Action Photos Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take pictures of people in the middle of an action. We also had to make a stacked image. I found it best to take pictures of someone in the air because they are obviously not staged and they look pretty cool. For the stacked images it was much more convenient to take bursts of photos instead of manually taking every pic. I’d like to photograph a plane flying by if I could. Here is one of the pictures…

Here are the rest of the photos.

Macro Photography

In this project we had to take pictures of items really close up – macro photography. In order to get really good detail close up I just put the camera in macro mode and put the lens as close to the object as possible while being focused. The most challenging part of the project was making sure that it was focused. With the small objects and lots of wind it was really hard to see if the camera was actually focused. If I had the equipment, time, and ability to get there I would like to photograph leaves with water droplets on them really close up.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

Close Up Photography

For this task, we had to take pictures of regular objects up close. Using VSCO helped me take pictures closer. It was hard to get close to the object without the camera unfocussing. I found little tiny red bugs called, clover mites and I think they would be cool to photograph. To see my other pictures click here.

Getting Close

This project was to take a photo of an object or person close up. The project was to make the picture look as if it was photoshoped when it really wasn’t. In this project I found it easiest to take pictures of plants as they didn’t move and you could get multiple other objects in the background. The only thing that I found hard was when I was too close to an object and my camera wouldn’t focus. If I had the time, I would take a picture of an ant, which I tried to do, but couldn’t find one big enough.

Click Here For Photos


For this project, we had to take pictures of objects in motion. I used the camera app and I had to take the photo at the right moment, so this project took some time. If you’re using a phone, I recommend you to use burst, its when you spam the camera button. It will take a lot of photos and you can choose from there which one you think is best. I would like to take a closeup of a bird from close. Click here to see more photos.

Close up!

This project was fun all you had to do was take photos of something up close! Something that worked well in this project was finding something to take a picture. But something difficult about this project was focusing on the thing for it can not come out blurry. I would like to take a picture of a big leaf with rain drops on it,if I had the time to do it.Overall this project was fun to take photos up close! Click Here to see the rest of my photos!

Action Shot

For this project, we had to take a photos of a person that’s in action. We had to make sure that the image wasn’t blurry and was something that was in action and not acting like your in action when you aren’t. I took my photos in burst so that I could get the action and it wouldn’t be blurry. If someone else did this project, I would say that they should take photos in burst so they can get the action. I would want to take a photo of soccer, basketball, or cheer because they’re really cool to see in action. Click here to see the rest of my photos.

This is the stacked action photo.

Action Photo

This project had challenges. The challenges were taking the picture you had to take the type of way that is made you have good pictures in motion. Another challenge was editing the picture. We had to combine the pictures too. click


The project was to focus on the small things and not just the large things of the world should be looked at its the small things that count. I had a great time taking these photos they were needed to be taken at different angles compared to normal. The problem with this problem was to take very high quailty photos. And one of the last problems was to get good lighting. If I could I would try to take a photo of the moon if I could since it memorizes me.

Click here for my photos

Up Close

For this project, “Getting close”, I was suppose to take close up pictures of different objects around the school. What I found easy was getting the right angle and lighting for the picture. What I found challenging was finding good objects to take pictures of inside and outside of the school. If I could photograph anything close up, I would photograph something really colorful such as an eye. ?

Click here to see more photos

Processed with VSCO with g6 preset