Rule of Thirds

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In this project we had to take picture using the rule of thirds. In the beginning of this project I thought that the rule of thirds would help the photos. By the end of this project my thoughts changed, I see how the the rule of thirds helps photos. Using the grid helped lineup the photo. The hard part was getting the picture straight and getting good angles. The grid helped line up the photos, for example in the picture below I used the grid to help line up the photos.

click to view my photos

Rule of thirds

In this project we had to take pictures with a rule, called the rule of thirds. Personally, I lined my objects up with the right line. What worked was using objects that are small and putting nothing behind them. What didn’t work was having an object but with lots of stuff behind it. At first I thought it was dumb but once I started to take pictures I realized the point. Here is the link to my rule of thirds photo folder.

Rule of thirds

When I used the rule of thirds to take photos for this project, I saw that it created flow in the picture. It didn’t work well though when there wasn’t anything around the main subject to look at. At the beginning of the project I didn’t think that the rule of thirds would work but now I know that it does. In the photos I would put the subject in the rule of thirds corners. When the photo was of the landscape and I wanted to show the land instead of the sky I would put the horizon or wherever it turned from a land feature to the sky on the top line.

Click Here to see my photos

Rule of Thirds Mattia Izzi

In this project we had to take pictures using the rule of thirds. I mainly lined the objects on my right line and sometimes on my left line. Taking pictures of people with wide backgrounds behind them worked, and taking pictures of people with walls behind them didn’t look so good. I liked doing the rule of thirds and my thoughts didn’t really change from the beginning of this class. These are my two favorite photos:

Here is a link to the full folder.

Rule Of Thirds

What worked was using the grid because then the horizon would not be straight. What did not work was doing close ups of people because there would not be a background and no place to focus on. At first, I was confused on why the rule of thirds was important, but then I eventually got the hang of it and started to understand why it was significant. The grid, or lines used to set up the shot is a 3×3 grid that helps organizes the focus of the picture. For example, if you want the focus of the picture to be the sky, then put 2/3 of the grid filled up with the sky.

Picture without person
Here is a picture of a person

Click here for more pictures!

5 Shots

In this assignment, we had to take 5 shots, each at different angles, and do that twice. Then you had to take 5 shots of a human at different angles. It was challenging finding different angles, and getting them to work good and look good. The hardest object was the table, cause you had to be very far, couldn’t get good angles, and you would get lots of people in the way. It helped me learn how to get photos at really good angles, and how to get photos from one drive to another.

Click here to see photo’s

Rule of Thirds

This project was rule of thirds. Rule of thirds is when you take a photo, the object that first catches your eye is on one of the lines on the grid or one of the points. It is not supposed to be in the center! For me, it was easy to find the line for the object to be on, but hard to make sure everything in the background was straight and lined up. I really like this project and I learned how to make my photos more interesting. At the beginning of the project, I did not like it because it was so hard to make everything in the background straight. But I eventually got it down. In the photo above, I used the bottom horizontal line and in the one below, I used the two vertical lines. To conclude, I really liked this project and in the future I will use this more!

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

Black Background

During this project we used a black back drop and a small lamp to give off some light. There weren’t many challenges during this project but the main was making sure there wasn’t a shadow in the back. I had to change the shutter speed and isos to make the picture clear due to the drastic change in the background. click here to see all of my photos.

Rule of Thirds

For my Rule of Thirds project, I took pictures of people and things at a distance and on a grid in which they were lined up with the lines or at a point. Some things that worked were making sure that the objects were at a distance. The challenging part of this project was making sure that nobody else was in our shot, otherwise it would’ve taken away the most important part of the picture. I enjoyed the project from the beginning. It was really fun to take photos of landscapes and people. The grid lines were used to line up our main object with a point or with one of the lines on the grid. I set up my photos by lining up the object with the lines on the grid or placing it on a point on the grid.

Click here to see the rest of my photos!

Portraits with an Infinite Background

In this project we had to use a white background and we had to shine a spotlight on the background in order to prevent shadows. I think this project was very hard. We had to get the right angle in order to prevent having a shadow. Then when I was editing I liked the black and white pictures which is why I kept them all black and white. For some of the pictures I had to make their faces much less orange. For our pictures we had a much higher ISO and a much shorter shutter speed. Making sure the color wasn’t to blown out was more difficult because having a slower shutter speed would attract much more light to the photo.

Click here to see white background photos

In this project we had to shine all the light on the person in order to see the person since the main lights were off. In the project I found that using lower ISO and a slower shutter speed. I found that getting the light perfectly on the person was the most difficult.

Click here to see black background photos