I object, 5 Shots

For this project we had to take 5 pictures of one object, and for every picture we had to take it in a different angle each time. We could’ve taken the picture from far, or up close. And some of the challenges for this project were that for each angle, it had to be at a different height and side, and this may sound easy but when you are actually doing it, It can get pretty difficult to take the pictures so they don’t all look the same. I feel like the hardest object was the plant because the leaves of it were pretty similar and some of the pictures I took looked like duplicates of other pictures. This project was actually very useful because I now know that I can take pictures easier now that I can take them in different angles and they come out a ton better.

Click here to see my photos

Black Background Portraits

In this project, the main idea was to get the black background to look infinite, or invisible to the scene. I had to adjust the contrast and brightness of the photo, along with the lighting. One thing that I could for sure say that worked well was the light the camera absorbed. I would say it picked up the perfect amount of light. The one major thing that I say didn’t work would have been the movement of the people in the photo. If we were to move, we would become a blur, or look like we had morphed. Click here to view a few more black background photos!

Portraits: White Background

For this project, we needed to make it look like there was no background in our pictures. We had to make the camera more sensitive to light so the background looked as bright as possible. When editing, I found it easiest to use the curves feature on Photoshop to make the whites as bright as possible. We needed to make sure the camera was more sensitive to light, otherwise it wouldn’t work. Also, we needed to step a little bit away from the paper, so no shadows appeared, because then you would be able to see the background.

Click here to view the rest of my pictures.

Infinite backgrounds

What we did was take pictures in front of a white background and black background, but get a perfect angle for it not to look like a white/black background. What worked was white tee shirts, white or a lighter shade grey hoodies, or just a perfect angle. what did not work was the shadows, and the light just made that worse. This is my photo.


Portraits with an Infinite Background

In this project we need to shoot people. During the shooting, we need to adjust the composition of the characters and the brightness of the light. Because the background is white, the photo is very easy to be too bright, we need to adjust the brightness and repeat the shooting to get a satisfactory result.

In the black background we were photographing people. It was hard because sometimes the picture was too dark because there wasn’t enough light. To fix this we needed to add a light and adjust the lighting to make the image more visible. This is my Link My Photos

Infinite Backgrounds by Mattia Izzi

For this project we had to take pictures in front of white and black backdrops to simulate a void. For the black backgrounds stood in front of the backdrops and put some light in front of us. It didn’t work when we used too much light but it did when we covered up the light a bit. For the white backgrounds we turned up the light sensitivity on the camera but we didn’t use any lights.

This is a photo of me,

This is a photo I took,

Here is a link to the full folder.

5 Shots

For this assignment “5 Shots”, we had to go out and take pictures of 3 different objects with 5 different positions. I took pictures of my shoe, a book, and Bryan. What I found challenging was that it was hard to come up with ideas on what to take a photo of. The hardest object to photograph was Bryan because he kept on moving and he was talking. This project helped me take better clear photos so I can take good pictures in the future. The photo below is my favorite picture because these Vans are one of my favorite shoes and it stands out.

Click here to view my other photos. ?

Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

5 Shots

In this project we had to find multiple objects the take 5 pictures is all different angles. The challenge in this project was finding the different angles without them looking alike. the hardest object the photograph was a person because they look the same from both sides. This project helped me learn that objects can look totally different from a new angle. Click here to see the rest of my pictures.

5 Shots

click here to find my photos.

In class, my peers and I were asked to find 3 objects and take 5 photos of each object. The twist on this project was we had to take the 5 photos all from different angles. It was a challenge to find different angles for each object. The most difficult object to photograph was a person, It was hard to create different angles. This helped me realize that you can think outside the box and not take every photo at one angle.

5 Shots

For the 5 shots assignment, we were asked to pick 3 objects, one of which had to be a person. We had to take 5 shots of the 3 objects from different angles without moving the object. One of the challenging parts of this project was when I had to take a picture of a person(Harel). He did not do a good job of standing still. The easiest part of the project was finding an object to take pictures of. I learned that angles aren’t the same thing as moving your camera, it is tilting and rotating it to get the right photograph. See the rest of my pictures here.