24 Colors

In this assignment I had to collect 24 crayons and take a picture of the crayon with the crayon’s color as a background. Since I had to take the pictures in the school the most difficult part was finding colors to match the crayon.The easiest part of this project was pulling the crayons out the box.

click here to see my photos

One Object, Five Shots

For this project, I had to find one object and find five different angles for each object. For example, one would be on the ground and another would be six feet from the ground. I had to do this for 3 objects so, a total of fifteen photos. A challenge during this project was finding a good background. On one of my photos the background had other materials in the photo and I had to change the background. The object that was the hardest to photograph was the person. You had to find the right angles to make them look better them normal. This project helped me find new angles and heights which all in all, made the ending photo better.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

1 Object, 5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to find a total of 3 objects (one of them being a person) and take 5 different photos of it in 5 different angles. The most challenging aspect of this is project was to take different angles of 1 object. It was challenging because if you didn’t choose a right spot to start with you would soon run out of different angles. The hardest object to photograph was a person. Sometimes the model wouldn’t like some photos so it became a little bit difficult to work with. This project helped me loosen up and take different angles that I wouldn’t have thought of taking before.

Click here to see my photos!

Here is my favorite photo out of them all!

1 object, 5 shots

for this project, I decided to push my creative photography skills by taking 5 completely different angles of a single motionless object. The challenge of course was trying to decide which angles to take and coming up with a new set of angles for each of the objects. The hardest object of the three to photograph was the chair because I struggled to find a suitable 5th angle that would be appealing to the audience. Although it was difficult, the project did help me explore multiple ways to take a picture of something and made me intrigued for using this practice in the future.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

3 Objects, 5 photos each.

For this project I took 2 people and a bench and took 5 photos of each of them for different angels. The real challenge was finding different angels for the bench. The hardest thing to photograph was the bench. This project helped me realize that I need to expand the angels I take photos from.

Click here for all photos.

24 Crayons Project

In the 24 crayons project, I had to go around the school matching crayon colors with objects that have the same colors as the crayons. The hardest part of this project was when I had to find colors that matched the orange crayons. There were very few things that matched orange in the school. The easiest part was probably finding blue in our school. I learned that there is lots of blue in our school and not a lot of orange at all.

Click here to see the rest of my pictures!

24 Colors

For this project I had to go out into the school with a box of crayons and find the crayon colors in the world around me. Then, I needed to take a creative photograph of the crayon along with the object that matches the crayon color. This was not an easy assignment, because you had your normal colors; red, blue, green, yellow. But then you had to find a light purple, or beige, or even a neon green or orange. It was very difficult to match up these more obscure colors to objects in our everyday life. I think that taking the actual picture was the easy part. I found it simple to position the crayon in a creative way and take a creative picture. My favorite picture that I took was a dark green crayon that is laying on the green leaf of a plant inside the school. Click here to find the link to the rest of my photos.

24 colors project

During this project I took 24 pictures of 24 crayons. I made sure that each crayon was taken with the same color background as the crayon itself. I then uploaded the best picture from my collection and added my logo to it in fireworks. What was most challenging was finding the right color background to match the crayon because not everything was available. What I found easy was taking the actual photo and having it turn out as a good quality photo. Here are my photos.

24 colors

The assignment requires to take 24 different pictures. Each pic should contain a crayon and has the corresponding background color. The challenge was to find the corresponding background color on campus. I found one place has three colors that are similar to crayons’ color. 24 colors