White Background

For this project, we had to make the background look infinite. We had to make it look like there was no background. I adjusted the camera to make it more light sensitive therefore, the background looked at bright as possible. While I was editing I found it super easy to adjust the brightness. One thing I struggled with was getting the right adjustments on the camera. It was very challenging to get rid of the shadow.

Click here to view the rest of my photos.

Framing Your Subject

This project was pretty easy for me. We had to use a person or an object and take a picture of them, while another object is framing them. For example, you could use a door frame and have a person inside the door frame. The door would be framing the person. The composition of this project differs with the rule of thirds one. For rule of thirds, the object is not the center and you see most of the background. This one, however, is normally the center and there really is no background. This photo is my favorite because I used a tree to frame her and I love trees. I also love it because the shadow falls really nicely on her face. Some challenges that I faced were making sure that the frame was interesting enough and not boring.

Click here to see the rest of my photos.

24 Crayons

In the crayon assignment, I had to get 24 pictures of crayons. It was hard for me to find the perfect match for the color and get it to still be interesting. The easiest part of the project was using the camera/my phone because i was used to using it. My favorite picture I took was the one above because of the interesting way i took using the fence as almost a lens. If you want to see more of my amazingly taken photos, click here to view more.

Framing Your Subject

In this project I needed to find objects or take pictures of people in some sort of frame. In the rule of thirds we had to use a grid to take the photo and the frame was imaginary. But in this project the frame is shown. My favorite photo is a picture of Gianna inside a circle because I think it represents this project really well because it shows the frame. Some challenges I faced was cropping the image to make it a perfect frame.

Here are my photos

Framing Your Subject

For this project we had to use objects in our surroundings to frame the subject in our photos. For example in the picture above, I used the railing of the bleachers to frame and bring attention to the subject of the picture, Matia. This project is like the opposite of the rule of thirds. In this one we used our surroundings to bring attention to one specific part of the picture, while we used rule of thirds to create flow in the picture and let the eyes travel to other places. It was challenging in this project to line up the subject with whatever I was framing them and having the camera focus on the right thing.

Click here to see the rest of my photos

White Background

During this project we had to set the camera to be more sensitive to light. We did this so that we didn’t look like we were standing in front of a background. One thing that hard was making sure the background did not have shadows on it. To prevent this we changed the angle of the light so that there weren’t any shadows.

click here for more epic pics

Framing Your Subject

In this project, it was all about framing your subject and placing your subject in a frame. I took pictures inside and outside with Stephanie as my subject and framed her in various locations around school. This photo is my favorite because I framed her with natural shadow made by the trees around us. In my opinion, I think its really creative to frame your subject with a shadow because shadows can be difficult to take a photo of. This project was different from Rule of Thirds because in Rule of Thirds your eye had to travel back to something. In this project, the main focus was the subject. Some challenges were making sure the subject fit in the frame right, shooting locations, and making sure that it looked creative. Overall, I really enjoyed this project.

Click here to see more photos!

Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds is a graph on a camera that helps you focus on an object which helps you create interesting pictures. What worked was putting the object/person where two lines crossed and what didn’t work was putting the object/person in the middle. I think that the rule of thirds is going to improve the way I take pictures of things.

Click here to see more photos!

5 Shots

In this project, I had to take a picture of something from five different angles. It was hard to find a bunch of different pictures. I think the hardest subject to photograph was my sister because she kept moving and did not want to cooperate. This taught me that you can view many things from different perspectives. My favorite photo is the one down below. You can view the other photos here.