5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take pictures of three objects and take 5 pictures of them at different angles. One of the challenges I faced during this project was the camera. The pictures taken of the camera were blurry and I had no idea why. The easiest object to take was the calculator because it was something I owned so it was easy to find. Click here to see all my 15 photos.

1 object, 5 shots

In this assignment we had to take pictures of objects, but get 5 different camera angles of the object. I think a challenge for me was thinking of 5 different angles to use for the photo. I think the hardest picture to take a photo of in 5 different angles was somebody wearing a pair of shoes because it harder to get good angles. This project showed me how to take pictures without using the same angle over and over again.

Click here if you want to see more

1 Object, 5 Shots

for this assignment you had to take 5 pictures of 3 objects and in total you have 15 pictures. The one challenge in this assignment was trying to take different angles. The hardest object to take pictures was the Dell computer because it was hard to take it like from the floor. This project help me by looking at all the angles that you can take pictures of and not just normally.

To see all my photos click here

1 shot 5 objects

During this assignment we had to take pictures of 2 objects and 1 person. The challenging part of this project was getting good lighting so you could either see the objects or the person. The hardest picture to take was the person because we had to make sure we were getting a good angle of them. This project helped me learn how to take pictures from lots of different angles. These are my photo’s

1 Object, 5 Shots

For this assignment you had to pick 3 objects take 5 different angle pictures. One of them had to be a person. The challenge during this was figuring out the angles to take the pictures.you could not repeat any angle for an object. The hardest object to take pictures of was my water bottle because I had to have someone hold it up to take a picture under it. This helped learn to take different types of pictures.

Click here for my other photos

5 shots

For this assignment I had to take pictures of two objects and one person. A challenge in this assignment was making the pictures look professional. The object that was the hardest to photograph were the airpods because they were so small. The project helped me realize that the level that your camera is at while taking the photo greatly impacts how the photo looks and turns out. These are my photos.

5 Shots

For this assignment I was told to find 3 objects, one of which had to be a person, and take 5 different angles or shots of each object. the most challenging part of this project was making sure that each shot was different and unique in it’s own way. The air pods was the most difficult object to photograph because it was hard to position them and take pictures of them in a way the have’t been photographed before.This project helped me look at everyday objects in a new way and really embrace my creativity. Here is a link to my photos.

24 colors

For this project we had to to go around the school and take 24 pictures for each crayon color. As we were walking around we had to match a background color with the same crayon color. The challenging part about this project was making sure the background matched well and that the lighting was good. The easiest part of the project was uploading the pictures to drive and then to the computer. These are my photo’s

24 Crayons

In this assignment we had to take photos of 24 crayons with a matching background. Each day we were only allowed a certain amount of time to wander around the school to take photos of them and it was difficult to find the right color to match some of the crayons. I thought it was pretty easy and fun to get some of the camera angels.

Click here to see my photos.