal favorite was the green color because it was on the turf.

Click here to see my photos

24 Crayons Project

In this project we had to to take pictures of 24 crayons. We had to find backgrounds around the school that matched the color of the crayons. It was hard yo get the right spots for the crayons. The easy part was positioning the crayons. This is my favorite image out of all of them.

Click here to see my photos

24 Colors

click here to see my post

In this assignment, i had to go around the school and take photo’s of crayons that matched a background of the color. the hardest part of the project was to find colors in the school that matched an item. Since the school is a little bland it was difficult. one of the easiest parts of this assignment was finding angles.

24 Colors

One of our library’s Black Eyed Susan book , with the red crayon.

During this project, I went through a lot of trials and tribulations. Some of the challenges I experienced were finding a matching background for my crayons, and getting my camera to focus on really bland areas. Another challenge that I went through was trying to balance the crayons so you can see their labels. On the other hand, I also experienced a lot of easy moments. For example, one easy thing was when we had to actually take the pictures. Therefore, this was a good beginning project, and it was a good way to transition us into the rest of the semester. I learned that taking pictures is not as easy as photographers make it look. The picture I put above is my personal favorite out of all of my other pictures, which you can view by clicking here.