5 Shots

For this assignment I had to take picture of three objects from 5 different angles. For one object I chose a computer mouse, it was the hardest to photograph because it looks very similar from most far away angles. It was challenging to get interesting angles and not ones that all look the same. I learned that taking pictures from different angles makes pictures more unique. Look at my other pictures here.

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment, I had to pick 3 objects and 1 person and take 5 photos without moving the object. For each photo had to be taken in a different camera angle. A challenge in this project was making sure that the camera was focusing on the right part of the object and finding the right angle. The hardest object was the shoe because the camera wouldn’t want to focus on the shoe. The project helped me become more creative with my camera angles and helped me see different objects from a different angle. Click here to look at the rest of my photos.


This assignment was to take 24 crayons of different colors and match them to different things of simmilar colors. The most challenging thing was to find matches for things like dark blue or light purple. besides that everything was pretty easy


5 Shots

In this assignment, we took pictures of objects from 5 different angles. A challenge I had was choosing which objects to photograph. The flag was the hardest object to photograph because I couldn’t move it around. This assignment helped me find interesting angles to take pictures from.

To see the rest of my photos click here.

One Object, 5 Shots

For this project I had to find at least 3 objects and I had to take five different angles of each object. One of these objects had to be a person. One of the challenges of this post was finding good angles. Another was keeping the object centered. I had a hard time with the chair just because it would spin all over the place which made it hard to keep centered. I think I will now have an easier time with centering objects because of this project.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

5 Shots

For the 5 Shots project, our class was told to take 15 photos, 5 of each subject. One of the subjects had to be a person, while the other 2 had to be objects. Each photo must be of a different angle of the person or object. That doesn’t mean moving the camera to the left or right some and keeping it the same height. It means moving it up and down as well. This was by far the most challenging part of the project, along with finding objects that you would want to take photos of. I think it was hardest to photograph the fake plant because I took photos one day, but the next day I realized that I did not have enough photos. This meant that I had to continue the photos and drag the heavy plant back to the same spot that it was on the previous day. This project allowed me to broaden my idea of the perspectives and angels that photos can be taken.

If you want to see my photos click here.

My 24 Colors

Click here to see my photos.

This assignment was annoying but fun because you had to use 24 crayons and find an object in the same color as the crayon. At first this assignment was fun but it got boring really quickly. One of the challenges I faced was finding the exact same color as the crayon. Posting and editing the pictures were a little hard. Taking the pictures was easy and some of the colors were easy to find. My favorite picture I took was this photo.

5 shots

For this assignment I had to take 5 photos each in 3 objects. I took photos on a fake plants, a recycle bin and my classmate Sam. One challenge of this project is that I had to take photos in different angles. In my opinion, I think the recycling bin is more difficult for me to take a good photo, because the recycling bin is really basic, not much special, so no matter how I take it, it won’t turn out well. This project helped me a lot. For example it taught me take pictures in different angles, I also improve my skill of taking photos.

Click to see my photos

5 shots

For this project, we had to take five pictures of an object, all at different angles. One challenge for this project was finding five angles. After taking two or three photos, you had to really get creative to find two more new angles. The hardest item to photograph was the fire alarm because it was seven or eight feet high on the wall. This project helped me find more unique angles to take pictures to make them look better. Here is link to all my photos:


Below is my favorite photo: